2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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He knows feck all about financial markets and is basically parroting material from Elizabeth Warren.

What??? How do you know??? At least give us some concrete example before passing these outrageous judgements. Let see some evidence where he knows "feck all" about financial markets.

This guy has been in the highest echelons of government for nearly 30 years, is privy to so much none of us could even imagine. He has access to some of the most brilliant economists and insiders. Has been through several bubbles bursting and vast economic changes, including the build up to and actual crash of 2008. He is not an idiot. On the contrary. Go back and watch the videos of his bollockings of Alan Greenspan, including pretty much spot on predicting of the collapse and ensuing government bailouts. Where were all these fecking geniuses before the 2008 collapse, and why didn´t they warn us or do something? Credit where credit is due.
What??? How do you know??? At least give us some concrete example before passing these outrageous judgements. Let see some evidence where he knows "feck all" about financial markets.

This guy has been in the highest echelons of government for nearly 30 years, is privy to so much none of us could even imagine. He has access to some of the most brilliant economists and insiders. Has been through several bubbles bursting and vast economic changes, including the build up to and actual crash of 2008. He is not an idiot. On the contrary. Go back and watch the videos of his bollockings of Alan Greenspan, including pretty much spot on predicting of the collapse and ensuing government bailouts. Where were all these fecking geniuses before the 2008 collapse, and why didn´t they warn us or do something? Credit where credit is due.

This is the caf....bastion of the pompous know-it-all!
What??? How do you know??? At least give us some concrete example before passing these outrageous judgements. Let see some evidence where he knows "feck all" about financial markets.

This guy has been in the highest echelons of government for nearly 30 years, is privy to so much none of us could even imagine. He has access to some of the most brilliant economists and insiders. Has been through several bubbles bursting and vast economic changes, including the build up to and actual crash of 2008. He is not an idiot. On the contrary. Go back and watch the videos of his bollockings of Alan Greenspan, including pretty much spot on predicting of the collapse and ensuing government bailouts. Where were all these fecking geniuses before the 2008 collapse, and why didn´t they warn us or do something? Credit where credit is due.

Oh its on
What??? How do you know??? At least give us some concrete example before passing these outrageous judgements. Let see some evidence where he knows "feck all" about financial markets.

This guy has been in the highest echelons of government for nearly 30 years, is privy to so much none of us could even imagine. He has access to some of the most brilliant economists and insiders. Has been through several bubbles bursting and vast economic changes, including the build up to and actual crash of 2008. He is not an idiot. On the contrary. Go back and watch the videos of his bollockings of Alan Greenspan, including pretty much spot on predicting of the collapse and ensuing government bailouts. Where were all these fecking geniuses before the 2008 collapse, and why didn´t they warn us or do something? Credit where credit is due.

I'm not interested in his or Warren's Joe McCarthy style made for TV attacks on bankers. Sanders is notoriously weak on specifics which undercuts his entire argument. He basically needed to invent a bogeyman to fund his massive wealth redistribution scheme for free college for all, Medicare for all etc and has decided to do it by promising to rob Peter to pay Paul. Fortunately it won't work.
Why isn't Hillary called out on making statements such as this:

And then on the affordability side, I do disagree with Senator Sanders, with his plan about, you know, free college, because I want to have debt-free tuition, but I don't believe that my family or Donald Trump's family or a lot of other families that can afford it should have the advantage of free college. I think they should be contributing on behalf of their children.
I'm not interested in his or Warren's Joe McCarthy style made for TV attacks on bankers. Sanders is notoriously weak on specifics which undercuts his entire argument. He basically needed to invent a bogeyman to fund his massive wealth redistribution scheme for free college for all, Medicare for all etc and has decided to do it by promising to rob Peter to pay Paul. Fortunately it won't work.

ffs, you can't seriously believe that?
Latino voters -

Preferred Party - Democrats well ahead and even if the undecided voters split 50/50 - Democrats are the party of choice of 67% of latinos

Party that they feel is best equipped to deal with major issues, security is the only thing the Republicans come close in...

Candidate to Candidate comparison - Trump by far the most hated
Latino voters -

Preferred Party - Democrats well ahead and even if the undecided voters split 50/50 - Democrats are the party of choice of 67% of latinos

Party that they feel is best equipped to deal with major issues, security is the only thing the Republicans come close in...

Candidate to Candidate comparison - Trump by far the most hated
Good stuff! Rubio really is the GOP's only chance. I still think it's pretty much a tossup between him and Trump, too, so not getting too carried away.
He has repeatedly admitted it himself during debates when asked how he would fund his free everything for everyone schemes.

That he would close tax loopholes and make wall street contribute something after socialising the losses that their feeding frenzy produced? It's hardly inventing a bogeyman.

And seriously, why is the richest country in the world unable to provide what all other developed nations do? The "scheme" to try not encourage increased disparity between rich and poor is of great benefit to a society, I really don't get the aversion to behaving as if no man is an island.
I'm not interested in his or Warren's Joe McCarthy style made for TV attacks on bankers. Sanders is notoriously weak on specifics which undercuts his entire argument. He basically needed to invent a bogeyman to fund his massive wealth redistribution scheme for free college for all, Medicare for all etc and has decided to do it by promising to rob Peter to pay Paul. Fortunately it won't work.

