2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The young ones were pretty strongly out for Sanders. Wonder if Hillary can get them to turn out to vote if she gets the nomination.
did they do a male/female breakdown? I know the race issue was nonexistent in Iowa - place is so damn white lol

For the exit polls, yes:


She seems to have female vote as you'd expect, just.
The mind turns to Obama's 2008 Iowa Victory speech. A masterful and fantastic speech that set the tone for him wiping away Clinton and McCain later on.

I actually think he sounds a lot like Sanders.

Nah. Obama is a one off candidate who comes along once in 30 years or so.

Great speech.
Hillary and Trump were the biggest losers yesterday.

Rubio and Sanders were the biggest winners.
She won in one of Sanders best states demographically, not sure how she lost.
Hillary and Trump were the biggest losers yesterday.

Rubio and Sanders were the biggest winners.

I feel that when all is said and done Rubio is the GOP's best chance to win a national election.
Sanders showed everyone yesterday that he is for real.

So as predicted, it was the younger folk who went for Sanders whereas the old-timers went for Clinton, 68% of over 65s went for her :lol:

Shows the US Democrat party may have a more hopeful future and possibly break away from its corporatocracy in favour of grassroots democracy. Really hope Sanders can push shillary all the way.

That doesn't bode well for the general election. If younger people aren't energized by her then they won't turn out which could doom her in the swing states. Especially if Rubio is the GOP nominee.
That doesn't bode well for the general election. If younger people aren't energized by her then they won't turn out which could doom her in the swing states. Especially if Rubio is the GOP nominee.

so far everyone is saying the black vote is her firewall. If Sanders wins NH, there is a lot of time for him to show he can win the elections.
Hillary is lucky Elizabeth Warren isn't running. She would crush her with a Sanders-esque platform.
That raises an interesting question, if Sanders does the unthinkable and wins the nomination, who will he have as his running mate? A female VP would probably be a safe bet.
Warren is 66. Democrats dont have any young politicians seeming to come through.

All the young up and comers in DC seem to be from the tea party who have stolen the narrative and airwaves since 2010.
Warren is 66. Democrats dont have any young politicians seeming to come through.

All the young up and comers in DC seem to be from the tea party who have stolen the narrative and airwaves since 2010.

I've heard some good things about Heather Mizeur and Kamala Harris, both relatively young (OK not perhaps not Harris but I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here). Otherwise yes, not much in terms of young female politicians. Warren is pretty much the best of the lot.
15 hours and no tweets from The Don

I get it's only 10.30 AM...but, is Don running low on energy? Has anyone checked on him? Is he ok?

Hillary is lucky Elizabeth Warren isn't running. She would crush her with a Sanders-esque platform.

I agree. A Sanders-Warren ticket may well be unbeatable.

If Sanders were to get Warren as his running mate, they would run away with the election.
Warren is inspirational....and would take all the wind out of Hillary's "I'm a woman so vote for me" platform.
Cruz can't lurch to the center in the general. He might win hard-liners in his party but he won't win moderates nationwide.
If Sanders were to get Warren as his running mate, they would run away with the election.
Warren is inspirational....and would take all the wind out of Hillary's "I'm a woman so vote for me" platform.

When Warren speaks, she is very convincing. Both she and Sanders...the reason is they believe what they are saying. The passion come through.

Though many may think this will be a losing ticket, I tend to agree with you.
Sanders is like a charismatic Jeremy Corbyn.
Cruz can't lurch to the center in the general. He might win hard-liners in his party but he won't win moderates nationwide.

Cruz opposed Ethanol subsidies in Iowa as the only candidate. He is - at least to a reasonable degree - a believer in his ideology and won´t be looking for too many compromises. If he wins the nomination, he won´t move to far to the center.
Cruz opposed Ethanol subsidies in Iowa as the only candidate. He is - at least to a reasonable degree - a believer in his ideology and won´t be looking for too many compromises. If he wins the nomination, he won´t move to far to the center.
Yup. No chance he shifts at all if he gets the nomination, instead he's likely to double down on the craziness. His appeal is his fecked up ideology. If he shifts from that...he has NOTHING.

Ben Carson not happy with the snake -

If Sanders were to get Warren as his running mate, they would run away with the election.
Warren is inspirational....and would take all the wind out of Hillary's "I'm a woman so vote for me" platform.

No they wouldn't. If anything, it would put him on par with Rubio Or Cruz and whoever their running mate is.
Is Sanders for real of just a scam like Obama?

when shit sounds too good to be true, there's hidden cat.

does he has hidden agenda behind all his nice ideas and thoughts? Its so hard to trust in politics now a days.

i've been sending all my positive mental power to Bernie, so i hope he is the real deal and not businessmen's plan B or C.
The loser is tweeting now -

Donald J. Trump‏@realDonaldTrump36m36 minutes ago
My experience in Iowa was a great one. I started out with all of the experts saying I couldn't do well there and ended up in 2nd place. Nice

Donald J. Trump‏@realDonaldTrump26m26 minutes ago
Because I was told I could not do well in Iowa, I spent very little there - a fraction of Cruz & Rubio. Came in a strong second. Great honor

Donald J. Trump‏@realDonaldTrump11m11 minutes ago
The media has not covered my long-shot great finish in Iowa fairly. Brought in record voters and got second highest vote total in history!

Donald J. Trump‏@realDonaldTrump6m6 minutes ago
I will be talking about my wonderful experience in Iowa and the simultaneous unfair treatment by the media-later in New Hampshire. Big crowd

Donald J. Trump‏@realDonaldTrumpnow57 seconds ago
I don't believe I have been given any credit by the voters for self-funding my campaign, the only one. I will keep doing, but not worth it!

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