2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I'm assuming there'll be a glut of polls tomorrow. Should be interesting.
Will be pollmageddon.

The few out today on the Dem side look very similar to the SC ones from a couple of weeks back.
'He's the best person to beat Hillary Clinton'
'The number one job for Republicans is to beat Hillary Clinton'

Party over country at its finest. Also, you have to commend Christie for keeping a straight face while spouting all that shite.

Another endorsement?

With Trump it could be anything from an endorsement to having bought a flight to the moon to building a water slide park and naming it "Little Marco Rubio's". The man is genuinely insane.

But I'm excited to find out nonetheless :lol:
With Trump it could be anything from an endorsement to having bought a flight to the moon to building a water slide park and naming it "Little Marco Rubio's". The man is genuinely insane.

But I'm excited to find out nonetheless :lol:

Endorsed by Alabama Sen. Jeff Session.
The GOP will also have poor turnout because of their internal handbags, so its not too much of a big deal if the Dems do.
What's the number compared to 2012? It's disingenuous comparing this cycle to 08 because the feeling across the base is that Clinton is the presumptive nominee.

I think they picked 2008 because there was a lot more enthusiasm. Compared to 2008, 2016 numbers are 26% down for the democrats.

I have been looking at turnout numbers in the primaries between Republicans and Democrats. In NH for example, The Republicans had a much larger turnout.

Watch the turnout numbers in Ohio and Florida. NH, FL and OH will be key states that decide who becomes president. Hopefully the Democrats get larger numbers.
What's the number compared to 2012? It's disingenuous comparing this cycle to 08 because the feeling across the base is that Clinton is the presumptive nominee.
Bang on. Hell of a lot of assumptions without data to back it up in that article. Some journos seem peeved there isn't much of a contest in the primaries at the moment so now want to say doom lies ahead in the GE.

Also - Suffolk poll just about for MA Dems - Hillary leads by 8.
Yeah, the Dems are still in a bit of a slumber because the assumption has been that Clinton will win the nomination. The Sanders surge has been good in that respect, definitely brought some more interest to their race.

There's a lot of work going on behind the scenes on the general election but no one is really interested in it at this moment. Once we get to the general election season and we know who the GOP nominee is we'll get a better picture of where the enthusiasm levels are.
I think they picked 2008 because there was a lot more enthusiasm. Compared to 2008, 2016 numbers are 26% down for the democrats.

I have been looking at turnout numbers in the primaries between Republicans and Democrats. In NH for example, The Republicans had a much larger turnout.

Watch the turnout numbers in Ohio and Florida. NH, FL and OH will be key states that decide who becomes president. Hopefully the Democrats get larger numbers.

I think Florida is lost. Obama won it in 2012 with only a 0.88% margin. You'd have to presume that with Marcobot involved one way or another the GOP will take it. Ohio is a toss up, but it'll be tough seeing that Kasich isn't doing too badly there.

The Dems should still campaign hard there, of course, if only to divert the resources from the GOP, but their surest path to victory at the moment is defend PA, MA and going all out for NV, CO, NH. That should take them over 270.
I think Florida is lost. Obama won it in 2012 with only a 0.88% margin. You'd have to presume that with Marcobot involved one way or another the GOP will take it. Ohio is a toss up, but it'll be tough seeing that Kasich isn't doing too badly there.

The Dems should still campaign hard there, of course, if only to divert the resources from the GOP, but their surest path to victory at the moment is defend PA, MA and going all out for NV, CO, NH. That should take them over 270.

look. I'm not forecasting anything. We will only know after the nominations. How enthusiastic people are to vote is key. Despite all the talk the US has generally poor turnouts in elections. The reason we get the same ol names nominated. The media on both sides also have a role to play in all this. All I am saying is watch the turnouts at the primaries. Hopefully Trump will implode and the Dems will get a walkover. I'm not sure Rubio wil come around for Trump in FL in the general. But then Trump wont need him.


In the last two Generals I went with gut feel and watched certain trusted polls to forecast what the Electrol college would be. Perhaps I was lucky. We will only know for sure after the nominations. Who knows. If Foreign policy again takes center stage, the whole focus will change from the economy. The rise of Nationalism has been a very significant factor. All of us feel it in one way or another. Personally I was very disturbed by what happened in San Bernadino. But that emotion left me shortly after. Many on the right who do not have a more varied cultural exposure retain the feelings longer.
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I think Florida is lost. Obama won it in 2012 with only a 0.88% margin. You'd have to presume that with Marcobot involved one way or another the GOP will take it. Ohio is a toss up, but it'll be tough seeing that Kasich isn't doing too badly there.

The Dems should still campaign hard there, of course, if only to divert the resources from the GOP, but their surest path to victory at the moment is defend PA, MA and going all out for NV, CO, NH. That should take them over 270.
Clinton will have so much money they'll be pushing into Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Missouri etc. Florida's pretty decent demographically for the Dems as well, Obama only lost 50,000 votes there between '08 and '12 (out of over 4.2m).

