2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Jesus Christ man, you want to trust the nuclear warhead to Trump, a guy who made a career out of drama? He's a bigot, promotes prejudice against Muslims, and frankly has made some embarrassing statements, and riding the coattails of the anger amongst the public. Never mind your 'Hillary is a crony and a stooge' narrative, you've being banging on the drum of 'Trump is a liberal more than Hillary'. If you want to argue, Trump is just as bad as Hillary, declared bankruptcy and brought Atlantic City to it's knees. He's cut and run multiple times when it doesn't suit his agenda. He has played the system as much as anybody.

If you can afford the 'Oh Trump won't be a bad thing, he'll change' excuse, why are you not doing the same for Hillary. Right now you are just a 'if not Sanders, then let's elect the Republican because I don't like Hillary' guy.

And don´t forget the amateurish business failures of Trump Shuttle, Trump Casinos, Trump Mortgages, Trump University, Trump Vodka . . . he could´t even get turn the Trump Board Game into anything.
@Will Absolute Most Americans DON'T agree with Trump when it comes to the Muslim 'thing'

Most republicans do, but that's hardly a surprise.

The Nevada outcome is interesting - unbelievably, Donald Trump could be the next President of the US.

Apart from the Wall thing and the Muslim thing, on which most Americans agree with him anyway, he's really fairly centrist and hasn't advocated any policies which will make him anathema to middle ground voters. The thing about the Nevada result is that his position on immigration doesn't seem to have made him toxic to Hispanics. If he can get a fair whack of that vote, he could win.

Hilary is still favourite of course. But the Democrats might yet wish they had put their money on a less compromised candidate.

@Will Absolute Most Americans DON'T agree with Trump when it comes to the Muslim 'thing'

Most republicans do, but that's hardly a surprise.


Fair enough. I wondered about that when writing the post, but I was too lazy to check the figures. :D

Regardless of polls, I don't think it's a killer issue. Most Americans aren't going to the wall on the right of Muslims to enter the US. It's the kind of thing that outrages liberals, but Trump is not chasing the liberal vote.
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Trump's statements on the border wall and banning non-citizen Muslims are not going to hurt him in the primary as Cruz and Rubio are pretty hawkish themselves.

Anyway, at the rate things are going, Goodbye Rubio Tuesday is coming soon on 15 March. Beware the Ides of Marco.
Trump's statements on the border wall and banning non-citizen Muslims are not going to hurt him in the primary as Cruz and Rubio are pretty hawkish themselves.

Anyway, at the rate things are going, Goodbye Rubio Tuesday is coming soon on 15 March. Beware the Ides of Marco.

What will hurt Trump is GOP establishment apathy, which may affect voter turnout, despite Trump's ridiculous turnout numbers so far.
Trump's statements on the border wall and banning non-citizen Muslims are not going to hurt him in the primary as Cruz and Rubio are pretty hawkish themselves.

Anyway, at the rate things are going, Goodbye Rubio Tuesday is coming soon on 15 March. Beware the Ides of Marco.

:lol: that's pretty good
What will hurt Trump is GOP establishment apathy, which may affect voter turnout, despite Trump's ridiculous turnout numbers so far.

The fact is an increasing number of people are officially independent. While seeing Sanders' numbers among them I realised independent =/= moderate. The independents could be leftists fed up of the Dems...or racists, or people who hate Washington, or Tea Partiers. Trump may not need the base as much as a conventional candidate. And if the candidate is Hillary, that would be enough to energise an anti-vote among the base. If the candidate is Sanders, I don't think it would take much to energise the GOP base to vote against an (actual) atheist socialist.
Regarding the wall, does anybody seriously believe that such a thing will be built? I mean, it's ridiculous and I just don't see it happening. It sounds great on the stump but Trump must know that it would be pointless.
The fact is an increasing number of people are officially independent. While seeing Sanders' numbers among them I realised independent =/= moderate. The independents could be leftists fed up of the Dems...or racists, or people who hate Washington, or Tea Partiers. Trump may not need the base as much as a conventional candidate. And if the candidate is Hillary, that would be enough to energise an anti-vote among the base. If the candidate is Sanders, I don't think it would take much to energise the GOP base to vote against an (actual) atheist socialist.

No he will definitely need the base if he's running as a Republican, because the Dems will be pretty galvanized because of his Mexico/Muslim talk.
Regarding the wall, does anybody seriously believe that such a thing will be built? I mean, it's ridiculous and I just don't see it happening. It sounds great on the stump but Trump must know that it would be pointless.

