2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The neo-cons you despise are pretty much the writers of the doctrine to which Cruz and Rubio subscribe. American Exceptionalism, massive army, invasions, rule the world by divine right, etc.
But I doubt either of them would actually start a new war after what happened to Bush. They might be idiots as far as science goes but they know their politics. Any Republican president would steer clear of launching Iraq MKII. At least, that's what I believe at the moment.
The remaining places are 53-20 in her favour (by my manual count) (Current margin 0.2.) Delegates 22-21. This is basically a fight to claim a tie.
But I doubt either of them would actually start a new war after what happened to Bush. They might be idiots as far as science goes but they know their politics. Any Republican president would steer clear of launching Iraq MKII. At least, that's what I believe at the moment.
I wouldn't put it past either. Firstly, about the only good thing Obama has done in terms of foreign policy (the Iran agreement, as well as Cuban agreement) will be meaningless. These are people who would quite happily bomb Iran given the first opportunity to do so. That's not hyperbole either.
Bernie is loving it! Good for him. Giving it to Wall Street, the Republicans for ignoring climate change, the oil companies, the Koch brothers, and now the big pharmaceutical companies and saying healthcare is a right not a privilege. Jeez, I love this man.
Obama is a proper part of establishment now, ofcourse he is gonna endorse Hillary. Sanders is never going to get the nomination. My prediction is Clinton vs Rubio with latter winning it.
Looking pretty good right now. Rubio looks like a shoe-in for Republican nomination now IMO. Establishment and other republicans will huddle behind him to beat Cruz. Trump will likely implode from now on.
Looking pretty good right now. Rubio looks like a shoe-in for Republican nomination now IMO. Establishment and other republicans will huddle behind him to beat Cruz. Trump will likely implode from now on.
Trump is going to win NH. Cruz has a pretty large ground operation going and plenty of rapport with the base so he doesn't really need the establishment's support right now. Rubio has momentum, however.
Trump is going to win NH. Cruz has a pretty large ground operation going and plenty of rapport with the base so he doesn't really need the establishment's support right now. Rubio has momentum, however.

Rubio will win. At worst, he will have to crawl to the nomination with Cruz/Trump winning several rounds in between. Cruz's numbers in NH will be a good indicator of how he will fair in other states.

And unless there is certain ground swell of Americans wanting to create history and elect their first female Prez, Rubio will beat Hillary.
Suddenly NH is looking shaky for Trump. Voters turnout was always going to be a problem for him, and with a third of the state still undecided, it's entirely feasible he may finish 2nd again.

The end of the Teflon Don may come earlier than we thought.
Cruz's numbers in NH will be a good indicator of how he will fair in other states.
It's a good bellwether for states like New York, California etc, but Iowa's a better indicator for the southern states.
Suddenly NH is looking shaky for Trump. Voters turnout was always going to be a problem for him, and with a third of the state still undecided, it's entirely feasible he may finish 2nd again.

The end of the Teflon Don may come earlier than we thought.
Well New Hampshire isn't a closed caucus like Iowa so there will be a lot more votes from independents.
Apparently the coin toss happened in 3 places, Hillary won all 3...
Things turned a bit ugly for the Dems tonight with Sanders's supporters chanting 'she's a liar' when listening to Clinton's speech. It'd be naive to think that if the process becomes a protracted affair, there wouldn't be bad blood and disaffected voters. I think Sanders really need to rein in his staff and campaign surrogate because the character attacks won't help them one bit down the line one way or the other.
Suddenly NH is looking shaky for Trump. Voters turnout was always going to be a problem for him, and with a third of the state still undecided, it's entirely feasible he may finish 2nd again.

The end of the Teflon Don may come earlier than we thought.
He could though there was always the theory that he would do better in an anonymous election than a caucus.
When polling was done in person vs by people on the phone vs automated voice / press a button style polls Trump did better with more anonymity... Presumably some people don't want to admit they would vote for him and the theory was this would hold him back and make him undershoot expectations in the caucus type primaries but that he would do very well in the anonymous elections... I guess we will know if the theory holds water in a little over a week
Now I'm worried of a Cruz presidency !! He can beat Clinton who seems to me a fading figure , and he'll most probably beat Sanders 'cause Americans will never vote for a self-proclaimed Socialist!!
Rubio would even beat Clinton more comprehensively.

Neither Trump nor Sanders can ever be a president, imo. One is anti-minorities, the other is a socialist. and i don't think either will win the nomination to start with.

Too early for predictions though.
He could though there was always the theory that he would do better in an anonymous election than a caucus.
When polling was done in person vs by people on the phone vs automated voice / press a button style polls Trump did better with more anonymity... Presumably some people don't want to admit they would vote for him and the theory was this would hold him back and make him undershoot expectations in the caucus type primaries but that he would do very well in the anonymous elections... I guess we will know if the theory holds water in a little over a week

Well, 150k people turned out on the GOP side in Iowa, that's a very good number and pundits initially thought it'd be beneficent for Trump, instead he got trounced. I have no doubt that there's real enthusiasm in his campaign but for all his blusters, the organisational side of his campaign is sorely lacking. By the latest estimate, 34.6% of NH primary voters are still undecided and Rubio with his momentum is best placed to capture that vote.