Jesus, made for TV McCarthy style TV attacks? He was fecking right. Maybe he should have been taken more seriously. Nobody seemed to be listening. Least of all those poor poor bankers.

He basically needed to invent a bogeyman to fund his massive wealth redistribution scheme for free college for all, Medicare for all etc and has decided to do it by promising to rob Peter to pay Paul. Fortunately it won't work.

As usual, generic right wing speak. Just like your profound insights of he´s a "70s communist." He´s talked often about about where the money will come from for his, ahem, "massive wealth redistribution." He talked about raising taxes on the upper 1% who have done magnificently in the past few years, taxing to proper rates wall street speculation, closing loopholes to ensure a fairer tax on businesses who owe it to the American people instead of their hiding it overseas and phoney foreign country status.

Raising the minimum wage will also save the government from having to subsidize non living wages. Emptying out our jails to normal rates will save millions, as will cutting back on the military and its adventures. And what about cutting back on the billions of the failure of a drug war? And maybe, just maybe, paying a bit more in taxes, yet paying way less for health care (pharmaceuticals) and university might actually be worth it.

But this simpleton knee jerk "communist" and "rob peter to pay paul" right wing propaganda just serves to turn people off. If anything, bailing out your vaunted bankers and the auto industry was "robbing peter to pay paul (after paul had already robbed you). More like the right wing boogieman. I get that Bernie doesn´t match up with your right wing economic ideals, but neither have those same ideals, i.e. the Bush years, served as any great model for the nation as a whole. On the contrary.
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In all honesty, it doesn't speak well of Bernie's financial savvyness when the one guy he namechecked to be in his cabinet (Paul Krugman) pretty much trashed his proposed economic policies, calling it voodoo economics.
In all honesty, it doesn't speak well of Bernie's financial savvyness when the one guy he namechecked to be in his cabinet (Paul Krugman) pretty much trashed his proposed economic policies, calling it voodoo economics.

Yeah, I do think that is valid criticism coming from him, but Krugman is after all a Hillary supporter and if anyone has trashed the 1%ers and billionaires more than Bernie it is Krugman. Bernie does however have his heavyweight supporters such as that UMass prof and I believe Pinketty supports him as well as the nobel laureate Stiglitz and Robert Reich.
That -64% rating for Trump among Hispanic voters is spectacular :D Those voters are 17% of the country's population.
but what % of voters?... my understanding is that it is more like half of that ... so around 8.5% of the actual vote which whilst not insignificant is not insurmountable either
Voting demographics[edit]
A study by the Center for Immigration Studies projected that in November 2012 Hispanics would comprise 17.2 percent of the total U.S. population, 15 percent of adults, 11.2 percent of adult citizens, and 8.9 percent of actual voters. By comparison, the report found that in 2012, non-Hispanic whites are expected to be 73.4 percent of the national vote and non-Hispanic blacks are expected to be 12.2 percent. The report noted that by weight "eight percentage points of the Hispanic vote nationally equals slightly less than one percentage point of the non-Hispanic white vote." The study also found that the 8.9 percent Hispanic share of voters compares to veterans (12 percent of the electorate), those with family incomes above $100,000 (18 percent), seniors 65 and older (19 percent), married persons (60 percent), and those who live in owner-occupied housing (80 percent).[4]
but what % of voters?... my understanding is that it is more like half of that ... so around 8.5% of the actual vote which whilst not insignificant is not insurmountable either
It's insurmountable in the sense that no republican can win with those numbers, which translates to about 82% unfavourable and 18% unfavourable. For comparison, Obama won 71% of the hispanic vote, and that was considered a lot, and they were a key part of why he twice won comfortably. Dubya in 2004 only lost 44% to 53%. Remember it's also not nationally that's important, it's the swing states - Nevada, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico all have higher than average proportions of hispanic voters (and Arizona is beginning to become competitive too, and one day Texas will), whilst North Carolina and Virginia have significant enough numbers that they make a big difference.
It's insurmountable in the sense that no republican can win with those numbers, which translates to about 82% unfavourable and 18% unfavourable. For comparison, Obama won 71% of the hispanic vote, and that was considered a lot, and they were a key part of why he twice won comfortably. Dubya in 2004 only lost 44% to 53%. Remember it's also not nationally that's important, it's the swing states - Nevada, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico all have higher than average proportions of hispanic voters (and Arizona is beginning to become competitive too, and one day Texas will), whilst North Carolina and Virginia have significant enough numbers that they make a big difference.

Great breakdown. Cheers. I wouldn't have been able to add any of that :D
That -64% rating for Trump among Hispanic voters is spectacular :D Those voters are 17% of the country's population.

Yeah. You'd think he's gotta be toast unless he can improve that.

