2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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    • Trump v. Clinton: It’s a tie (39% to 37%, respectively) with 20% of likely voters expressing that they wouldn’t vote for either candidate, and an additional 4% undecided.

      The single reassuring data point:
    • Trump v. Sanders: Sanders wins 43% to 38%; and suggests that the populist message is popular among both liberals and conservatives.
Kasich wipes both Hillary and Sanders out in his home state. I can't see him agreeing to join the Trump clownshow though.

Vote Bernie to stop Trump :D

Another one (Quinnipac) saying the same thing

Trump 44 percent to Clinton’s 42 percent;
Cruz 46 percent to Clinton’s 43 percent;
Rubio tops Clinton 47 – 42 percent;
Trump and Sanders tied 44 – 44 percent;
Sanders at 44 percent, with Cruz at 42 percent;
Rubio at 44 percent to Sanders’ 42 percent.

Kasich tops Clinton 54 – 37 percent, including 57 – 27 percent among independent voters in Ohio. The native son governor leads Sanders 54 – 35 percent, including 51 – 33 percent among independent voters.
As long as Rubio and Cruz are still in the race, Conservatives will downplay Trump's conservative credentials. However, I think they change their minds if Trump does win the nomination. They can't risk having Hilary in the White House and packing the Supreme Court with progressives.
:nono: a recently elected president has no place nominating a Supreme Court Justice.
Sadly enough it wouldn't surprise me.

'What did we say before the election? The will of the American people should prevail? Well when you think about it, we are going to impeach the newly elected president, so the American people should have they say on this as well, we must follow public opinion. What? The people support this president? Well I think you are wrong. If you, like I did, go and meet the Joe six packs and soccer moms, you would know that they don't trust the president. Ad infinitum'

Tbh, none of it matters. If the Dem wins this November, chances are they will have the Senate back for 2 years. That should be enough time to fill Scalia vacancy and push through a replacement for Ginsburg.
I just wish they'd stop referring to themselves as a 'movement'. There's nothing about a bunch of elected officials, academics and media commentators that resembles the sort of thing that usually calls itself a 'movement' (usually outsiders).

exactly. What these guys want is meaningless. The people who matter are voting in the primaries. And they are voting for Trump.
You do understand that with taxes Education and Health for example are taken care of? And in fact people will be saving money overall?

But post secondary education usually isn't free, cheaper yes,, and even here in Canada our government run health system isn't completely free. Unless you have a really good company health plan, which are becoming fewer and far between, there are costs involved. Many things are not covered and the costs of prescriptions keep rising.

The high cost of living in the Scandinavian social democracies that you progressives talk about can't leave you with much savings after you take care of basic needs.
A losing proposition. He'd be better off diversifying his issue base so he can speak more intelligently about things like foreign policy, defense, and job creation.

one big true is better than numerous rhetoric. Specially for 30 seconds.

the hillary one for example is just "hillary this, hillary that" but not a single true you can prove. She had Morgan Freeman though.
But post secondary education usually isn't free, cheaper yes,, and even here in Canada our government run health system isn't completely free. Unless you have a really good company health plan, which are becoming fewer and far between, there are costs involved. Many things are not covered and the costs of prescriptions keep rising.

The high cost of living in the Scandinavian social democracies that you progressives talk about can't leave you with much savings after you take care of basic needs.

the point that was made is that if it can work for countries in Scandinavia and people over there are certainly not in bad shap, it can certainly work here. Over decades the money that has been going to the top, going off shore all should attract tax. Look at the huge underinvestment in infra-stuctures. Whenever Sweden or Denamrk are brought up, the explanation is they have a homogeneous population or that they are small countries. Neither makes any sense.

Congress lacks will because by an large they are owned big money. That is why we want money out of politics. And they sell these 'theories' that somehow giving tax cuts teh people at the top will create all these jobs. How many of the jobs created are living wages. This election, candidates who are sayng they want money out of politics are getting enthusiastic support.
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one big true is better than numerous rhetoric. Specially for 30 seconds.

the hillary one for example is just "hillary this, hillary that" but not a single true you can prove. She had Morgan Freeman though.

What big true is there ? Its just a naive ad about something that will not happen - that is Sanders becoming President, the banks being broken up, or Glass-Steagall being reinstated.
A losing proposition. He'd be better off diversifying his issue base so he can speak more intelligently about things like foreign policy, defense, and job creation.

he is connecting the crash (Clinton signing away Glass-Stegall) and Wall Street money. Defense and foreign policy are not priority for voters atm. And jobs? what jobs below minimum wage...still being in poverty? He is speaking to this too.

Both sides people are rightly very concerned about the establishment candidates. They are right to be concerned. This will be what this election is about.
he is connecting the crash (Clinton signing away Glass-Stegall) and Wall Street money. Defense and foreign policy are not priority for voters atm. And jobs? what jobs below minimum wage...still being in poverty? He is speaking to this too.

Both sides people are rightly very concerned about the establishment candidates. They are right to be concerned. This will be what this election is about.

He knows feck all about financial markets and is basically parroting material from Elizabeth Warren.
What big true is there ? Its just a naive ad about something that will not happen - that is Sanders becoming President, the banks being broken up, or Glass-Steagall being reinstated.

That he is funded by the people, meaning he don't have to answer to no one but the north american people when he is in charge.

Every other single candidate have to answer to the money (banks and big corporations).

Its a no brainier.
That he is funded by the people, meaning he don't have to answer to no one but the north american people when he is in charge.

Every other single candidate have to answer to the money. Its a no brainier.

So anyone not exclusively funded by small paypal donations is corrupt ?
He knows feck all about financial markets and is basically parroting material from Elizabeth Warren.

Surely irrelevent. What did Obama know when he came in? The key point he is making is money influencing politicians. He I'm sure knows even if he cannot win, he could make voters force Hillary to renounce such conduct going forward which is what we all want. We want polticians to represent us not a few super rich people. She once again said she will only reveal her transcrpits if the Republicans do. What an opening. Trump will use that.

Surely irrelevent. What did Obama know when he came in? The key point he is making is money influencing politicians. He I'm sure knows even if he cannot win, he coudl make voters force Hillary to renounce such conduct going forward which is what we all want. We want polticians to represent us not a few super rich people. She once again said she will only reveal her transcriots if teh Republicans do. What an opening. Trump will use that.


He needs to stick to getting rid of Citizens United and stop playing the class warfare card by pretending he's some sort of financial markets expert. Demonizing stock traders to justify funding his galactic spending programs will not work.
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