2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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This whole Bloomberg noise is total gobbledygook nonsense. It´s like journos wondering out loud creating clickbait stories about some sensational possibility of United´s new signing or next coach. Why? Trump is proving himself to be a very popular personalty and candidate . . . and for all of a sudden a way-too-moderate semi republican to astonishingly enter the race? That´s just whacky.

And can anybody be surprised about fat bastard Christie´s endorsement of il douche Trump? These guys are cut from the same cloth. Two corrupt, blustering angry white men, given to bullying folks around, and both massive egomaniacs. They´re made for each other. You can imagine them sitting together and drinking and taking the piss out of the little wetbacks Rubio and Cruz having to eat shit with this announcement, and it wouldn´t be long for sexist cnut/bitch Hillary remarks and annoying jew jokes about Bernie. Probably a bit of Obama gangsta crap as well. All in private of course, in their haughty new york/joisey accents.

Angry white men the world over get boners seeing these two bullyboys lined up. Maybe not too farfetched seeing them on the same ticket farther on down the line, though I can´t really see it. Certainly more probable than any Bloomberg nonsense
I wish you nothing but the best in your journey...is this the American Exceptionalism the founding fathers spoke of?

Donald fecking Trump?

It sure is exceptional.

you lads don't like Realty tv?

Unfortunately, has never been my thing. If Gordon Ramsay wants to be PM I'm all for it though. He'll turn around No. 10 like a Kitchen Nightmares episode, and I bet school food will be delicious.
Unfortunately, has never been my thing. If Gordon Ramsay wants to be PM I'm all for it though. He'll turn around No. 10 like a Kitchen Nightmares episode, and I bet school food will be delicious.

tbh I never watch. well...not much tv at all. Footie and of course during election season political news. But honestly the coverage these days are so lame.
It sure is exceptional.

Unfortunately, has never been my thing. If Gordon Ramsay wants to be PM I'm all for it though. He'll turn around No. 10 like a Kitchen Nightmares episode, and I bet school food will be delicious.

I prefer my Donald Trumps having arguments with Vince McMahon that Vladimir Putin. Kardashians will be eyeing up the White House at this rate.
Any Judge Dredd fans, by the way?

complete meltdown of the Republican party. has been coming tbh.

I know we are all laughing at all this. But this is very bad for All of us.

I don´t know, there is a great chance this will end up as a chance for another 4 to 8 years of a liberal progressive presidency and Supreme Court, while e watch the Republican party fall into chaos and pathetic squabbling. Fingers crossed. Someday it will dawn on them on how absurd they´ve become.

But Trump is such an unpredictable phenomenon and seems to have massive teflon plating.
Tremendous, many many friends, by the way I get along with everyone, everyone says so, they all say i'm a nice guy, everyone says tremendous many many times, by the way he's a mess, I own many many businesses, tremendous, major tremendous many, everyone in Florida likes me, many friends everywhere, they all say i'm a nice guy, big walls, everyone says so, tremendous, he's a liar and a nasty man, nasty nasty liar,choker, he chokes, once a choker always a choker,by the way many many times, I have many many rich friends, many tremendous rich friends, sports, I love sports, you love sports, we are all athletes :lol: many many billions of dollars, practically number one, practically, many many tremendous times, only one who knows how to build the wall, self funding, by the way, practically, all the companies, Clown, little man, sweating oh man lots of sweat, so much sweat, so much make up he was putting it on with a trowel, little man but I wouldn't say that, mentally disturbed little man, oh man, tremendous sweat, remember that, imagine if I said that? just imagine it, unbelievable, beautiful thing, tremendous support, beautiful, unbelievable support, many many beautiful things, by the way remember that, we have more Christians, think about that, by the way we have more Christians about 250 million of them, men women, but we have more Christians than we have men and women in this country. :wenger: We're gonna have a big big big lotta fun. We're gonna have tremendous borders, great borders, we have political hacks negotiating great trade deals nobody knows about. We're gonna win a lot folks, we are gonna win all the time, we are gonna make America great again.

