2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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GOP Florida poll (post Bush quitting) just out, Trump leads Rubio by 16%... Kasich scores 7%.


He's also tied with Cruz in Texas as per the most recent poll. Losing their home states should snuff both of them out once and for all.
We can't afford anything -

- Free in state college education - GTFO
- single payer universal healthcare - who's paying for it, you commie bastard
- benefits for those living in poverty - stop with the handouts...we can't afford it.

We found $2trillion to spend on a war that was a complete and utter failure.

Nothing is free. You still have to pay for it.
We can't afford anything -

- Free in state college education - GTFO
- single payer universal healthcare - who's paying for it, you commie bastard
- benefits for those living in poverty - stop with the handouts...we can't afford it.

We found $2trillion to spend on a war that was a complete and utter failure.
Any stats on how much that war made for the US? War is often very good for the economy.
Nothing is free. You still have to pay for it.

Without doubt...but, we think nothing of spending trillions on unjustified wars. I know we're never going to have free in state college education in the US. My issue is, the mere mention of it is laughed at...like this would bring about fiscal doom, yet we spent TRILLIONS without a worry in the world.

*Tbf - I don't think in state tuition fees are that bad (on average they're around 1/3rd what out of state students pay)
Probably not much. The cost certainly far outweighed any positives.
I suspect it would eat away a good chunk of that rather large figure I quoted that's now on another page so I forget...

'Buy on the sound of cannons' is traditionally wise.

Though, I do agree, it would presumably remain a poor decision (purely economically).
lets agree to disagree then.

Part joking but... its complicated. Technology is changing how we live and therefore what we produce. Scalable jobs have returns multiple times non-scalable ones. I don't have a fix for that, I don't think it'll get any closer. People who have the right skills and mindset are thriving, those who don't are relatively worse, but better on the absolute. Education is a must, but its no guarantee. People who went to the same nice high-school as me currently make 0 income, others make 6 digits (maybe even 7). Its about decisions, effort, luck even.

I think healthcare can be done. I think it would be more efficiently done by the states. I think free colleges distorts incentives too much for people who have consistently made wrong decisions with incentives as they are. I think a living wage is a concept of expectations, and a function of productivity.
Without doubt...but, we think nothing of spending trillions on unjustified wars. I know we're never going to have free in state college education in the US. My issue is, the mere mention of it is laughed at...like this would bring about fiscal doom, yet we spent TRILLIONS without a worry in the world.

*Tbf - I don't think in state tuition fees are that bad (on average they're around 1/3rd what out of state students pay)

Well even if you took the wars off the table, there's a massive debt and deficit that could be paid off. I'm for the Feds helping poor kids get free education and am conceptually willing to pay more taxes to do it, but that's presuming the extra taxes are fairly and solely applied to the aforementioned education programs, not anywhere else...which as we know is completely unrealistic since we can't apply our taxes to one thing but not others. I also don't want middle class, upper middle class, or high income people to get anything for free. It costs money and they should pay for it.
He knows he won't even get a hearing. This is Obama trying to show America, just how unreasonable Republicans are being...
Given that most presidents seem to serve two terms there is a good chance whoever wins the next election will get to appoint 3 judges (4 if this nomination gets dragged over to the next president as well)
Perhaps the clever move is to do whatever plays best for the democrats in the election and that may be showing the republicans blocking a moderate republican.

He's also tied with Cruz in Texas as per the most recent poll. Losing their home states should snuff both of them out once and for all.

Cruz will win Texas. This won't be the worst thing for Trump though because it'll keep Cruz in the race longer which will keep the anti Trump vote divided.
Cruz will win Texas. This won't be the worst thing for Trump though because it'll keep Cruz in the race longer which will keep the anti Trump vote divided.

He could certainly hold serve in Texas, but it won't be by much, and it along with Arkansas are really the only two states where he has a chance.
Part joking but... its complicated. Technology is changing how we live and therefore what we produce. Scalable jobs have returns multiple times non-scalable ones. I don't have a fix for that, I don't think it'll get any closer. People who have the right skills and mindset are thriving, those who don't are relatively worse, but better on the absolute. Education is a must, but its no guarantee. People who went to the same nice high-school as me currently make 0 income, others make 6 digits (maybe even 7). Its about decisions, effort, luck even.

I think healthcare can be done. I think it would be more efficiently done by the states. I think free colleges distorts incentives too much for people who have consistently made wrong decisions with incentives as they are. I think a living wage is a concept of expectations, and a function of productivity.

And the technology is likely to get more efficient, and world population is increasing. So global unemployement should skyrocket one the low-hanging fruit is picked off.

