2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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"We won the evangelicals," he said. "We won with young. With won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated."

:lol: Come on. This is just too much.
I honestly did not know this.

Planned Parenthood endorsed someone who is willing to roll back Roe v Wade :eek:

Yup, which is why the SCOTUS appointments are so important. America could be taken back to the dark ages with the wrong choices. It fecking irks me greatly that things like this are still so important to many of the American electorate and that candidates use it to run on. Religion has no fecking place in politics at all, and it also irks me greatly that it's always men who argue and shout the loudest about abortion. It should be nothing to do with them whatsoever. I hope their daughters never get raped and then forced to bring a child in to the world. :mad::mad::mad:

Edit** So important was the wrong wording, it's obviously important, what I meant was that it was still even being argued against in this day and age. A politician in the UK or Europe would never be able to run on issues like that, certainly not with such biased and antiquated thoughts/ideals about them. The complete dichotomy of the USA and its political system. So progressive in many ways, for example, legalising cannabis in some states, and yet so feckin backward in others like the opinion of abortion, all the talk about the foetus and never ever any consideration for the victim, and the attitude about gay marriage by many, especially the religious right.
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Time to step up our Mars colonization plans

If he gets elected, I predict that he will authorise the use of nuclear weapons before the end of his term.

This guy is a dangerous man, I mean, he can't be an idiot, he wouldn't have been able to build his empire if he was stupid, but it beggars belief that so many Americans are prepared to back his rhetoric.
Trump is going to win it.. isnt he?

This might be fun for people watching from the outside.
Trump is going to win it.. isnt he?

This might be fun for people watching from the outside.

I know i'm from the outside looking in, but i really can't see why the DNC seems to be so heavily backing Hillary... Hell i don't see why the American people are not flocking in the masses to get Sanders into office.
At this moment I really regret that Joe Biden decided not run. I really believe he would have thrived in this climate. I'm pretty much resigned to the very real possibility of a Trump presidency now. Hilary could very easily be dragged through the mud by the FBI and Trump is not afraid to insult Bill's misogyny and hit her where it hurts.
Unbelievable really. America is electing the closest thing to modern Adolf Hitler possible. :lol:
I know i'm from the outside looking in, but i really can't see why the DNC seems to be so heavily backing Hillary... Hell i don't see why the American people are not flocking in the masses to get Sanders into office.

Why would they ? He is a very narrow candidate who is fixated on a narrow set of issues.
At this moment I really regret that Joe Biden decided not run. I really believe he would have thrived in this climate. I'm pretty much resigned to the very real possibility of a Trump presidency now. Hilary could very easily be dragged through the mud by the FBI and Trump is not afraid to insult Bill's misogyny and hit her where it hurts.
Unbelievable really. America is electing the closest thing to modern Adolf Hitler possible. :lol:

They're not really. He's putting on a great show to fool people into voting for him. His policies are actually quite liberal in many areas.
If he gets elected, I predict that he will authorise the use of nuclear weapons before the end of his term.

This guy is a dangerous man, I mean, he can't be an idiot, he wouldn't have been able to build his empire if he was stupid, but it beggars belief that so many Americans are prepared to back his rhetoric.

You need to watch the mad world of Donald Trump. I agree he has some business acumen, but he is far from intelligent. If he had invested the money in trust funds that his father left him he would be far richer than he is now. He almost went bankrupt several times and each time he never lost any of his own money, or very little, however his investors lost millions each time. It's easy to make lots of money when you have billions to start with. The majority of stuff he comes out with is pure invention as well. He's a fecking moron and is only in it for himself. If anyone actually believes he is in it to help anyone other than himself and his rich mates then they are more deluded than he is. He doesn't give a flying feck about the poor or needy and only wants the Presidency to line his own pockets and to massage his already supersized ego. He wants the adulation and cock sucking, and power, nothing more.

He may want to make America great again, but what he considers great and what everyone else does are two completely different things. He wants world domination and America to rule through fear and power, not through decency, or anything else. People are just getting sucked in by his bullshite because he is saying what many think and are afraid to say, or he is praying on peoples fears.

America can be great and has a very important role in the world, but it must be achived with humanity, reason and respect, not how he wants to do it.
They're not really. He's putting on a great show to fool people into voting for him. His policies are actually quite liberal in many areas.