We'll see.
Trump dealt blow by Cruz in Iowa vote

As fun as this was for me to watch the Don eat humble pie, I think this was the worst of all possible worlds for the Democrats tonight.

1. Trump punctured - no chance of facing the guy who's favourability rating is negative even amongst Republicans, and who I firmly believe would be easy meat for Hillary.

2. Establishment Republicans have a clear person to consolidate around. Worse yet, it's probably the strongest R in the race. Still worse yet, Bush, Christie and Kasich all got absolutely creamed, making it likelier than they'll drop out even faster rather than drag Rubio out.

3. Such a close vote may create bitterness and tension within D ranks. The story for the next few days is going to be 'Dems in disarray'.

Not a good night for people who worry about the craziness of this election, and the steadiness of America as an ally in an uncertain world.
Clinton won, or very damn near close. 99.9% reported and she has a 0.4% lead.

Still, the Sanders campaign can spin this as a victory. He'll win NH handily before losing SC and Super Tuesday, then that'll be it. Hopefully the fall out won't be too severe.

Edit: it's official now.
As fun as this was for me to watch the Don eat humble pie, I think this was the worst of all possible worlds for the Democrats tonight.

1. Trump punctured - no chance of facing the guy who's favourability rating is negative even amongst Republicans, and who I firmly believe would be easy meat for Hillary.

2. Establishment Republicans have a clear person to consolidate around. Worse yet, it's probably the strongest R in the race. Still worse yet, Bush, Christie and Kasich all got absolutely creamed, making it likelier than they'll drop out even faster rather than drag Rubio out.

3. Such a close vote may create bitterness and tension within D ranks. The story for the next few days is going to be 'Dems in disarray'.

Not a good night for people who worry about the craziness of this election, and the steadiness of America as an ally in an uncertain world.

I think thats got to be the biggest worry for the Dems as I think Rubio would be likely to do very well in a match up against either Bernie or Clinton - that said I wouldn't rule trump / Cruz out yet as I dont think its beyond the realms of possibility they team up if one takes a clear lead and coalesce that anti establishment block of votes.
The mind turns to Obama's 2008 Iowa Victory speech. A masterful and fantastic speech that set the tone for him wiping away Clinton and McCain later on.

I actually think he sounds a lot like Sanders.

As fun as this was for me to watch the Don eat humble pie, I think this was the worst of all possible worlds for the Democrats tonight.

1. Trump punctured - no chance of facing the guy who's favourability rating is negative even amongst Republicans, and who I firmly believe would be easy meat for Hillary.

2. Establishment Republicans have a clear person to consolidate around. Worse yet, it's probably the strongest R in the race. Still worse yet, Bush, Christie and Kasich all got absolutely creamed, making it likelier than they'll drop out even faster rather than drag Rubio out.

3. Such a close vote may create bitterness and tension within D ranks. The story for the next few days is going to be 'Dems in disarray'.

Not a good night for people who worry about the craziness of this election, and the steadiness of America as an ally in an uncertain world.
Agreed, good analysis.

How significant a benefit could the Latino vote be in a Rubio v Clinton election?
I'm late to the party so I knew nothing about the nominees until a couple of days ago, but am I right in saying that from a liberal viewpoint is rather boil my ass in oil than see Ted Cruz as President?
I'm late to the party so I knew nothing about the nominees until a couple of days ago, but am I right in saying that from a liberal viewpoint is rather boil my ass in oil than see Ted Cruz as President?

It depends, do you want to see Syrian desert with a bomb-induced glow?
Good lord that was too close. I suppose now the question is whether it'll convince more to vote Sanders.

Rubio doing way better than expected, but he still needs to do well in NH.
I'm late to the party so I knew nothing about the nominees until a couple of days ago, but am I right in saying that from a liberal viewpoint is rather boil my ass in oil than see Ted Cruz as President?
I would expand that to the 2nd place person, trump, as well. Oh, and the 3rd. 4th through 9th as well.
I know people are writing Trump off all of a sudden, but what happens if he wins NH by the distance the polls are currently suggesting?
The democrat vote was closer than most were predicting. I know Sanders is still and outsider, but are we giving him more of a chance now?
I'll wait to see how he does in South Carolina on the 20th of Feb.
27th, Nevada on the 20th. Still a whole month till Super Tuesday! Plenty could change in that time, particularly if Sanders wins big in NH, but a lot would have to change to give him a shot.

So as predicted, it was the younger folk who went for Sanders whereas the old-timers went for Clinton, 68% of over 65s went for her :lol:

Shows the US Democrat party may have a more hopeful future and possibly break away from its corporatocracy in favour of grassroots democracy. Really hope Sanders can push shillary all the way.
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