2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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come on. give the guy credit for his hair.
Indeed. It's a magnificent monstrosity; comb-over coiffure haute couture.
A bit of googling brought me to this wonderful first-hand impression of its awesomeness:

The white man pathology by Stephen Marche said:
......I stayed to watch Trump work the line. Up close, in person, the hair is much more intricate than it appears on screen. Its construction is tripartite, its significance polyvalent. First and foremost, there is the comb-over, although it can be called a comb-over only in the sense that the mall in Dubai with a ski hill inside it can be called a building. It is hair as state-of-the-art engineering feat, with the diaphanous quality of a cloak out of Norse legend or some miraculous near-weightless metal developed in an advanced German laboratory. It floats over the skull, an act of defiance not only against ageing and loss but against time and space, against reality.

Behind the technical display of the comb-over, as counterpoint, the back is as traditional and old-fashioned as a haircut can be. It’s a classic ducktail. It’s such a classic that I have only seen it in movies set in the 1950s. Not movies from the 1950s I should be clear, but movies from the 1970s about the 1950s. In between the comb-over and the ducktail, between the two follicular spaces representing the modernistic and the atavistic, the fantastical and the nostalgic, there is a third tranche. Even in person you have to look closely to catch sight of it. It bulges, slightly but only slightly. It is the real part of the hair, the human part, the actual hair. It is the hinge of Donald Trump.

As Trump’s campaign for the Republican nomination has unfolded, in all its unlikeliness, he has shaken hands with many thousands of Americans, and posed with many thousands for many thousands of selfies. And among those many thousands, not one has reached up to mess up his hair. Though he regularly brings up the physical appearances of his opponent, none of the other candidates even mention the fact that he looks ridiculous. Trump’s hair is an act of defiant social pre-emption: call me a phony. I dare you. I fecking dare you.
Haven't watched one in a while, tempted for this...
Disappointing as usual from Bernie. Matthews did a good job of pressing him about what he would do if elected in lieu of an obstructionist Republican congress and he couldn't come up with a decent answer. Basically, he thinks his revolution will intimidate the GOP into cooperating with him. That's even more delusional than Trump saying the Mexicans will pay for the wall.
Disappointing as usual from Bernie. Matthews did a good job of pressing him about what he would do if elected in lieu of an obstructionist Republican congress and he couldn't come up with a decent answer. Basically, he thinks his revolution will intimidate the GOP into cooperating with him. That's even more delusional than Trump saying the Mexicans will pay for the wall.
Have to say, the whole "political revolution" thing does a disservice to his entire platform. It's poppycock and he knows it.
First GOP debate I've bothered to watch. Have to say, eagerly anticipating it as there is something strangely compelling about Trump taking over the Republican Party.
Have to say, the whole "political revolution" thing does a disservice to his entire platform. It's poppycock and he knows it.

Political Revolution in practice is always a violent process. The right with their guns and bible have more chance of carrying out an actual revolution than Bernie's college students and disenfranchised leftists.
Political Revolution in practice is always a violent process. The right with their guns and bible have more chance of carrying out an actual revolution than Bernie's college students and disenfranchised leftists.
The revolution will no longer be televised, it will be undertaken via twitter and salon.com thinkpieces.
Trump interrupts everyone at will, and then gets upset when someone else does it to him.

Rubio and Cruz after him from the off.
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