You would expect genetics PhD students to be safe from automation. No. Machines can pipette stacks of targets all at once, with an engineer monitoring. <10% of biology PhDs get a tenured faculty position. So I might be jobless after 10-12 years of a STEM education.

In short, what I'm saying is that (at least in the west) a basic income is going to become essential.
And the technology is likely to get more efficient, and world population is increasing. So global unemployement should skyrocket one the low-hanging fruit is picked off.

You would expect genetics PhD students to be safe from automation. No. Machines can pipette stacks of targets all at once, with an engineer monitoring. <10% of biology PhDs get a tenured faculty position. So I might be jobless after 10-12 years of a STEM education.

In short, what I'm saying is that (at least in the west) a basic income is going to become essential.
This is an idea that's going to gain more and more currency over the coming years, without question.
And the technology is likely to get more efficient, and world population is increasing. So global unemployement should skyrocket one the low-hanging fruit is picked off.

You would expect genetics PhD students to be safe from automation. No. Machines can pipette stacks of targets all at once, with an engineer monitoring. <10% of biology PhDs get a tenured faculty position. So I might be jobless after 10-12 years of a STEM education.

In short, what I'm saying is that (at least in the west) a basic income is going to become essential.

Don't think it'll happen to you, because I suppose you PhD means you know what tests to be done and how to interpret results, lead the research basically. Nonetheless, I'm not against a basic income. But less simplify and make it a negative tax return to a certain level, rather than multiple benefits programs. And the question of how good that income will be is, how much can we afford

Also, people already thought this back in the 18th century and it hasn't really materialized. Not an argument against the thought, because we might finally see it actually happen at any point, but just to temper the conviction that we're about to see it.
this is such a misleading thing...quoting unemployment numbers. So many are underemployed. Not earning a living wage. btw people earning a living wage will boost the economy. That is the key.

The economy seems to be doing ok right about now. And bumping the minimum wage from 7.25 to 10 or 12 will just make them more comfortable in poverty at the expense of small businesses. Living on 20-30k a year before taxes is not sustainably livable imo.
The economy seems to be doing ok right about now. And bumping the minimum wage from 7.25 to 10 or 12 will just make them more comfortable in poverty at the expense of small businesses. Living on 20-30k a year before taxes is not sustainably livable imo.

true. the key is so people get affordable education. tbd some of this happening through community colleges for associate degrees and such if I'm not wrong.
Word on the street is Cruz and MarcoBot are sharpening their knives for Trump at tonight's debate. Should be the most epic GOP clownshow yet.
Part joking but... its complicated. Technology is changing how we live and therefore what we produce. Scalable jobs have returns multiple times non-scalable ones. I don't have a fix for that, I don't think it'll get any closer. People who have the right skills and mindset are thriving, those who don't are relatively worse, but better on the absolute. Education is a must, but its no guarantee. People who went to the same nice high-school as me currently make 0 income, others make 6 digits (maybe even 7). Its about decisions, effort, luck even.

I think healthcare can be done. I think it would be more efficiently done by the states. I think free colleges distorts incentives too much for people who have consistently made wrong decisions with incentives as they are. I think a living wage is a concept of expectations, and a function of productivity.

agree 100%. But also our existing unemployment programs with little or no retraining programs is hardly a help. Also older workers are so underutilized. They have so much still to offer. Just think if state governments hiring gave priorities to veterans and current unemployed workers. Staes spend so much on communities and other expenses. Surely they can look at these people. There is so much we can do but there is no will. Just a chase for the vote by politicians. This election is making all of them sit up. Good for Bernie and Trump.
The crowd is going to be very anti-Trump.

The RNC distributes a large share (to donors of course. That's why the room has always seemed stacked for Bush and Rubio.) State and local party gets a share (again, donors are going to get these tickets.) The partner who puts on the debate gets a large share of the tickets (In this case CNN/Telemundo/Salem Radio). The candidates get a split of whats left, which isn't much.
For this debate, there were 25 tickets granted to University of Houston, which were doled out by a raffle.
Although I don't agee with you on some things I do admire your tenacity. These circular arguments that end up right where they started just tire me out :lol:

Don't think you are outside that loop though. This is what happens when we expect Trump to 'move to the center' and 'adjust his message for the general'.

Pretty sure tonight's debate will resolve the Republican race. If Cruz and Rubio do well, they have a chance. If Trump repels them (high chance he will) then he carries the momentum into Super Tuesday.
Although I don't agee with you on some things I do admire your tenacity. These circular arguments that end up right where they started just tire me out :lol:
Sanders is unelectable/incapable of doing anything if elected. Hillary is corrupted by moneys. Repeat ad infintum.
The economy seems to be doing ok right about now. And bumping the minimum wage from 7.25 to 10 or 12 will just make them more comfortable in poverty at the expense of small businesses. Living on 20-30k a year before taxes is not sustainably livable imo.