I admit I was using Trump's own playbook and using a bit of hyperbole, but don't you think your point is quite a dangerous one? It's a lot of trust to give a person to think that he's putting on a great show and that once the general comes he's going to start heading to the center. Especially because this is a man who seems to be galvanizing support from first time voters and that the more extreme he gets the better numbers he has.

I honestly also believe if you keep spouting bullshit long enough eventually you will believe it. Even if he does get(or indeed is) more liberal, he has already notched up the rhetoric so far that he has created a demand for the image that his statements have created. Four or eight years of this, and what is the new normal going to be? I strongly believe how the President presents himself is as important, if not more so, than the policies.

I also do believe that there is at least some truth to the Hitler comparisons, but I don't want to derail the thread too far!
He may want to make America great again, but what he considers great and what everyone else does are two completely different things. He wants world domination and America to rule through fear and power, not through decency, or anything else. People are just getting sucked in by his bullshite because he is saying what many think and are afraid to say, or he is praying on peoples fears.

America can be great and has a very important role in the world, but it must be achived with humanity, reason and respect, not how he wants to do it.

I want to believe this to be true, but if Trump rises to the presidency, then maybe Americans do want to rule the world with fear and power. After all, the majority who will vote for him buy into what he sells.

We are shitting ourselves a bit early though, the Dems have the means to win the presidency irrespective of the GOP nominee. However, they must not be complacent. Demagoguery let loose is a very dangerous thing.
If he gets elected, I predict that he will authorise the use of nuclear weapons before the end of his term.

This guy is a dangerous man, I mean, he can't be an idiot, he wouldn't have been able to build his empire if he was stupid, but it beggars belief that so many Americans are prepared to back his rhetoric.
He will be the cause of WW3
I admit I was using Trump's own playbook and using a bit of hyperbole, but don't you think your point is quite a dangerous one? It's a lot of trust to give a person to think that he's putting on a great show and that once the general comes he's going to start heading to the center. Especially because this is a man who seems to be galvanizing support from first time voters and that the more extreme he gets the better numbers he has.

I honestly also believe if you keep spouting bullshit long enough eventually you will believe it. Even if he does get(or indeed is) more liberal, he has already notched up the rhetoric so far that he has created a demand for the image that his statements have created. Four or eight years of this, and what is the new normal going to be? I strongly believe how the President presents himself is as important, if not more so, than the policies.

I also do believe that there is at least some truth to the Hitler comparisons, but I don't want to derail the thread too far!
Economically a bit lefty, willing to use rhetoric to whip up tension against minority sections of society, main idea of restoring national prestige, stupid hair...

I actually couldn't care less if he's just saying racist stuff to get votes, if anything that makes it a bit worse. It's unforgivable to encourage voters to be against minorities - if the last hundred years have taught us anything, it's that.
then maybe Americans do want to rule the world with fear and power.

That's the trouble, many of them actually do. They are raised with completely backward priorities and beliefs and are completely full of unfounded self importance. The Patriotism shown by many is fecking moronic and dangerous beyond belief. Yet there are many Americans who are completely the opposite and understand this and want to make a REAL difference.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with loving your country and nothing wrong with small amounts of arrogance and of course you need to be determined and self assured to become President in the first place, but many take it way too far. America is a beautiful and diverse country and has an incredibly important place in the world and it could achieve so much and help so much, but it has to be carried out in the right way. It simply cannot bully everyone else in to doing what or they want, nor can it force everyone to be how they want it to be. This is why you have half the trouble in the Middle East and with the rest of the world.

Don't get me wrong, Britain was equally as bad if not worse with it's empire bullshit. For as much as it achieved it destroyed as much if not more, and the ramifications are still being felt in many places to this very day. Lots of other countries are the same, and until it all stops on a global scale, humanity will never truly progress and the doomsday clock will continue to tick closer and closer towards midnight. Trump is extremely dangerous because he wants to be seen as some kind of god like figure, but Cruz and Rubio are just as dangerous because of their ideologies and beliefs, the same as Kim Jon Un is or Mugabe was and Hitler and Stalin too. Rubio would destroy Palestine and give Israel immense power and that could start WWIII as easily as Trumps arrogance and bullying ways. Until the world gets leaders who want to accept difference, and work with each other then nothing much will really change and there will always be that fear.

