2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I don't agree. He will only take votes from the GOP.

I didnt say who he will draw votes from just that if Sanders is the nominee, Bloomberg will run as a Independent.

Yes Bloomberg is conservative on economic and foreign policy issues so he will take some Republican votes. But he is considered a Liberal on social issues. I think somebody who supports abortion rights, same-sex marriage, strict gun control measures, environmental issues and citizenship for illegal immigrants, will take more votes off the Democrats than the Republicans.
Why would Bloomberg want to do that...and he wouldn't try to scupper Hillary in that way?

He wouldn't be hurting Hilary if she isn't the nominee. Bloomberg only comes in if she is out of it. That is why I don't see a Sanders Trump match up in November
He wouldn't be hurting Hilary if she isn't the nominee. Bloomberg only comes in if she is out of it. That is why I don't see a Sanders Trump match up in November

Yes but does Bloomberg hate Bernie or just democracy in general?
What are his motives to be a spoiler?
I didnt say who he will draw votes from just that if Sanders is the nominee, Bloomberg will run as a Independent.

Yes Bloomberg is conservative on economic and foreign policy issues so he will take some Republican votes. But he is considered a Liberal on social issues. I think somebody who supports abortion rights, same-sex marriage, strict gun control measures, environmental issues and citizenship for illegal immigrants, will take more votes off the Democrats than the Republicans.

IF Sanders gets the nomination it would because he brought in voters on the basis of his message. Not all Democratic moderate voters will simply switch to another Billionaire. Anyways its all conjecture. Hillary looks a lock.
Rubio must have really got into Trump. It's amazing that in this race, the more Kevin Keegan you go, the higher you go.

Now he's screaming that he's going to say Merry Christmas :lol:
and having said that, I still feel he is a better candidate than George Bush, who won 2 terms.
IF Sanders gets the nomination it would because he brought in voters on the basis of his message. Not all Democratic moderate voters will simply switch to another Billionaire. Anyways its all conjecture. Hillary looks a lock.

That's frustrating, The voters have a chance of real change and to vote for one of the very few candidates with any integrity and yet they choose to piss that all away with votes for Hillary... who couldn't be more fake and pandering if she tried.
and having said that, I still feel he is a better candidate than George Bush, who won 2 terms.

Can you imagine what'd happen if a 9/11 was to happen under Trump ? Nukes or putting all muslims into detention aren't that far fetched even.
and having said that, I still feel he is a better candidate than George Bush, who won 2 terms.

That's frustrating, The voters have a chance of real change and to vote for one of the very few candidates with any integrity and yet they choose to piss that all away with votes for Hillary... who couldn't be more fake and pandering if she tried.

agree completely. The problem is Sanders was not nationally huge and Hillary has the Clinton/DNC machinery behind her.
and having said that, I still feel he is a better candidate than George Bush, who won 2 terms.

That's frustrating, The voters have a chance of real change and to vote for one of the very few candidates with any integrity and yet they choose to piss that all away with votes for Hillary... who couldn't be more fake and pandering if she tried.

Well it's not a given just yet, an extremely high possibility, granted, but not 100% And no matter how fake and pandering Hillary may be, she sure as feck isn't anywhere near as bad as the three stooges on the Republican side.
Can you imagine what'd happen if a 9/11 was to happen under Trump ? Nukes or putting all muslims into detention aren't that far fetched even.

don't think so. For one he would not have attacked the wrong country.

IF he should win the whole thing, he will get some clever people on his team, I suspect there will be an awful lot of Democrats there btw.
IF Sanders gets the nomination it would because he brought in voters on the basis of his message. Not all Democratic moderate voters will simply switch to another Billionaire. Anyways its all conjecture. Hillary looks a lock.

I agree about Hilary being a lock and we are debating (not arguing) an hypothetical situation, which I usually stay clear off.

But the margins are so tight in the electoral college, if the Republicans take Flordia and Ohio, this is a toss up. Surely Bloomberg as an ex Mayor of New York splits the vote and Trump could win NY State in November
Yes but does Bloomberg hate Bernie or just democracy in general?
What are his motives to be a spoiler?

I don't know if Bloomberg hates Sanders, just that he is on the record that if it is Sanders vs Trump he is coming in.

One thing Bloomberg has an ego similar to Trumps and he does have a desire to be President. However, it could be all talk to ensure that Hilary wins the nomination, since is supposed to be her friend.
I don't know if Bloomberg hates Sanders, just that he is on the record that if it is Sanders vs Trump he is coming in.

One thing Bloomberg has an ego similar to Trumps and he dose have a desire to be President. However, it could be all talk to ensure that Hilary wins the nomination, since is supposed to be her friend.

Its quite simple - if Sanders wins the Dem nomination (which of course won't happen), Bloomberg has made the calculation that he could make an effective run at winning.
Its quite simple - if Sanders wins the Dem nomination (which of course won't happen), Bloomberg has made the calculation that he could make an effective run at winning.

Yeah that is a biig part of it, it leaves a big gap in the middle. But I think Bloomberg as a fiscal conservative has a problem with Sanders regarding the increase in govrrnment spending in a Sanders administration.
I don't know if Bloomberg hates Sanders, just that he is on the record that if it is Sanders vs Trump he is coming in.

One thing Bloomberg has an ego similar to Trumps and he does have a desire to be President. However, it could be all talk to ensure that Hilary wins the nomination, since is supposed to be her friend.

I reckon Bloomberg thinks that he has a chance against Trump and Sanders.

Edit: @Raoul already mentioned it.
Its all going to come to a head during a two week period beginning next Tuesday and leading up to March 15th - Rubio won't win a single state, and Trump will likely win all of them spare Texas, at which point Rubio will still not have won a single state during the campaign and Trump will no doubt continue to label him a loser. Trump's massive delegate count will only continue to raise his numbers going into the winner take all primaries on the 15th and he when Rubio will lose Florida (99 winner take all delegates) and Trump will have at that point weathered the Cruz and Rubio onslaught and taken an enormous amount of delegates from them. At that point the Math will not add up for either and the GOP establishment will then go for a brokered convention, which may or may not happen given that Trump may eventually wrap up all the delegates needed to nominate.

Trump should wrap up the nomination on June 7th after California and New Jersey.
Its quite simple - if Sanders wins the Dem nomination (which of course won't happen), Bloomberg has made the calculation that he could make an effective run at winning.
Very difficult to see it. Most likely he would just be a spoiler and give the victory to Republicans.

However, it would have been brilliant if both him and Trump run as independent (lets say somehow Sanders and Rubio win the nominations from their parties). A genuine four horse race.

If Bloomberg was serious to become president, he should have started acting sooner IMO. But he has money to burn, so who knows.
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