I'm doing ok ;)
(I know grad school not a comparable situation to people actually planning to live proper lives)

Still, $15/hr takes you to just about 30k. I know from friends in Berkeley/Boston that it's quite possible, and it's ok everywhere else. (Don't know about SF and NY)
Pretty sure tonight's debate will resolve the Republican race. If Cruz and Rubio do well, they have a chance. If Trump repels them (high chance he will) then he carries the momentum into Super Tuesday.
Is this the Fox one?
I'm doing ok ;)
(I know grad school not a comparable situation to people actually planning to live proper lives)

Still, $15/hr takes you to just about 30k. I know from friends in Berkeley/Boston that it's quite possible, and it's ok everywhere else. (Don't know about SF and NY)

Those aren't livable for any length of time though. You need to make at least ~50k in most places to have a decent life, which the minimum wage increases don't address.
Don't think you are outside that loop though. This is what happens when we expect Trump to 'move to the center' and 'adjust his message for the general'.


:lol: I like RD but yes he can be a bit repetitive in this thread. With that being said I agree with a good portion of what he says regarding our political process needing some very significant changes so the people of the US are better represented.
Yeah that sounds about right. Add in a brief break to look at the GOP and laugh until you realize Trump becoming president is turning into a very real possibility.
In fairness, that has been pretty much me for quite a while now...
Those aren't livable for any length of time though. You need to make at least ~50k in most places to have a decent life, which the minimum wage increases don't address.

Completely agree with you here. Live in Seattle myself and it is expensive, would be extremely tough to live on 15/hr. With that said 15 is much better than 9 or whatever it was here. Your point about that being a wage that allows people to live slightly more comfortably in relative poverty is a good one but once again it comes down to idealism vs pragmatism, do you not take the increase because it's not perfect?
I'm doing ok ;)
(I know grad school not a comparable situation to people actually planning to live proper lives)

Still, $15/hr takes you to just about 30k. I know from friends in Berkeley/Boston that it's quite possible, and it's ok everywhere else. (Don't know about SF and NY)
Rent for a 1 bedroom in Boston surely has to be ~$2k/month if not more.
Those aren't livable for any length of time though. You need to make at least ~50k in most places to have a decent life, which the minimum wage increases don't address.

IIRC the median US national wage is ~50k, so 50% of the population are not living "decent" lives.
Do you really think there are enough jobs paying >50k for 80m people to move up into? And that "being comfortable" with <30k is what is keeping them there?

I guess it depends on what you mean by livable and decent life. I'm happy with what I have, can save a bit too. My dream was to be in a big city, but I know there's no possibility I could save anything if I was paying NY rent.

Rent for a 1 bedroom in Boston surely has to be ~$2k/month if not more.

I think Boston 2 bedrooms are ~2.5k+/month, Berkeley was 3.3k for 3 bedrooms. They are getting paid ~32-35k/year before tax.
What I don´t understand is why all these Republican candidates like Mittens and the Donald aren´t chomping at the bit to show their tax returns. For all the conservative bluster about overtaxation et al, showing their tax returns would be the perfect way to show the world this so called burden. Instead, it´s like pulling teeth to get anything out of them. What was it that Mitt, the little that he publicly revealed after taking a mauling for his reluctance, was showing he paid like under 15%?

The beauty of irony. Trump is literally dripping with hypocrisy, I think he sweats it. I recently saw an interview with someone from Forbes magazine explaining about how they work out people's worth when they construct their "Rich List" Apparently Donald Trump is the bane of their existence. He contacts them months before they start compiling the list and inundates them with information about his worth. He phones them all the time and is constantly sending folders of information to them, one of the guys even joked he could be considered as a stalker because he is in contact with them that much. Of course, the figures never truly match anything they find, and of course he gets increasingly more arsey when they don't come up with the same valuation that Trump says or thinks he is worth.

And here is his reaction when after they publish less than he thinks he is worth.

I also don't want middle class, upper middle class, or high income people to get anything for free. It costs money and they should pay for it.

I agree with that but healthcare is the most important and that's what thresholds are for and if a few take advantage of the situation then so be it, you just have to accept some will and you try to minimise how many as much as possible, but it's far, far, far better than the alternative which is people dying because they can't get or can't afford medical treatment or middle earners bankrupting themselves and their families paying for it. And of course pharmaceutical companies getting uber rich off people being sick/dying is probably one of the most disgusting things I can think of in civilised society.
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