America does have a slight excuse with it being a relatively young society in global terms and one that has progressed and achieved so much in such a short time, but the attitude among many is extremely dangerous and scary. The "i'm all right Jack, feck everyone else" attitude that is openly present is really not good and as much as it effects many in the States itself with the lack of universal healthcare (for example) it also effects many around the world too. Humility, acceptance, compassion and empathy are all needed to be a great leader and all imperative for the world to work together, but they are words many people like Trump see as weaknesses, and although they are thrown about by religious loons like Cruz and Rubio, they are never really carried out because their ideologies (like with Israel, climate change, foreign policy) always get in the way.

Admittedly it's doubtful we will ever have a global utopia where everyone gets along and agrees on everything but we should constantly strive to achieve it as best we can, and the POTUS is such an important role on a global scale, it really is quite frightening how flippantly the appointment is treated by many. Obama may have his failings and has been far from perfect, but at least he has tried (or appeared to) lead the way or set an example in the way he has approached things like Climate Change, foreign relations/policy, and the handling of warzones in the middle east.

One thing for sure Is Trump, Cruz and Rubio all talking about torture (water boarding and worse) climate change and foreign policy will certainly not take the world closer to safety or solving it's problems. It may make America great again in the eyes of those who think being great is being the best and most powerful, but it certainly wont in the eyes of those who want to make a difference and make it a safer place for everyone to live.

Edit! Sorry I may be going madder than I thought. :wenger:
“What good does it do to have a good nuclear triad if you’re afraid to use it?” campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson asked on Fox’s The O’Reilly Factor.


I think you are right.

That h̶o̶b̶g̶o̶b̶l̶i̶n̶ lady is Exhibit A that Trump is not actually a Keyser Soze supergenius putting on an act for the benefit of the terminally imbecilic. We get told over and over again that he's a secret moderate liberal who in any case knows his limitations and will, if elected, anyway assemble a well-qualified team in office to polish him up on the (many) things he doesn't know. Well, why then does he seem to surround himself with nothing but know-nothings, lickspittles and sycophants? Why are we supposed to be confident that he knows the likes of "Katrina Pierson", if that's its real name, are not actually qualified to be Secretary of State? Or that ridiculous doctor of his as Health Secretary, or that joke of a lawyer who keeps sending out sanctionably frivolous legal threats?

You look at Bush who surrounded himself with Republican sycophants, and then you look at Obama who assembled a team of rivals as long as they were the best qualified - yes, including Hillary - and then look at Trump's inner court, and that tells you everything you need to know about the men.
And if anyone in Britain thinks Trump is going to give a flying feck about us if we are out of Europe, they must be deluded. Even without Trump, I doubt America are going to be much interested in a UK out of Europe, but with Trump as president, forget it.

This is a crossover post with the EU Referendum thread, but what the heck!
That h̶o̶b̶g̶o̶b̶l̶i̶n̶ lady is Exhibit A that Trump is not actually a Keyser Soze supergenius putting on an act for the benefit of the terminally imbecilic. We get told over and over again that he's a secret moderate liberal who in any case knows his limitations and will, if elected, anyway assemble a well-qualified team in office to polish him up on the (many) things he doesn't know. Well, why then does he seem to surround himself with nothing but know-nothings, lickspittles and sycophants? Why are we supposed to be confident that he knows the likes of "Katrina Pierson", if that's its real name, are not actually qualified to be Secretary of State? Or that ridiculous doctor of his as Health Secretary, or that joke of a lawyer who keeps sending out sanctionably frivolous legal threats?

You look at Bush who surrounded himself with Republican sycophants, and then you look at Obama who assembled a team of rivals as long as they were the best qualified - yes, including Hillary - and then look at Trump's inner court, and that tells you everything you need to know about the men.

And I don't doubt that Sarah Palin sucks his cock.
Trump got 34000+ votes. Their whole turnout for 2012 was 32000.

Scary stuff for the general.
That's the trouble, many of them actually do. They are raised with completely backward priorities and beliefs and are completely full of unfounded self importance. The Patriotism shown by many is fecking moronic and dangerous beyond belief. Yet there are many Americans who are completely the opposite and understand this and want to make a REAL difference.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with loving your country and nothing wrong with small amounts of arrogance and of course you need to be determined and self assured to become President in the first place, but many take it way too far. America is a beautiful and diverse country and has an incredibly important place in the world and it could achieve so much and help so much, but it has to be carried out in the right way. It simply cannot bully everyone else in to doing what or they want, nor can it force everyone to be how they want it to be. This is why you have half the trouble in the Middle East and with the rest of the world.

