2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I don't see anything in his life that makes me think he cares about fairness.
He literally believes that he is smart because his dad was rich! With that kind of worldview, there is no fairness. And with his talk of "winning", "losers", "great", "destroy", he is very pro-conflict too.

He is going to be the GOP nominee. This is so interesting. Where the party is going.
Then they'll pick him and he/Dems will not just look stupid, they'll suffer too. "Sri" seems to be quite anti-environment based on his past cases as a lawyer as it is, and one of the big upcoming fights before the SC is on the EPA.

No because Obama could withdraw him before the hearings begin. If he just got the repubs to actually prepare to hold hearings then it would expose their mendacity to the country at large.
He certainly has mentioned centrist policies.

To confirm Godwin's law, but not because I want to say he's a new Adolf: the Austrian c*nt was economically a left-leaning centrist. Doesn't mean he was any good at actual economic policy. Or strategy for that matter. Its not about what you want to do, its about what you actually manage to do.
Trump sounds a lot like Arnie when he was running for CA governor. He came in with all these big ideas about shaking things up and besting the 'girlie men' in the legislature. He ended up losing all of his major legislative fights and being pretty ineffective. His biggest successes occurred when he teamed up with dem speaker Fabian Nunez and put together compromise legislation.

Trump can bluster from the WH but it won't do anything.
To confirm Godwin's law, but not because I want to say he's a new Adolf: the Austrian c*nt was economically a left-leaning centrist. Doesn't mean he was any good at actual economic policy. Or strategy for that matter. Its not about what you want to do, its about what you actually manage to do.

will agree ol Adolf should not have broken the nonaggression pact with Russia.....

seriously. You are not a fan of Trump I take. Who would you have preferred?
To confirm Godwin's law, but not because I want to say he's a new Adolf: the Austrian c*nt was economically a left-leaning centrist. Doesn't mean he was any good at actual economic policy. Or strategy for that matter. Its not about what you want to do, its about what you actually manage to do.

The left isn't in love with large corporations.
Trump sounds a lot like Arnie when he was running for CA governor. He came in with all these big ideas about shaking things up and besting the 'girlie men' in the legislature. He ended up losing all of his major legislative fights and being pretty ineffective. His biggest successes occurred when he teamed up with dem speaker Fabian Nunez and put together compromise legislation.

Trump can bluster from the WH but it won't do anything.

Seriously I think he will put forward some centrist policies that will appeal to both sides that the GOP congress will pass because they dare not go against a Republican President.
You also have to imagine that the Clinton machine has a massive amount of attack material they are waiting to unleash on Trump.
To confirm Godwin's law, but not because I want to say he's a new Adolf: the Austrian c*nt was economically a left-leaning centrist. Doesn't mean he was any good at actual economic policy. Or strategy for that matter. Its not about what you want to do, its about what you actually manage to do.

It wasn't called the National Socialist Party for nothing.

Trump is running as a Strongman, I think - the guy who says: 'Trust me, I'll fix this mess!' Somewhat Hitlerite or Mussolini-esque in style, save that Trump doesn't have any real ideology. Who knows where his voracious narcissism would take him in a position of great power though.
The left isn't in love with large corporations.

Oh, but the historical left-wing, not full on communist, statesmen have been. If they realize that they can't "take the means of production" as Marx preached, the next best thing has always been figuring out which large capitalists would be buddy buddy with them. The whole unions x companies way of managing the economy only works if the companies are large, not if the whole thing is fragmented. It also eventually comes from a desire to be an exporter of goods, which means that large national companies get subsidies, tax breaks, etc.

Sanders talks his talk... if he were President for two terms and midway through Boeing comes knocking, saying that the higher taxation means they had to up prices, are losing out to Airbus in major contracts and are now looking to lay off some 1,000 employees due to reduced demand. What does Sanders do?
will agree ol Adolf should not have broken the nonaggression pact with Russia.....

seriously. You are not a fan of Trump I take. Who would you have preferred?

My order of preference for the Presidency runs (ran):

1. Kasich
2. Bush
3. Clinton
4. Christie
5. Rubio
6. Cruz
7. Sanders
8. Trump

If Biden had ran he'd rank in no. 2 for me ahead o Jeb!, which means that realistically he'd be my no. 1. As of now I just hope Clinton has it in her to stay steady through the year. I know Sanders is a well-meaning, honest guy. I want money out of politics too. Its just that socialism, of all the things I've thought long and hard about in my life, is one I'm convinced doesn't actually work. On a philosophical level I find little to like about it, probably because I'm an individualist.
Oh, but the historical left-wing, not full on communist, statesmen have been. If they realize that they can't "take the means of production" as Marx preached, the next best thing has always been figuring out which large capitalists would be buddy buddy with them. The whole unions x companies way of managing the economy only works if the companies are large, not if the whole thing is fragmented. It also eventually comes from a desire to be an exporter of goods, which means that large national companies get subsidies, tax breaks, etc.

