2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I've been reading this thread pretty regularly lately and still can't understand anything. Primaries, Caucuses, Delegates, Iowa, New Hampshire, some can vote, others can't - oh, and the actual election is 10 months away? Seems like such an unnecessarily complicated process.
You're not on your own, makes little sense to me too. Can't understand why the candidates are so poor either, when they've 200 mill people to select from.
I can sort of understand the mentality of the type of person who votes for Trump, but who in the world could possibly be motivated by Ted Cruz in any way? Who are the people he's managed to rally to join his campaign team and spend their free time trying to help that monster succeed? I genuinely see nothing remotely likeable, positive, or inspirational about him, and that's even in comparison to the rest of the GOP field. I guess I've got to hope that he wins though. Surely there's no chance that the US would vote for him as President, once they 'get to know' him?
I can sort of understand the mentality of the type of person who votes for Trump, but who in the world could possibly be motivated by Ted Cruz in any way? Who are the people he's managed to rally to join his campaign team and spend their free time trying to help that monster succeed? I genuinely see nothing remotely likeable, positive, or inspirational about him, and that's even in comparison to the rest of the GOP field.
He always looks a little scared to me.
The Democratic caucus process makes my brain hurt. It's like they consulted Van Gaal while coming up with the plan.

Why don't they simply tally votes. Geez.
Since 1980, Clinton in '92 is the only candidate that failed to win either Iowa or New Hampshire but went on to secure the nomination. Fairly mental when you consider Trump's favourite for both.
Trump is like a social experiment. How much crazy nonsense can one person spout and still be deemed electable.
Trump talking about building a wall and making the Mexicans pay for it. Apart from being mental, it's pointless. There are already about 40 million or so Mexican Americans -- bit late to build a wall, no? I guess it appeals to a certain portion of the electorate though.
Trump talking about building a wall and making the Mexicans pay for it. Apart from being mental, it's pointless. There are already about 40 million or so Mexican Americans -- bit late to build a wall, no? I guess it appeals to a certain portion of the electorate though.

Also, many illegals apparently fly to the US, so it would be pointless. Just red meat to pick up votes from the lunatic GOP fringe.
Also, many illegals apparently fly to the US, so it would be pointless. Just red meat to pick up votes from the lunatic GOP fringe.
Seems highly likely that Trump gets the GOP nomination. If he doesn't, he says he'll run as an independent. I can't see how this is good for the Republican party. If he wins the nomination, surely he won't be elected? If he doesn't, then he takes votes from whoever does as an independent.
First votes are in: (very early)

Cruz 35
Trump 33
Rubio 12
Carson 10

Clinton 52
Sanders 46
O'Malley 2
I'm pretty sure Trump will take this - turnout numbers are high and he is getting a good chunk of Evangelicals so that's not very good for Cruz.
Early CNN entrance poll numbers so far...

Trump 27
Cruz 22
Rubio 21
Carson 9
If that turns out true then in fairness to Rubio, there really was a bit of a late swing to him. Would still need a big boost for NH though.
If that turns out true then in fairness to Rubio, there really was a bit of a late swing to him. Would still need a big boost for NH though.

Rubio is down to 13 percent now and Trump and Cruz are both at 32 as if just now.
Cruz's numbers are alarming.
He's evil, sleaze, and smart psychopathy mixed together.
The money involved in American politics is absolutely insane. Surely that needs to be reformed? Business interests and whatnot having that much say in who gets elected is poisonous.
you have been listening to Bernie. :)
Ironically I haven't listened to too much of what he's had to say so far. I don't really consider him to be as socialist as some people do. Definitely to the left of Clinton though.
I think the DMR poll was spot on for Dems. The margin right now is 3.5%. They had it at 3.
Cruz beginning to pull away from Trump a bit. Still pretty pointless since whoever wins Iowa on the GOP side doesn't generally fare well later.
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