2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The man knows all about media manipulation and deflections - that's the end of his not so great debate performance discussion in the current news cycle.
Amazing how Trump has completely swallowed up the news cycle with the Christie endorsement just hours after the debate. Any momentum Rubio or Cruz may have gotten from the debate has been annihilated with what will be the dominant narrative of the day.
Amazing how Trump has completely swallowed up the news cycle with the Christie endorsement just hours after the debate. Any momentum Rubio or Cruz may have gotten from the debate has been annihilated with what will be the dominant narrative of the day.
He will be a formidable opponent in the general because via social media and defying the conventions of what should / can be said he will dominate the agenda and hammer Clinton / Sanders relentlessly
Not sure it will be enough to win but I certainly expect it to be close
Amazing how Trump has completely swallowed up the news cycle with the Christie endorsement just hours after the debate. Any momentum Rubio or Cruz may have gotten from the debate has been annihilated with what will be the dominant narrative of the day.

brilliant strategy. not just the news cycle but Christie will be very effective in unravelling Robotic. He is Trump lite in aggression except he gets to the nitty gritty facts.

one two punches.
Why hasn't Warren endorsed Sanders yet? She just recently praised him in the Senate again. Does she not want to publically criticise Hillary since she wants a spot in the next administration, and she thinks "Billary" will be President?
Why hasn't Warren endorsed Sanders yet? She just recently praised him in the Senate again. Does she not want to publically criticise Hillary since she wants a spot in the next administration, and she thinks "Billary" will be President?

Maybe she thinks she'll get a role in Hillary's administration?
He will be a formidable opponent in the general because via social media and defying the conventions of what should / can be said he will dominate the agenda and hammer Clinton / Sanders relentlessly
Not sure it will be enough to win but I certainly expect it to be close

Who do you feel Trump has a better chance of beating in a national election....Sanders or Clinton?
brilliant strategy. not just the news cycle but Christie will be very effective in unravelling Robotic. He is Trump lite in aggression except he gets to the nitty gritty facts.

one two punches.

Trump really has a handle on PR, well done to him. It will really interesting to see Christie's plan of attack in the coming days.
Who do you feel Trump has a better chance of beating in a national election....Sanders or Clinton?
I'm not sure... The match ups seem to say Clinton but I picture Sanders trying to have a reasoned debate and Trump shouting him down essentially branding him a commie liberal wanna be European... And I just have a feeling Trump would twitter and shout his way to it being a lot closer than the theoretical match ups show
Chrisite is a big endorsement for Trump (no pun intended). Broadens Trump's team with so called moderate and establishment Republicans. Of all the Republican candidates, Christie impressed me the most. That was until he went mental on Rubio. Makes me wonder if Christie's attack on Rubio was engineered by Trump. Have Christie stay in the race long enough to damage Rubio and then pull out and endorse Trump at the most optune time.

Let us see if Kasich pulls out after Super Tuesday and before Ohio and endorses Trump. Staying in long enough to allow Trump to win enough delegates by spliting the anti Trump vote.
Christie and Trump are going after Rubio here together using the whole time for it.

Hmm wonder if it takes away Cruz' Oxygen a bit ?
Who do you feel Trump has a better chance of beating in a national election....Sanders or Clinton?

I still believe if Sanders was to win the nomination or appear to be heading for a win, Bloomberg comes in as an Independent.

So no chance of a straight fight between Trump and Sanders.
Anyone watching Trump go crazy?

Rubio should have never gone after him....ffs

"Backstage putting on make-up with a trowel...no, not to hide his ears, to hide the sweat"

"So scared of Chris, like a little frightened puppy"

"I was almost going to go over and hold him up"

"I looked at the puddle on the ground and said WHAT IS THAT?"

"He's saying help me I need water!"

"This utter choke artist"

"He's going in to see Putin and he's soaking wet and Putin says this is easy pickings"

"Really, really weak on illegal immigration"

"Nikki Haley was good, at least she wasn't sweating"
I'm not sure... The match ups seem to say Clinton but I picture Sanders trying to have a reasoned debate and Trump shouting him down essentially branding him a commie liberal wanna be European... And I just have a feeling Trump would twitter and shout his way to it being a lot closer than the theoretical match ups show

Trump hates Hillary..called her evil. I think he respects Bernie. He just says Bernie does not know how to get things done.
I still believe if Sanders was to win the nomination or appear to be heading for a win, Bloomberg comes in as an Independent.

So no chance of a straight fight between Trump and Sanders.

Why would Bloomberg want to do that...and he wouldn't try to scupper Hillary in that way?
thought Cruz last night simply shot himself. He's done.

Cruz tried a hail mary last night of attacking Trump but he did come off looking second best.

Cruz fired his national spokesman this week....things aren't going the way he hoped at all, but surely even he knows that he has little chance of winning....I can think of few people who are more universally hated.
First time watching Trump talk live...i'm honestly not sure if all these voters are serious about trump or they are in on some kind of huge wum.

First amendment partially gonskis?

Though does anyone even care at this point what substance Trump speaks or not ? It's hilarious.
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