2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Even a close defeat is a win for Trump. He gets to prove he has real voter support, and even in a state with such a high evangelical voter pop. he competed strongly with Cruz.
The money involved in American politics is absolutely insane. Surely that needs to be reformed? Business interests and whatnot having that much say in who gets elected is poisonous.


Started by the guys (and girls) from TYT (The Young Turks) it's got a couple of States signed up and some more in the process of signing up, they have an awful long way to go, but it's a start. Add to that Bernie's popularity with the younger voters and his refreshing honesty and you can see an awful lot of people are sick and tired of it all, could change be afoot?
Even a close defeat is a win for Trump. He gets to prove he has real voter support, and even in a state with such a high evangelical voter pop. he competed strongly with Cruz.

No, half his speech is self-praise about his poll numbers. He can't do that if he isn't #1
Sanders now less than 3% behind. Considering all the Hillary supporters have probably now all gone to bed, there's hope the remaining count has him usurp her.
Not a good night for Trump. His whole campaign is about showing off about how well he's doing. Losing here will burst the bubble.

Rubio the biggest winner.
Cruz ahead is not funny.
He is the worst of all options.
If I had to make a supervillain I'd end up with him.

It wont matter what happens in Iowa. Trump is murdering him in most other states and will surely go super negative on him after this.
This is uncomfortably close.
I think Cruz will attempt to ignore Rubio and pretend he (Cruz) is the leader of the pack with Trump as the alternative.

I meant Trump. Trump will surely see that Rubio is the dangerman after tonight. He hasn't attacked Rubio at all so far.
Sanders is now just 1.4% behind Clinton. With every new set of votes coming in he is narrowing the gap.
why do people hate cruz?
I'm not american so I have only informed myself about hillary, bernie and trump.

is cruz really worse than trump?

They say equally crazy things. I think a lot of people know Trump is only saying those crazy things to get elected. I think people are afraid that Cruz legitimately believes what he says, especially in terms of social conservative positions on marriage and abortion. He also has come out strongly against Iran, but its tough to say whether he is just pandering to the anti-Obama coalition. He also doesn't believe that climate change is occuring, or at least that it is being caused by human action.

Conclusion - Trump is a wildcard that people are entertained by; Ted Cruz is a Southern Baptist
Oh man, I hope Sanders nabs this. Either way, he's clearly not a joke in this race... Hillary's going to have to earn it, and considering that Bernie still has pockets of people who just don't know who he is, which is something that will change over the course of the primary, he has room to grow.
Bernie winning would be terrific, and a wonderful first victory for grassroots democracy. What people see in Hillary I don't know.
Will a strong showing and a narrow loss help Sanders? Or is a loss really bad news ?
Will a strong showing and a narrow loss help Sanders? Or is a loss really bad news ?

The conventional wisdom is that he would need a win to boost his numbers in the next few states where he isn't as recognised as she is.
Cruz wins Iowa

Maybe this result will help his credibility if he ever decides to run to be prime minister of Canada, where he is eligible to stand.
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