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Resigns From DNC Post, Endorses Bernie Sanders

The Republican party is deffinetly split. But so is the Democratic party. Only the cracks are not so obvious. Bernie will endorse Hillary. But to get his voters to turn out, Hillary would need to go half way to meet them. Perhaps to push for a public option or say interest free student loans. (Saying it cannot be done with a Republican congress will not bring out voters)

The Progressives will next time round pick a younger and more electable candidate to carry the banner.
She sounds like an odd character. Criticised Obama for being weak on Syria, now criticises interventionism.

Also don't really agree that the Democrats are split. Indeed, with near universal endorsement for Hillary among congress and DNC reps, consistent large wins amongst Democrats in polls and primaries, wins big amongst core Dem demographic groups of minorities and women, it suggests they're actually quite unified behind a candidate.

Be it on the heads of white millennials if they're feeling the Bern so hard they'll let a nativist into the White House.
Unions are being courted by Trump. They are pretty pissed off by trade deals so it's not only White millennials who resent the Clintons and the Dems establishment.
Unions are being courted by Trump. They are pretty pissed off by trade deals so it's not only White millennials who resent the Clintons and the Dems establishment.
Whole unions or union members? Because I think Clinton has a whole bunch of big union endorsements.
Whole unions or union members? Because I think Clinton has a whole bunch of big union endorsements.

Members. Many of them are seething that they weren't allowed to vote on the endorsement, and Trump's brand of nationalism appeal to them.

This is a very volatile cycle. Aside from minorities and women aged 40 and above, I don't think Clinton has a lock on the core demographics. Hence the pessimist outlook regarding the electoral math. Take Florida for example. Mitten gained on McCain and Obama lost 50k votes in 2012. This year, if Clinton loses another 50k and Trump gains the same, it's a different ball game.
Members. Many of them are seething that they weren't allowed to vote on the endorsement, and Trump's brand of nationalism appeal to them.

This is a very volatile cycle. Aside from minorities and women aged 40 and above, I don't think Clinton has a lock on the core demographics. Hence the pessimist outlook regarding the electoral math. Take Florida for example. Mitten gained on McCain and Obama lost 50k votes in 2012. This year, if Clinton loses another 50k and Trump gains the same, it's a different ball game.
From what I'm reading, their internal polls are still showing big leads for both Sanders and Clinton. Trump reportedly does slightly better than your average Repub, but not enough to really cause a threat.

Put another way, I think Trump is several orders more of a danger to GOP votes in swing states than Clinton is to Dem votes. And I really don't see it being a year of fundamental political realignment with Trump as the instigator, particularly given his favourables are in the -30s right now.
From what I'm reading, their internal polls are still showing big leads for both Sanders and Clinton. Trump reportedly does slightly better than your average Repub, but not enough to really cause a threat.

Put another way, I think Trump is several orders more of a danger to GOP votes in swing states than Clinton is to Dem votes. And I really don't see it being a year of fundamental political realignment with Trump as the instigator, particularly given his favourables are in the -30s right now.

National H2H polling does show a ceiling and limitations for Trump. But the (only) swing-state statewise H2H polling was really bad. For both Sanders and Clinton. Florida is a deathtrap for Sanders, Ohio seemed better for him, while Iowa was good.
:lol: Highly recommend those who haven't to try and catch the latest episode of Last Week Tonight. John Oliver absolutely shat on Donald Drumpf.

I'll edit this post with video of the segment when it's uploaded. It's an absolute goldmine.
:lol: Highly recommend those who haven't to try and catch the latest episode of Last Week Tonight. John Oliver absolutely shat on Donald Drumpf.

I'll edit this post with video of the segment when it's uploaded. It's an absolute goldmine.

Please do, would love to see it. The Last Leg, a brilliant UK show has been ripping him for a while but completely destroyed him a couple of weeks ago, but I can't find the clip on YouTube :(


Feck it, it ends abruptly and before he finished. :( Would love to see the final bit.


Absolutely priceless! That was hilarious he tore Drumpf to shreds BUT everything he said was true. I have been saying this here for weeks now, and even got people saying I was wrong when I questioned and mocked his intelligence but that right there shows Dondald J Drumpf to be exactly the deluded feckwit he is. A serial liar, a bully and a complete and utter fantasist who contradicts everything he says and just says what people want to hear and obviously has serious mental issues. There was a fair bit in that segment that I didn't know, but if you watch that back to back with The mad world of Donald Trump that aired in the UK and still believe anything he says or want to vote for him, then please go and take yourself to the doctors because it's clear, you need help.

He is done. The Dems will rip him apart and I think Rubio and Cruz will probably do the same too. I ask everyone to join with John Oliver and only use the name Donald Drumpf when talking about him. However the flipside is even more worrying, if he does somehow win the GOP nomination and then manages to win the election then the world is finished. After seeing that, I actually think he is more dangerous than Cruz and Rubio because he clearly is mentally ill.

It's going to be tremendous to watch his demise.
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Nebraska GOP Senator

Doubt he'll be the only one who takes this position.
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