Don't get me wrong, Britain was equally as bad if not worse with it's empire bullshit. For as much as it achieved it destroyed as much if not more, and the ramifications are still being felt in many places to this very day. Lots of other countries are the same, and until it all stops on a global scale, humanity will never truly progress and the doomsday clock will continue to tick closer and closer towards midnight. Trump is extremely dangerous because he wants to be seen as some kind of god like figure, but Cruz and Rubio are just as dangerous because of their ideologies and beliefs, the same as Kim Jon Un is or Mugabe was and Hitler and Stalin too. Rubio would destroy Palestine and give Israel immense power and that could start WWIII as easily as Trumps arrogance and bullying ways. Until the world gets leaders who want to accept difference, and work with each other then nothing much will really change and there will always be that fear.

America does have a slight excuse with it being a relatively young society in global terms and one that has progressed and achieved so much in such a short time, but the attitude among many is extremely dangerous and scary. The "i'm all right Jack, feck everyone else" attitude that is openly present is really not good and as much as it effects many in the States itself with the lack of universal healthcare (for example) it also effects many around the world too. Humility, acceptance, compassion and empathy are all needed to be a great leader and all imperative for the world to work together, but they are words many people like Trump see as weaknesses, and although they are thrown about by religious loons like Cruz and Rubio, they are never really carried out because their ideologies (like with Israel, climate change, foreign policy) always get in the way.

Admittedly it's doubtful we will ever have a global utopia where everyone gets along and agrees on everything but we should constantly strive to achieve it as best we can, and the POTUS is such an important role on a global scale, it really is quite frightening how flippantly the appointment is treated by many. Obama may have his failings and has been far from perfect, but at least he has tried (or appeared to) lead the way or set an example in the way he has approached things like Climate Change, foreign relations/policy, and the handling of warzones in the middle east.

One thing for sure Is Trump, Cruz and Rubio all talking about torture (water boarding and worse) climate change and foreign policy will certainly not take the world closer to safety or solving it's problems. It may make America great again in the eyes of those who think being great is being the best and most powerful, but it certainly wont in the eyes of those who want to make a difference and make it a safer place for everyone to live.

Edit! Sorry I may be going madder than I thought. :wenger:
Beautifully put
Trump got 34000+ votes. Their whole turnout for 2012 was 32000.

Scary stuff for the general.
Obama got 530,000 in the general.

The Nevada state GOP has been rated the most conservative in the country, so this result isn't altogether surprising.
Obama got 530,000 in the general.

The Nevada state GOP has been rated the most conservative in the country, so this result isn't altogether surprising.

Still confident of your 400+ electoral votes sweep?

I personally think it'll be sub-300, probably close to W 2004 re-election count (286)
Still confident of your 400+ electoral votes sweep?

I personally think it'll be sub-300, probably close to W 2004 re-election count (286)
Yup, nothing I've seen to make me doubt he'd get whooped. GOP hate him and won't go all out in the campaign, women will be an even bigger win for the Dems than under Obama, ditto the hispanic vote, peeling off of the moderate GOPers that don't appreciate their candidate race baiting, Bill and Barry on Hillary's campaign trail, sorted!
Obama got 530,000 in the general.

The Nevada state GOP has been rated the most conservative in the country, so this result isn't altogether surprising.

I meant that they doubled their turnout from 4 years ago. Clearly there is a lot of enthusiasm there. On the Dem side the enthusiasm is considerably less. Dems need high turnout to win.

Still confident of your 400+ electoral votes sweep?

I personally think it'll be sub-300, probably close to W 2004 re-election count (286)

Trump is still wildly unpopular with independent voters. People love him or hate him and people don't usually change their opinion about him. A Trump nomination will see the Dems probably win minority voters by Obama numbers. Trump can try and pivot to the center but that would alienate his loyal base who love his extreme rhetoric. If he doesn't pivot, he'll have no chance in winning over independents. He won't unite the GOP and there doesn't seem to be much will amongst the party elites and donors to work with him. He'll need them in a general election. At this point a Trump nomination should see the Dems win IMO. The one wildcard is all the Hillary email stuff.
I meant that they doubled their turnout from 4 years ago. Clearly there is a lot of enthusiasm there. On the Dem side the enthusiasm is considerably less. Dems need high turnout to win.