That's what Mongolia said.
Regarding the wall, does anybody seriously believe that such a thing will be built? I mean, it's ridiculous and I just don't see it happening. It sounds great on the stump but Trump must know that it would be pointless.

No it will never be built, at least not by funding from Mexico. It would cost billions and yet more billions to maintain and guard it.
He really should nominate a repub just to feck with them. Can he pull a nominee at any point? If so he should pick a hard right white male just to make the repubs look fecking stupid.
Yeah but they weren't facing drones, IR scopes, satellite tracking and all the other hi-tech shizzle that the US can bring to bear on this issue.

Surely having all that high tech stuff would make it easier to build a wall?

Test Balloon or could he be serious ?

Would be pretty smart, gives them a chance at getting back the NV governorship too. Rubio in particular mightn't want to be seen as against.
Jesus Christ man, you want to trust the nuclear warhead to Trump, a guy who made a career out of drama? He's a bigot, promotes prejudice against Muslims, and frankly has made some embarrassing statements, and riding the coattails of the anger amongst the public. Never mind your 'Hillary is a crony and a stooge' narrative, you've being banging on the drum of 'Trump is a liberal more than Hillary'. If you want to argue, Trump is just as bad as Hillary, declared bankruptcy and brought Atlantic City to it's knees. He's cut and run multiple times when it doesn't suit his agenda. He has played the system as much as anybody.

If you can afford the 'Oh Trump won't be a bad thing, he'll change' excuse, why are you not doing the same for Hillary. Right now you are just a 'if not Sanders, then let's elect the Republican because I don't like Hillary' guy.

hmmm. you are misreading my intentions ;) Its not Sanders or any other Republican at all. In fact I would vote for Hillary in a flash if it was any other Republican. I'm saying Trump is not as crazy as he sounds. :)
There's a female journo that said after once writing some negative pieces about him, for years afterwards he would send her newspaper clippings of the various successes he had, telling her to look how great he is and that she'd never be as successful as him.

He is a strange man.
Harry Reid endorses Clinton. Obama must surely follow? Or do the presidents wait for a nomination to happen first?
Reid's awesome, he deliberately didn't nominate before the caucuses to make it closer and allow Sanders to go on a Dem recruitment drive of independents, giving them a bigger contact pool for November :lol:

But yeah Obama won't back anyone publicly, and it's fairly clear he's on Clinton's side.
Harry Reid endorses Clinton. Obama must surely follow? Or do the presidents wait for a nomination to happen first?
Presidents rarely endorse a candidate unless the nomination is secured (I think George W. Bush endorsed McCain before this, but McCain had all-but-won). Besides, an endorsement from Obama might not be the best thing for either Clinton or Sanders with the US (and the West, in some ways) in an anti-establishment mood...
He really should nominate a repub just to feck with them. Can he pull a nominee at any point? If so he should pick a hard right white male just to make the repubs look fecking stupid.

Then they'll pick him and he/Dems will not just look stupid, they'll suffer too. "Sri" seems to be quite anti-environment based on his past cases as a lawyer as it is, and one of the big upcoming fights before the SC is on the EPA.
I honestly do think he will be centrist and try to govern fairly...even if he is an arrogant bastard :)

I don't see anything in his life that makes me think he cares about fairness.
He literally believes that he is smart because his dad was rich! With that kind of worldview, there is no fairness. And with his talk of "winning", "losers", "great", "destroy", he is very pro-conflict too.
Obama should pick a competent person. Let the GOP do what they want. The Dems will get the Senate if they obstruct. Think the Dems will get it anyway.

I was looking at the seats up for grabs and the best I think the Dems can hope for is 50-50.
Wow. This piece by John McCain's former chief of staff on Trump is absolutely brutal, and one of the many reasons why Trump won't win a general election (the GOP will not fight for him) - http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2016/02/24/donald_trump_the_anti-patriot_129762.html

Killer passage:
Trump is not trying to make great America great. He’s trying to make us the worst we can be to satisfy his own vainglory. There’s no dealing with him, no trying to encourage him to behave like a grown-up, much less a statesman. If you can see him plainly and you love our country, you must vote against him. Even if that means electing Hillary Clinton.
Regarding the wall, does anybody seriously believe that such a thing will be built? I mean, it's ridiculous and I just don't see it happening. It sounds great on the stump but Trump must know that it would be pointless.

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