2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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In another, more low-key news, Maine governor aka Christie's former supporter aka an old white bigot, Paul LePage, endorsed Trump.

States released another 1500 pages of Clinton emails. Another two will be expected to comply with the Monday deadline.
Look at the kids with the chest bump in the background

don't think so. For one he would not have attacked the wrong country.

IF he should win the whole thing, he will get some clever people on his team, I suspect there will be an awful lot of Democrats there btw.
Why do you keep saying this shit - there's no evidence of any of that? Why/ how are so many people on here convinced that Trump isn't that unreasonable?

He'll be a disastrous President that would take the US decades to recover from.
Why do you keep saying this shit - there's no evidence of any of that? Why/ how are so many people on here convinced that Trump isn't that unreasonable?

He'll be a disastrous President that would take the US decades to recover from.

I don't think he'll be President, but if he were, he'd be better than Cruz.
I don't think he'll be President, but if he were, he'd be better than Cruz.
Agreed, and same for Rubio. But I think the move on here to thinking that Trump would be a reasonable President is hugely overblown, he'd still be an utter disaster.
Rubio just did a presser where he said Trump will never be the party's nominee. Clearly, the establishment strategy is to prevent Trump from getting to 1,237 before the convention, then launch an insurrection at a brokered convention.
Rubio just did a presser where he said Trump will never be the party's nominee. Clearly, the establishment strategy is to prevent Trump from getting to 1,237 before the convention, then launch an insurrection at a brokered convention.

Why is that important?
Rubio just did a presser where he said Trump will never be the party's nominee. Clearly, the establishment strategy is to prevent Trump from getting to 1,237 before the convention, then launch an insurrection at a brokered convention.
Rubio just did a presser where he said Trump will never be the party's nominee. Clearly, the establishment strategy is to prevent Trump from getting to 1,237 before the convention, then launch an insurrection at a brokered convention.
That's going to be very tough as there is quite a few winner takes all states and Trump (currently) looks likely to win
Its the amount of delegates needed to nominate a candidate to represent the Republican party in the November general election against the Democrats.

Ahh thanks, how many has trumps got right now? Was thinking him being the nominee was certain given the poor performance of rubio and cruz.

Its going to get very ugly over the next 3 weeks. They are going to pull anything they can out against Trump. Probably too little too late, since he is on course to smash them on Super Tuesday, and the momentum he gains there will probably snowball into the 15th where the states go winner take all. At this point, Trump would actually benefit from one of Cruz or Rubio getting out, as well as Carson and Kasich (which will probably happen after Tuesday or the 15th.

What happens to the delegates of candidates who drop out? Is there any scenario in which we get to the convention and Rubio Delegates + Cruz Delegates > Trump, meaning he can't get the nomination? I've no idea what the 'brokered convention' talk means tbh.
He actually may not win a single state between now and when he exits the race. I don't think there's a single state where he's leading.

He was leading in the last polls in Utah and Minnesota i read on Nate Sliver's timeline.

There's a few where it looks like he could have a chance based on RCP's averages - http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/march1GOP.html

Oklahoma, Minnesota, Arkansas he wasn't far behind recently, and Tennessee, Colorado and Alaska haven't seen much data. I imagine we'll get an orgy of polling on Monday so things might gain a little more clarity, but he's not in a strong position however you look at it.

EDIT - Just remembered that Colorado doesn't actually award any delegates yet so the vote there is actually kind of meaningless other than for spin purposes. Even so, Rubio would probably take even that right now.
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What happens to the delegates of candidates who drop out? Is there any scenario in which we get to the convention and Rubio Delegates + Cruz Delegates > Trump, meaning he can't get the nomination? I've no idea what the 'brokered convention' talk means tbh.

It's complicated - some delegates are bound and some are unbound. The bound are obligated to stick to their original votes, whilst the unbound can changes theirs. Some states are bound and others are unbound. However, if Trump doesn't have the necessary 1,237 by the Convention time, which is between July 18-21, then apparently the bound delegates are all released and a brokered (contested) Convention takes place where the Party uses another delegate vote to elect a nominee.
There's a few where it looks like he could have a chance based on RCP's averages - http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/march1GOP.html

Oklahoma, Minnesota, Arkansas he wasn't far behind recently, and Tennessee, Colorado and Alaska haven't seen much data. I imagine we'll get an orgy of polling on Monday so things might gain a little more clarity, but he's not in a strong position however you look at it.

He needs to win a state or two on March 1st to have a chance really. It might result in Cruz dropping out as well if a deal can be struck and especially if he doesn't win Texas.

Btw, odd that these states haven't been polled for a while except 2/3. Where was Trump leading everywhere by a distance stuff coming from ?
He was leading in the last polls in Utah and Minnesota i read on Nate Sliver's timeline.

Yeah fair enough, didn't see the Minnesota or Utah polls, although since both are proportional states, Trump will likely pick up nearly as many as Rubio there. What Rubio and Cruz need are to win a few winner take all states to prevent Trump from racking up those delegates and reach 1237.
Wow, those chest-bump guys must be really, really cool...
The more I see...the more I think Trump will get screwed over by a brokered convention.

GOP banking on, when push comes to shove, their voters will fall in line.

Either way....can't wait!
could he still aquire enough delegates and be appointed in a brokered convention?

I think the new strategy among the anti-Trump brigade, which obviously includes the Conservative and Establishment factions (ie Cruz and Rubio) is to prevent him from getting 1,237 by the Convention, then re-vote there to put forth another candidate. Rubio and Cruz at this point, pretty much know they won't win on delegates and are desperately trying to subvert Trump's chances at the convention.
He needs to win a state or two on March 1st to have a chance really. It might result in Cruz dropping out as well if a deal can be struck and especially if he doesn't win Texas.

Btw, odd that these states haven't been polled for a while except 2/3. Where was Trump leading everywhere by a distance stuff coming from ?
Well in pretty much every new poll he has big leads, and because it's in diverse groups of states it tends to get extrapolated elsewhere too. Plus pollsters tend to shy away from polling caucus states given their volatility.
I think the new strategy among the anti-Trump brigade, which obviously includes the Conservative and Establishment factions (ie Cruz and Rubio) is to prevent him from getting 1,237 by the Convention, then re-vote there to put forth another candidate. Rubio and Cruz at this point, pretty much know they won't win on delegates and are desperately trying to subvert Trump's chances at the convention.

Grim. Surely that won't play well in the general.
It's complicated - some delegates are bound and some are unbound. The bound are obligated to stick to their original votes, whilst the unbound can changes theirs. Some states are bound and others are unbound. However, if Trump doesn't have the necessary 1,237 by the Convention time, which is between July 18-21, then apparently the bound delegates are all released and a brokered (contested) Convention takes place where the Party uses another delegate vote to elect a nominee.
Fascinating, thanks!

There's going to be some wonderful books written about this campaign.
Surely Trump will run as an independent if GOP pull off something like that?

I wouldn't be surprised if he ran as an independent even if he loses fairly. Seems almost certain if they screw him over. He's seen how popular he's become and I think his ego will result in him going for the presidency irrespective of whether it's with a party or not.
GOP screwing Trump over to nominate a party favourite would surely hand the GE to the Dems?

So, here's hoping...
GOP screwing Trump over to nominate a party favourite would surely hand the GE to the Dems?

So, here's hoping...

Its a win win for the Dems in either case. The GOP is incredibly fractured at the moment, which will work out nicely for Hillary. If its Trump, the rest of the GOP crowd who are anti-Trump won't turn out as highly as needed. If its, Rubio or Cruz, the Trump crowd won't turn out as needed.
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