Sanders talks his talk... if he were President for two terms and midway through Boeing comes knocking, saying that the higher taxation means they had to up prices, are losing out to Airbus in major contracts and are now looking to lay off some 1,000 employees due to reduced demand. What does Sanders do?

Put in an import barrier ;)
I'm surprised the Clintons haven't been using surrogates to hammer Rubio too. Straight out of the Nixon playbook of divide and conquer.
Off topic but I've been reading about Nixn/Reagan (excellent book by Rick Perlstein) and it led me to this speech at the beginning of the Nixon impeachment proceedings. It's one of the best I've heard on the constitution, and by an amazing congresswoman.

My order of preference for the Presidency runs (ran):

1. Kasich
2. Bush
3. Clinton
4. Christie
5. Rubio
6. Cruz
7. Sanders
8. Trump

If Biden had ran he'd rank in no. 2 for me ahead o Jeb!, which means that realistically he'd be my no. 1. As of now I just hope Clinton has it in her to stay steady through the year. I know Sanders is a well-meaning, honest guy. I want money out of politics too. Its just that socialism, of all the things I've thought long and hard about in my life, is one I'm convinced doesn't actually work. On a philosophical level I find little to like about it, probably because I'm an individualist.

hmmmm. Scandinavians prove it does work. ;) and it can work here in the States. The will is missing though.
First Ohio poll that I've seen. These were what I used to follow regularly 4 years ago, and what made me confident Obama was in.

Trump 33
Kasich 29
Cruz 11
Rubio 10

Sanders 45
Clinton 44

2 scary scary points:
  • A near majority of respondents would like to see a Republican capture the White House in 2016 (49%), with 38% preferring that a Democrat remain in the Oval Office, and an additional 8% undecided.
  • Hypothetical match-ups:
    • Trump v. Clinton: It’s a tie (39% to 37%, respectively) with 20% of likely voters expressing that they wouldn’t vote for either candidate, and an additional 4% undecided.

      The single reassuring data point:
    • Trump v. Sanders: Sanders wins 43% to 38%; and suggests that the populist message is popular among both liberals and conservatives.

Kasich wipes both Hillary and Sanders out in his home state. I can't see him agreeing to join the Trump clownshow though.

Vote Bernie to stop Trump :D
hmmmm. Scandinavians prove it does work. ;) and it can work here in the States. The will is missing though.

They are more afraid of the word than anything else. people hear socialism and think of USSR or some failed state.

Social Capitalism is a better way to describe countries like the Scandinavians, and should be used more by Bernie.
First Ohio poll that I've seen. These were what I used to follow regularly 4 years ago, and what made me confident Obama was in.

Trump 33
Kasich 29
Cruz 11
Rubio 10

Sanders 45
Clinton 44

2 scary scary points:
  • A near majority of respondents would like to see a Republican capture the White House in 2016 (49%), with 38% preferring that a Democrat remain in the Oval Office, and an additional 8% undecided.
  • Hypothetical match-ups:
    • Trump v. Clinton: It’s a tie (39% to 37%, respectively) with 20% of likely voters expressing that they wouldn’t vote for either candidate, and an additional 4% undecided.

      The single reassuring data point:
    • Trump v. Sanders: Sanders wins 43% to 38%; and suggests that the populist message is popular among both liberals and conservatives.
Kasich wipes both Hillary and Sanders out in his home state. I can't see him agreeing to join the Trump clownshow though.

Vote Bernie to stop Trump :D

I too believe Bernie would be a much better candidate because he is authentic and he bring enthusiasm. Hillary is neither. Trump will prove very difficult for her.
They are more afraid of the word than anything else. people hear socialism and think of USSR or some failed state.

Social Capitalism is a better way to describe countries like the Scandinavians, and should be used more by Bernie.

Socialsim is a word that harks back to the cold war days...communism. Heck we now trade with Communist China. Also Social Media Social Security blah blah. the fear is gone out of the word and certainly for young people.
I don't have time to go through the whole thing but a document is titled Scandinavian unexceptionalism. When Scandinavian countries consistently score near the best on poverty, education, mobility, they are, by definition, exceptional.

...and people from that part of the world are near the top of the list for being content with life. the governments must be doing something right. ;)
1. Big GOP debate tomorrow night. Apparently Cruz has had it with being called a liar and is going to have a go at Trump.

2. Trump looks great for winner take all states, which start on March 15th, so if he wins most of the proportional states going forward, he would be within a stones throw of the nomination after March 15th. http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/431772/winner-take-all-states-will-be-very-good-trump

3. Cruz and Rubio continue to cancel eachother out, and its a good thing neither plan on getting out for the other, which again is great news for Trump.
Conservatives think he's a liberal, liberals think he's a Nazi :lol:

To be fair, if not for the fact that his megalomania is a YUGE threat to the world, I'd fancy him in the WH myself. As said in that article, a Trump presidency will effectively be the end of the conservative cause. However, given that Ginsburg is 84 and Scalia is dead, it's best not to chance it.
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