And that was just the ones I could write down while watching. I missed many many tremendous lines out of his speech.

Funnily enough Rubio was also speaking just prior to Trump and he was mocking Trumps bad spelling on Twitter and also mocking Trumps sweating during the breaks of last nights debate. This shit is all unbelievable.
I don´t know, there is a great chance this will end up as a chance for another 4 to 8 years of a liberal progressive presidency and Supreme Court, while e watch the Republican party fall into chaos and pathetic squabbling. Fingers crossed. Someday it will dawn on them on how absurd they´ve become.

But Trump is such an unpredictable phenomenon and seems to have massive teflon plating.

While I think Hillary is a very damaged candidate, she is a devil we know. Trump is so unpredictable. My gut feel is if he picks some very good advisers and he has more of them on the Democratic side, he could be a reasonable president. But I am nervous about the guy.
While I think Hillary is a very damaged candidate, she is a devil we know. Trump is so unpredictable. My gut feel is if he picks some very good advisers and he has more of them on the Democratic side, he could be a reasonable president. But I am nervous about the guy.

He is so petulant and spiteful and as you said, unpredictable that's what is worrying. If someone answers him back or even worse, makes him look a fool or calls him out on something he gets really nasty about it. You can just see that in his remarks to people like Cruz and Rubio, but more noticeably the way he treated Megyn Kelly. Now I am no Megyn Kelly fan, far from it, she's a Fox News nutter and can be very nasty herself, but in prior elections Trump has been interviewed by her and has given her the usual " I love you, such a tremendous journalist, great at your job, very respected" blowing smoke up her arse nonsense he comes out with, and in one particular interview where he went OTT in his praise towards her, he was actually slagging off a couple of Republican candidates (I forget exactly who) for missing debates and saying they should be ashamed of themselves and saying they owed it to the people to stand up and be present at the debates so they could explain their policies, and they couldn't expect people to respect them or vote for them if they didn't turn up for the debates. Then what happens? She asks a perfectly valid question about things he tweeted and the toys come completely out of the pram. He verbally abuses her and calls her a bimbo, thick reporter, says she is bad at her job etc. Some of his fans were calling her a slut (and far worse) and she even received death threats over it. Not only did he not apologise for his actions, he was almost encouraging his fans to continue and then he goes and refuses to enter the next Fox debate because of what she said She actually gave him the question as a softball too, it wasn't an attack as it could have been.

It's things like that that worry me the most about Trump. How would he react if Putin did similar? Or if another leader refused to back him when he went on a mad rant? He could destroy relations between countries because of his ego and nasty petulant streak. I think if (more likely when) he wins the GOP nomination and they start the actual Presidential debates, then it could all backfire spectacularly on him and he could blow up in a big way, BUT! we have been saying that for weeks now and it hasn't really happened yet, so who knows? However, the worry will always be there that it could happen at any given time. He's a ticking time bomb, and the question is if he can hold it together long enough to become President or not.
Kasich as VP makes a lot of sense. He's not been too negative of Trump and by staying in the race he's pulling some votes away from Rubes/Cruz.
I agree with this. He also seems like the most level headed of a crazy bunch of candidates, the one with the most experience too.
He is so petulant and spiteful and as you said, unpredictable that's what is worrying. If someone answers him back or even worse, makes him look a fool or calls him out on something he gets really nasty about it. You can just see that in his remarks to people like Cruz and Rubio, but more noticeably the way he treated Megyn Kelly. Now I am no Megyn Kelly fan, far from it, she's a Fox News nutter and can be very nasty herself, but in prior elections Trump has been interviewed by her and has given her the usual " I love you, such a tremendous journalist, great at your job, very respected" blowing smoke up her arse nonsense he comes out with, and in one particular interview where he went OTT in his praise towards her, he was actually slagging off a couple of Republican candidates (I forget exactly who) for missing debates and saying they should be ashamed of themselves and saying they owed it to the people to stand up and be present at the debates so they could explain their policies, and they couldn't expect people to respect them or vote for them if they didn't turn up for the debates. Then what happens? She asks a perfectly valid question about things he tweeted and the toys come completely out of the pram. He verbally abuses her and calls her a bimbo, thick reporter, says she is bad at her job etc. Some of his fans were calling her a slut (and far worse) and she even received death threats over it. Not only did he not apologise for his actions, he was almost encouraging his fans to continue and then he goes and refuses to enter the next Fox debate because of what she said She actually gave him the question as a softball too, it wasn't an attack as it could have been.