I wonder when he secures the nomination will he reach out to Hispanic voters, drawing a clear line between illegal immigrants and 'honest, hard-working' Hispanic citizens. Where he is now is not necessarily where he'll be in a few months. He's shown a remarkable ability to shrug off his own past misstatements.
the number of new voters that are coming into the political process should not be discounted. using past data to extrapolate is not going to help.

The message/policy platform and enthusiasm will determine who becomes president. In less than a month Trump will be the nominee and he will pivot to the middle. If he gets sound people around him, he could be formidable.

All these pundits and party elites have their favorites. It does not matter. It is simply the economy and decades of the ordinary citizen being taken for granted and left behind.

Many still have not been able to read the sign of the times.
In all honesty, it doesn't speak well of Bernie's financial savvyness when the one guy he namechecked to be in his cabinet (Paul Krugman) pretty much trashed his proposed economic policies, calling it voodoo economics.

Correct, he is incapable of expounding on the issue beyond his worryingly delusional class warfare talking points about Wall Street. What he's actually saying is "Give me power and I'll give you free things".
the number of new voters that are coming into the political process should not be discounted. using past data to extrapolate is not going to help.

The message/policy platform and enthusiasm will determine who becomes president. In less than a month Trump will be the nominee and he will pivot to the middle. If he gets sound people around him, he could be formidable.

All these pundits and party elites have their favorites. It does not matter. It is simply the economy and decades of the ordinary citizen being taken for granted and left behind.

Many still have not been able to read the sign of the times.
You're arguing two conflicting things now. On the one hand you're saying he'll pivot to the centre, reject his past statements and essentially become a moderate republican, on the other you say he's got massive enthusiasm and he'll use this momentum to pick up new voters, despite having rejected the statements that have brought him such enthusiasm. Which is it? Does he retain his nativist programme that has brought him limited but hardcore support among those who like him for "telling it like it is", or does he abandon it? Your whole raison d'etre for supporting him seems to be essentially that he's a plutocrat so doesn't need a Super-Pac, but this argument really isn't going to whip up that much support over the country.
What I don´t understand is why all these Republican candidates like Mittens and the Donald aren´t chomping at the bit to show their tax returns. For all the conservative bluster about overtaxation et al, showing their tax returns would be the perfect way to show the world this so called burden. Instead, it´s like pulling teeth to get anything out of them. What was it that Mitt, the little that he publicly revealed after taking a mauling for his reluctance, was showing he paid like under 15%?
You're arguing two conflicting things now. On the one hand you're saying he'll pivot to the centre, reject his past statements and essentially become a moderate republican, on the other you say he's got massive enthusiasm and he'll use this momentum to pick up new voters, despite having rejected the statements that have brought him such enthusiasm. Which is it? Does he retain his nativist programme that has brought him limited but hardcore support among those who like him for "telling it like it is", or does he abandon it? Your whole raison d'etre for supporting him seems to be essentially that he's a plutocrat so doesn't need a Super-Pac, but this argument really isn't going to whip up that much support over the country.

You don't understand why he is getting the support then.
His statements about Immigration and Muslims are to his supporters 'telling it like it is'. He is getting support because he says he understands their frustration about jobs and situation where establishment candidates who take special interest money are not representing ordinary people. He will fine tune what he meant about the statements on Muslims and Illegals. He is saying the same thing Bernie is except to a different audience in as far as the economy is.
What I don´t understand is why all these Republican candidates like Mittens and the Donald aren´t chomping at the bit to show their tax returns. For all the conservative bluster about overtaxation et al, showing their tax returns would be the perfect way to show the world this so called burden. Instead, it´s like pulling teeth to get anything out of them. What was it that Mitt, the little that he publicly revealed after taking a mauling for his reluctance, was showing he paid like under 15%?

Obviously Trump's taxes are probably ridiculously complicated and can't be digested by the lehman. He probably also has a few skeletons in there, so I'm guessing he will delay until he gets the nomination and then maybe release them.
You don't understand why he is getting the support then.
His statements about Immigration and Muslims are to his supporters 'telling it like it is'. He is getting support because he says he understands their frustration about jobs and situation where establishment candidates who take special interest money are not representing ordinary people. He will fine tune what he meant about the statements on Muslims and Illegals. He is saying the same thing Bernie is except to a different audience in as far as the economy is.
So presumably, Bernie will come out supporting him then? If Bernie is as authentic as you say, of course.

I understand exactly what his platform is - divide and rule.
Obviously Trump's taxes are probably ridiculously complicated and can't be digested by the lehman. He probably also has a few skeletons in there, so I'm guessing he will delay until he gets the nomination and then maybe release them.

What about Mitt? These guys have the perfect world stage to show their terrible burden and refuse. Hmmmm?
What about Mitt? These guys have the perfect world stage to show their terrible burden and refuse. Hmmmm?

Mitt's not running, so I doubt he will release anything. The GOP establishment are clearly using Mitt to undermine Trump to help Rubio mainly. Trump can have a go at Mitt without hurting Cruz or Rubio.
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