2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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IIRC the median US national wage is ~50k, so 50% of the population are not living "decent" lives.
Do you really think there are enough jobs paying >50k for 80m people to move up into? And that "being comfortable" with <30k is what is keeping them there?

I guess it depends on what you mean by livable and decent life. I'm happy with what I have, can save a bit too. My dream was to be in a big city, but I know there's no possibility I could save anything if I was paying NY rent.

I think Boston 2 bedrooms are ~2.5k+/month, Berkeley was 3.3k for 3 bedrooms. They are getting paid ~32-35k/year before tax.
So how is that decent? Basically every penny goes into rent.
Florida Polls -

And the technology is likely to get more efficient, and world population is increasing. So global unemployement should skyrocket one the low-hanging fruit is picked off.

Nah. I don't see that at all.

Why does the economy exist? To fulfill human material and spiritual needs. But human needs are inexhaustible - we always strive for more if it seems within our reach.

At the beginning of the 19th century, 80% of the population were employed on the land. In the countryside, peoples basic needs - food, shelter clothing - seemed to be more or less met, to the point where early industrialists found it difficult to persuade people to work long, regular hours to earn money they didn't need.

So what would happen if machines were introduced which drastically reduced the need for human labour in fields and farmyards? Surely vast numbers of people would be condemned to permanent unemployment.

The machines were indeed introduced but mass unemployment did not follow. All that surplus agricultural labour found its way into the production of other things, often new things which hadn't previously existed, but which people suddenly found were indispensable to their lives.

Automation in the modern world will be no different.
All the Texas ones so far today:

Texas GOP - Tie
Texas Dem - Clinton +29
Texas GOP - Cruz +15
Texas Dem - Clinton +34
Texas GOP - Cruz +12
Texas Dem - Clinton +40

The GOP tie looks like it might be an outlier, Cruz with a healthy lead otherwise. Clinton smashing it.
Sandoval seems very unqualified for SCOTUS - very nakedly tactical pick? Obama needs to be careful his bluff isn't called here.

I flicked through Wiki and no other SCOTUS justice, including Scalia was not at least a court of appeal judge, less Kagan, who was Solicitor General (and Harvard Law dean).
Sandoval seems very unqualified for SCOTUS - very nakedly tactical pick? Obama needs to be careful his bluff isn't called here.

I flicked through Wiki and no other SCOTUS justice, including Scalia was not at least a court of appeal judge, less Kagan, who was Solicitor General (and Harvard Law dean).

I still think it will be Srinivasan. Sandoval's name was deliberately leaked into the news cycle to spur the narrative that the Republicans are so obstructionist that they would even deny Obama potentially nominating Sandoval, who himself is a Republican. Once that narrative has a few weeks to unfold, he will probably come back with Srinivasan imo.

Sandoval seems very unqualified for SCOTUS - very nakedly tactical pick? Obama needs to be careful his bluff isn't called here.

I flicked through Wiki and no other SCOTUS justice, including Scalia was not at least a court of appeal judge, less Kagan, who was Solicitor General (and Harvard Law dean).

Earl Warren, the leader of the most progressive SCOTUS, was the Republican governor of California :lol:
I still think it will be Srinivasan. Sandoval's name was deliberately leaked into the news cycle to spur the narrative that the Republicans are so obstructionist that they would even deny Obama potentially nominating Sandoval, who himself is a Republican. Once that narrative has a few weeks to unfold, he will probably come back with Srinivasan imo.


Ah, thanks.

Obama has form for this kind of thing though doesn't he? Gates and Hagel at secretary of defence, Huntsman to China. I like that about him.

Earl Warren, the leader of the most progressive SCOTUS, was the Republican governor of California :lol:

So he was, thanks for the correction. Is this the norm though, particularly more recently? Thought this was somewhat out of place.
Word on the street is Cruz and MarcoBot are sharpening their knives for Trump at tonight's debate. Should be the most epic GOP clownshow yet.
Highly likely. The winnowing strategy to the Donald's demise took a big hit with the Nevada results; they need to go after Trump rather than each other.
Earl Warren, the leader of the most progressive SCOTUS, was the Republican governor of California :lol:

Yes but Ike was famously quoted as saying it was the biggest mistake of his career to pick Warren. He surprised everybody with his lurch leftwards on the court.
Mitt Romney mixing it up with Trump is a one-sided affair. He's going to get mightily shat on tonight by Donald, I'm sure.
The burning question for me over the last few days is how the feck did that mallet-headed cnut Olberman land a bird like Katy Tur?
:lol: I'm at stage 4, would possibly move to Canada and never move to stage 5
I mean it's scary and doesn't reflect well on us - the world made fun of Dubya and thought he was an idiot, but Trump is on another level...