It's things like that that worry me the most about Trump. How would he react if Putin did similar? Or if another leader refused to back him when he went on a mad rant? He could destroy relations between countries because of his ego and nasty petulant streak. I think if (more likely when) he wins the GOP nomination and they start the actual Presidential debates, then it could all backfire spectacularly on him and he could blow up in a big way, BUT! we have been saying that for weeks now and it hasn't really happened yet, so who knows? However, the worry will always be there that it could happen at any given time. He's a ticking time bomb, and the question is if he can hold it together long enough to become President or not.

What about when the Attorney General, or a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the one rebutting him? Because either he'd have all yes men, and then you'd have the worst cabinet in history, or you'll have people who actually think, and we know how in the real world you're more likely to disagree with his mad ideas than agree. In the 2nd case, complete cabinet feud played out for the whole world to see? Because he's not going to be grown up about it.

EDIT: Is he going to weigh in on Supreme Court issues? Is he going to call Chief Justice Roberts names if things do go his way?
I think Kasich is too independent to stomach being Trump's lackey for the rest of the campaign, much less for the next 4-8 years. Pretty sure he'll pick Christie at this point.
If you start with the "same since 2000" map, which is the last 4 elections, the Dems start with 242 EVs. I don't see any of those states changing. Very reassuring IMO. Dems have many more paths to 270 than the GOP.

It would change if Trump ran - as New York would be in play for the first time in ages, as would a number of other swing states.
It would change if Trump ran - as New York would be in play for the first time in ages, as would a number of other swing states.

You think he has a chance in NY? I know he's from there, but surely they are pretty switched on voters and certainly multicultural with a very diverse demographic? Although I guess his financial policies could have a huge bearing on the outcome.
anyone know where I can watch the full debate from last night? in the mood for some comedy
You think he has a chance in NY? I know he's from there, but surely they are pretty switched on voters and certainly multicultural with a very diverse demographic? Although I guess his financial policies could have a huge bearing on the outcome.
Not a hope, the demographic swings needed are huge.
You think he has a chance in NY? I know he's from there, but surely they are pretty switched on voters and certainly multicultural with a very diverse demographic? Although I guess his financial policies could have a huge bearing on the outcome.

Yes. The thing to remember about Trump is traditional rules don't apply to him. He's a crossover populist who is rewriting what is possible in American politics.
Just noticed in the latest PPP Florida poll, for some reason they asked if people thought Ted Cruz was the Zodiac killer :lol:

10% of people said yes (28% not sure).
Trump sickens me. I genuinely can't believe what's become of this country. Even if Hillary dismembers him, which is likely, Trump will have left an indelible stain on the United States forever.
Trump sickens me. I genuinely can't believe what's become of this country. Even if Hillary dismembers him, which is likely, Trump will have left an indelible stain on the United States forever.

C'mon now, you guys had Joe McCarthy and W. Those are indelible stain. Trump, despite his blusters, hasn't done anything particularly harmful yet. Of course, it's a different ball game if Trump wins.
Trump sickens me. I genuinely can't believe what's become of this country. Even if Hillary dismembers him, which is likely, Trump will have left an indelible stain on the United States forever.
Deep dirt is being dug on him as we speak.

It's going to be tremendous.
Keep an eye on Primary voter turnout on both sides. That will be an indication, though not conclusive proof of how GE turnout will be.

btw this Reporter Kassie Hunt looks a sweet girl.

EDIT: She just said she shares Robert Zimmerman's birthday :) good kid. Rose up in my estimation.
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