Trump is still wildly unpopular with independent voters. People love him or hate him and people don't usually change their opinion about him. A Trump nomination will see the Dems probably win minority voters by Obama numbers. Trump can try and pivot to the center but that would alienate his loyal base who love his extreme rhetoric. If he doesn't pivot, he'll have no chance in winning over independents. He won't unite the GOP and there doesn't seem to be much will amongst the party elites and donors to work with him. He'll need them in a general election. At this point a Trump nomination should see the Dems win IMO. The one wildcard is all the Hillary email stuff.
I think there's about as much enthusiasm as 2012, and in terms of Nevada, Harry Reid's operation is probably the best in the country. Democrats have a huge registration advantage and they can run up the score in Clark County. I agree that the base is energised, but given how fringe the GOP base is, that's not really a good thing for them.
I just ran a quick calculation on 270towin, it's actually very comforting knowing that the Dems can lose all of VA, NC, FL, OH and still win. However, PA will be critical.
Yup, which is why the SCOTUS appointments are so important. America could be taken back to the dark ages with the wrong choices. It fecking irks me greatly that things like this are still so important to many of the American electorate and that candidates use it to run on. Religion has no fecking place in politics at all, and it also irks me greatly that it's always men who argue and shout the loudest about abortion. It should be nothing to do with them whatsoever. I hope their daughters never get raped and then forced to bring a child in to the world. :mad::mad::mad:

Edit** So important was the wrong wording, it's obviously important, what I meant was that it was still even being argued against in this day and age. A politician in the UK or Europe would never be able to run on issues like that, certainly not with such biased and antiquated thoughts/ideals about them. The complete dichotomy of the USA and its political system. So progressive in many ways, for example, legalising cannabis in some states, and yet so feckin backward in others like the opinion of abortion, all the talk about the foetus and never ever any consideration for the victim, and the attitude about gay marriage by many, especially the religious right.

Nothing to do with them? So men are (rightly) expected to be financially and emotionally supportive of their children but yet have no say as to whether or not they actually become parents once the act of fertilization is completed?

What if the father wants the child but the mother doesn't? Men have equal parenting responsibility but yet no say in the reproductive discussion?

I'm not saying that men should be able to 100% determine whether or not a woman gets an abortion, nor should he in cases of rape but for consensual partners, leaving the father out of the discussion entirely, when its just his child as much as hers, isn't on IMO.

Agreed on religion
Sorry, I should have clarified what I meant, of course in those situations then yes, but I was more meaning in a case of the father being absent. I.E. single mum, rape/abuse etc.
I just ran a quick calculation on 270towin, it's actually very comforting knowing that the Dems can lose all of VA, NC, FL, OH and still win. However, PA will be critical.
The Western Strategy :drool: Quite sad that I know the names of their strategies.

I just went on to 270towin and it still had my previous estimate loaded up. Optimistic to say the least!
I just ran a quick calculation on 270towin, it's actually very comforting knowing that the Dems can lose all of VA, NC, FL, OH and still win. However, PA will be critical.

Trump seems to think he will win NY, which would be a massive plus for his chances. That said, I have faith that Hillary will win VA, PA, CO, and most of the usual swings.
The Western Strategy :drool: Quite sad that I know the names of their strategies.

I just went on to 270towin and it still had my previous estimate loaded up. Optimistic to say the least!

Yeah, the Dems just have so much more flexibility when it comes to electoral math. Lock up any of PA, OH or FL, win NV, CO+IA and that's pretty much it.

I'm also quite optimistic about AR. Granted, it's been ages since they won there but Bill's name must still carry some weight. We can actually see them win some Southern states they haven't won since 92 this cycle.

Trump seems to think he will win NY, which would be a massive plus for his chances. That said, I have faith that Hillary will win VA, PA, CO, and most of the usual swings.

I don't buy it. The day NY turns R is the day Texas turns D. Every late show host will pummel Trump repeatedly for the better part of a year. The day after he won New Hampshire, the NY Daily Post front page headline was 'Dawn of the brain dead'.
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