However, you can't deny he has made the process a lot of fun.

Last time around, we only got as far as this....

Obviously Trump's taxes are probably ridiculously complicated and can't be digested by the lehman. He probably also has a few skeletons in there, so I'm guessing he will delay until he gets the nomination and then maybe release them.

Fuuuuuck the system! Although I want to vote for him just to see it all break I couldn't do it in good conscience knowing a large number of lives could be lost because of that turds actions.

Edit - but maybe it would save lives in the long run as we would realize how much we have to work on and would improve the processes of electing our officials and creating/implementing policies thus avoiding wars and further poverty down the line. Looks like Trump is back on!
Fuuuuuck the system! Although I want to vote for him just to see it all break I couldn't do it in good conscience knowing a large number of lives could be lost because of that turds actions.

Edit - but maybe it would save lives in the long run as we would realize how much we have to work on and would improve the processes of electing our officials and creating/implementing policies thus avoiding wars and further poverty down the line. Looks like Trump is back on!

he is a loose cannon....
CLEMSON, S.C. —Hillary Clinton will win Saturday’s South Carolina Democratic primary by a wide margin, according to the results of the latest Clemson University Palmetto Poll.

The survey of likely voters showed 64 percent said they will vote for Clinton and 14 percent for Bernie Sanders. Twenty-two percent said they are undecided. The margin of error is plus or minus 3 percent.

The telephone poll of 650 likely voters was taken between Saturday and Thursday. The Palmetto Poll respondents were those who said they plan to vote in this election and have voted in two of the last three statewide primaries.

The Palmetto Poll results show she will do better in South Carolina than in any other state.

“After a razor-thin victory by Clinton in the Iowa caucuses, a blowout by Sanders in the New Hampshire primary and a small victory margin by Clinton in the Nevada caucuses, Clinton is perched on the cusp of her own significant primary victory in the Palmetto State,” said Bruce Ransom, a Clemson political science professor and c-director of the poll.

Proper beatdown
I mean it's scary and doesn't reflect well on us - the world made fun of Dubya and thought he was an idiot, but Trump is on another level...

However, you can't deny he has made the process a lot of fun.

Oh, it is hilarious. I had a flight last week and the plane had live TV, so with nothing better to do I thought I'd tune in to the Rep Town Hall on CNN. I tuned in when Kasich was on stage, and I was impressed. He was all about the little changes in existing distortions/failures that I think are more achievable than widespread change, and a rational guy overall. Jeb came on, was partly the same, a bit more hyperbolic and stuff, but fine. I was generally lifted by listening to them (even though none of them is coming close to the WH).

Then it was the Donald's turn. I realized I hadn't heard much of Trump live, mostly read about things he said. But there he went, straight face and said that Mexico would pay for the wall "and that's how its going to be". Then he said he'd get the country winning again, said some stuff about how great it was. All in that stupid hair and that stupid voice. I was sitting in my seat laughing so much my wife asked me to quiet down. But the fun lasted about 5 minutes... then reality hit me, and I was worried.
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Oh they'll pay...$58bil trade deficit...wall will cost $10-12bil...they'll pay. It'll be a beauDIful wall Marcelo, beauDIful. I love it...we're gonna be winning so much. We never win anymore, we're gonna so much....I love you, I love you ALL.
Oh they'll pay...$58bil trade deficit...wall will cost $10-12bil...they'll pay. It'll be a beauDIful wall Marcelo, beauDIful. I love it...we're gonna be winning so much. We never win anymore, we're gonna so much....I love you, I love you ALL.

It'll be like Barcelona in the last 7 years, right?
Oh, it is hilarious. I had a flight last week and the plane had live TV, so with nothing better to do I thought I'd tune in to the Rep Town Hall on CNN. I tuned in when Kasich was on stage, and I was impressed. He was all about the little changes in existing distortions/failures that I think are more achievable than widespread change, and a rational guy overall. Jeb came on, was partly the same, a bit more hyperbolic and stuff, but fine. I was generally lifted by listening to them (even though none of them is coming close to the WH).

Then it was the Donald's turn. I realized I hadn't heard much of Trump live, mostly read about things he said. But there he went, straight face and said that Mexico would pay for the wall "and that's how its going to be". Then he said he'd get the country winning again, said some stuff about how great it was. All in that stupid hair and that stupid voice. I was sitting in my seat laughing so much my wife asked me to quiet down. But the fun lasted about 5 minutes... then reality hit me, and I was worried.

come on. give the guy credit for his hair.
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