2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Depleted Military :lol::lol::lol:

Who even won that? I have no idea. Everyone lost. Maybe Kasich did ok.

Rubio did the best for me. Then Kasich (though he'd be ignored) and then Cruz.

Trump crumbled (He's had bad performances before too but this was the worst) and Carson is irrelevant.
Note to our Canadian Caftards. Trump may make you guys pay for the wall between the US and Mexico.
I've seen ISIS videos less dangerous than some of that. Ban hate speech? Bomb North Korea, Syria, Iran, arm Ukraine, ban Muslims remove gay rights, make abortion a criminal offence, build walls, cut off China, Japan is weak and a fruit salad.

I've got a proposition, the rest of the world should chip in and help Mexico and Canada build a wall. @Raoul you and any sane friends can have free choice on where you move to before it's finished.
He is writing tomorrow's news cycle right now. Cruz and Rubio are nowhere to be found and as such, won't have a say in what is talked about tomorrow.

Now Cruz giving a interview.

Don't think they'll let him dominate the cycle now so easily like he did before. And nobody so far has gotten better of him like Rubio did today and to a extent Cruz as well. But especially Rubio.
When you think about it, Trump is right. Mexico will pay for the wall. Any country would want a wall between them and a country ruled by Donald Trump.
Too little too late from the establishment. Best they can hope for is a brokered convention and if Trump feels like he's being screwed over he will run as an independent.
Too little too late from the establishment. Best they can hope for is a brokered convention and if Trump feels like he's being screwed over he will run as an independent.

I don't think he will run in that case tbh. Airs his grievance through Twitter, continue to build up his cult of personality and 4 years later have another go to keep up that consumer base. Why spend his own money and actually get beaten?
Hearing Cruz talk here, it seems he might drop out if he doesn't do well Super Tuesday.

Already said Marco Rubio would make a much better president than Trump as well.
Hearing Cruz talk here, it seems he might drop out if he doesn't do well Super Tuesday.

Already said Marco Rubio would make a much better president than Trump as well.

I doubt he will drop out, since he will win Texas and be ahead of Rubio on delegates.
What if he decides to play the LBJ to Rubio's Kennedy?

They could strike a deal like that but I don't think Cruz would want to be LBJ since winning Texas and Arkansas will give him more delegates. It would look very strange for him to drop out as a courtesy to the #3 guy.
They could strike a deal like that but I don't think Cruz would want to be LBJ since winning Texas and Arkansas will give him more delegates. It would look very strange for him to drop out as a courtesy to the #3 guy.

I don't think at this stage it's about what he wants anymore. If the current trajectory continues they mightn't get to a contested convention at all, and the establishment won't back down to him. Better to have that VP spot than none at all.
Cruz is such a hateful bastard...he thinks Trump saying, 'I won't let people die on the streets' is a gotcha moment.

The terrorists don't need to destroy us, right wing extremists are doing a great job of it already.
Hard to believe it but I think Trump would be better than most anyone else left in that Repub field. The rest are even more scary.
My favourite bit was when Trump unloaded on that pompous hack Hugh Hewitt. Called him irrelevant and Hewitt was all flustered and stuttery for a minute or so. fecking hilarious.

Cruz just comes across like a hated prefect whining about the rules being broken all the time. He'll never be POTUS. Rubiot is just a lightweight little bitch. He smiled to himself everytime he landed a zinger on Trump...not at all presidential. Kasich is obviously the best but he won't last beyond Tuesday.
Rolling Stone article said:
The unwelcome attention seemed to scare Cruz back into scripted-bot mode, where he's a less-than-enthralling presence. Cruz in person is almost physically repellent. Psychology Today even ran an article by a neurology professor named Dr. Richard Cytowic about the peculiarly off-putting qualities of Cruz's face.

He used a German term, backpfeifengesicht, literally "a face in need of a good punch," to describe Cruz. This may be overstating things a little. Cruz certainly has an odd face – it looks like someone sewed pieces of a waterlogged Reagan mask together at gunpoint – but it's his tone more than anything that gets you. He speaks slowly and loudly and in the most histrionic language possible, as if he's certain you're too stupid to grasp that he is for freedom.

"The  ... Constitution ...," he says, "serves ... as  ... chains  ... to  ... bind  ... the  ... mischief  ... of  ... government ... "

YES. Holy shit, that's exactly it.
great read... terrifying thought

Yeah it is a great read. Although the thought of Cruz, Rubio or Trump being POTUS is a terrifying thought. That debate was like a parody sketch. How anyone can agree with anything said, especially about the Foreign Policy stuff is completely beyond me. Aside from Trump making a couple of good points about negotiating between Israel and Palestine, the rest was completely unreal. Its obvious no lessons have been learnt in the past wars and they seem to want to bully everyone or go to war with everyone. I cannot believe any SANE or rational person would believe any of that shit. Although I don't agree with Republicans on their stance towards gay marriage, abortion, free healthcare and on financial matters, I can understand their points and accept their religious beliefs but the fearmongering and delusions of grandeur and warmongering, never. There really is no justification or acceptable argument for any of it. I sincerely hope nobody on here thinks that way. :wenger:
Still a bit concerned that Rubio will see a big bump from that. Was there any after-debate polling to say who "won"?
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