2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Good one
When both Rubio and Cruz attacked Trump for saying we must not let anyone die on the streets...So who will pay for it. These guys say they are Christians? Trump was the true Christian in that exchange?

That's part of what really gets me about the supposed Christian Republicans. They don't really appeal to any Christian values which are remotely healthy: ones which tend to be charity, forgiveness, loving people no matter what etc. What they really appeal to is right-wing, conversative minded Christians: the types that just hate gay marriage, or anything that doesn't conform to their narrow-minded viewpoint.
Every poll I've found this morning says Trump won the debate, quite comfortably.

I truly believe his line about not letting people die in the street won him the debate. That whole exchange exposed Cruz for the rotten, utterly narcissistic son of a nutjob he is.
Trump looked very comfortable after the debate too.

Like..On to the Generals.

While I'm sure Clinton will probably win the Dem primaries fairly comfortably in the end, I do worry if there's a real worry with Trump running away with the Republican one, in that if Hilary/Sanders end up in a bitter struggle to one is finally chosen, Trump may have an advantage in that he's going to be able to start planning/executing his main campaign in advance of the Democrat candidate.
While I'm sure Clinton will probably win the Dem primaries fairly comfortably in the end, I do worry if there's a real worry with Trump running away with the Republican one, in that if Hilary/Sanders end up in a bitter struggle to one is finally chosen, Trump may have an advantage in that he's going to be able to start planning/executing his main campaign in advance of the Democrat candidate.
Between the super delegates and the polls for Super Tuesday, Hillary should be in a very commanding position come Mar 2.
I truly believe his line about not letting people die in the street won him the debate. That whole exchange exposed Cruz for the rotten, utterly narcissistic son of a nutjob he is.

For all his general cuntishness, I do think Trump's the sort who is so patriotic to the extent where he'll want to provide for all Americans...but then that last word is key, because he's also the sort who will happily villify anyone whom he doesn't view as being an exemplary American, whether they be Muslims, Mexicans, or other minorities.
While I'm sure Clinton will probably win the Dem primaries fairly comfortably in the end, I do worry if there's a real worry with Trump running away with the Republican one, in that if Hilary/Sanders end up in a bitter struggle to one is finally chosen, Trump may have an advantage in that he's going to be able to start planning/executing his main campaign in advance of the Democrat candidate.

Sanders will not damage Hillary. He is trying to keep her honest.
Sanders will not damage Hillary. He is trying to keep her honest.

True, seems like Clinton is starting to break away on that one. Is there any chance that he could potentially be her VP at all?
True, seems like Clinton is starting to break away on that one. Is there any chance that he could potentially be her VP at all?
Not a good idea to have a ticket of a 69 year old and someone in his 70s.
For all his general cuntishness, I do think Trump's the sort who is so patriotic to the extent where he'll want to provide for all Americans...but then that last word is key, because he's also the sort who will happily villify anyone whom he doesn't view as being an exemplary American, whether they be Muslims, Mexicans, or other minorities.

He is not a racist. I think he is a better person than the two cnuts on either side of him. Should he win the GE I think he will be a decent president. I really don't mind either him or Hillary. Though I think Trump will get more done.
Not a good idea to have a ticket of a 69 year old and someone in his 70s.

Hilary's nearly 69?! Guess I shouldn't be surprised since Bill hardly looked young from when he was President, but Hilary looks nowhere near 69.

He is not a racist. I think he is a better person than the two cnuts on either side of him. Should he win the GE I think he will be a decent president. I really don't mind either him or Hillary. Though I think Trump will get more done.

Nah, there's definitely a racist element to the guy, in regards to his building a wall thing, and some of his general comments about Muslims.
True, seems like Clinton is starting to break away on that one. Is there any chance that he could potentially be her VP at all?

I don't think it's a wise choice. A cabinet post, maybe.

Hilary's nearly 69?! Guess I shouldn't be surprised since Bill hardly looked young from when he was President, but Hilary looks nowhere near 69.

Botox, make up and hair dye do wonders.
I don't think it's a wise choice. A cabinet post, maybe.

Possibly, yeah. You'd imagine he'd play a decent role of some kind in any prospective Clinton government considering the popularity he's managed to obtain.
Reports surfaced a while back that Castro has started brushing up on his Spanish. With Rubio out of the picture I don't think it'd be necessary but you'd think they have already made deal behind the scene.
I keep forgetting about Castro. Not sure whether he would be needed, but yeah, he would pretty much lock up the Latino vote for the Dems, even more so than they would normally get. If Hillary has high Latino and African American turnout, she will be hard to beat in the Gen.
That's part of what really gets me about the supposed Christian Republicans. They don't really appeal to any Christian values which are remotely healthy: ones which tend to be charity, forgiveness, loving people no matter what etc. What they really appeal to is right-wing, conversative minded Christians: the types that just hate gay marriage, or anything that doesn't conform to their narrow-minded viewpoint.

They´re all old testament types, blood and vengeance and intolerance and all that good stuff, plus that whole scam of the gospel of prosperity where they´re indoctrinated with, god has blessed them with material wealth, so they deserve and should seek more loot, which of course serves these evangelic pastors to fill their coffers from tithing.
He is not a racist. I think he is a better person than the two cnuts on either side of him. Should he win the GE I think he will be a decent president. I really don't mind either him or Hillary. Though I think Trump will get more done.
Once Hillary gets the nomination, she needs to lean on Obama and his team to recreate his work on the ground. In fact the DNC should be working on this now, specially in the battleground states - ensure, voter suppression is minimized (Photo ID).
The GOP establishment would be completely shut out of such a match up - all of them, as well as the entire talk radio crowd. They would go nuts.

not sure. they hate him. They are not going to surrender control though. they will cut a deal and so would he. He will be centrist or at least a center right candidate with his own agenda. He is not an ideologue. Think I heard him say "This will be a new Republican party". Lets remember, he will own the party once he wins it. Its his supporters. I don't know this history between him and the Bush family. They will be no where. So will Cruz and the T party whom he despises. He will slap down Rubio and make him do what he tells him.
I don't believe that Trump would defund Planned Parenthood. He's just saying that for red meat. But would he get rid of the EPA?
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