2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Starting to see quite a few stories about Bernie not liking organized religion, hopefully this bullshit just rolls right off his shoulders. Too many use religion as a simple litmus when evaluating their candidate options as opposed to looking at actual policy positions and history of voting.
Starting to see quite a few stories about Bernie not liking organized religion, hopefully this bullshit just rolls right off his shoulders. Too many use religion as a simple litmus when evaluating their candidate options as opposed to looking at actual policy positions and history of voting.

For those that religion is an issue, they were not going to vote for him anyways.

And if Trump is the candidate for the GOP, will he be the perfect bible carrying guy?
Starting to see quite a few stories about Bernie not liking organized religion, hopefully this bullshit just rolls right off his shoulders. Too many use religion as a simple litmus when evaluating their candidate options as opposed to looking at actual policy positions and history of voting.

One or two God Bless America's should take care of that. It's not as if Hillary and the Donald are super-pious anyway.

:lol: It's funny but at the same time very sad. He's making a mockery out of something very serious (the elections, not the debates) the whole thing is a sham and need to be made a mockey of, but not in the way Donald Trump is doing it. What are the chances of him super trolling everyone and pulling out the day after he wins the nomination? Just before saying "I only did it to show you all what a joke the whole process is LOL"
:lol: It's funny but at the same time very sad. He's making a mockery out of something very serious (the elections, not the debates) the whole thing is a sham and need to be made a mockey of, but not in the way Donald Trump is doing it. What are the chances of him super trolling everyone and pulling out the day after he wins the nomination? Just before saying "I only did it to show you all what a joke the whole process is LOL"

I'm glad he is making a mockery out of it...our system is a joke and it is broken, and the candidates even more so. This should be a cakewalk for the Democratic Party, yet...Hillary and Sanders are the best they can offer?

I'm not even going to bother talking about the Republicans.
For those that religion is an issue, they were not going to vote for him anyways.

And if Trump is the candidate for the GOP, will he be the perfect bible carrying guy?

Very true, any idea how much Trump has mentioned religion or god during his campaign thus far? Seems to be far less than your typical GOP candidate but that's not saying much :lol:

One or two God Bless America's should take care of that. It's not as if Hillary and the Donald are super-pious anyway.

I can't see him pandering like that, he has been very honest from what I have seen. Very true regarding the other two, not much god-fearing coming from the front runners.

That's part of the reason I like him so much, he takes on these attempts to attack him and explains it to us in an honest way. He has done a great job with the socialist label so far although I'm sure the heat will turn up if he is the Democratic nominee.
I'm glad he is making a mockery out of it...our system is a joke and it is broken, and the candidates even more so. This should be a cakewalk for the Democratic Party, yet...Hillary and Sanders are the best they can offer?

I'm not even going to bother talking about the Republicans.

Nowt wrong with Sanders... If the US don't want him, I'd love to see him shake Norway out of its gradual idiotic slope to an uncaring society that does politics by spreadsheet.
I'm glad he is making a mockery out of it...our system is a joke and it is broken, and the candidates even more so. This should be a cakewalk for the Democratic Party, yet...Hillary and Sanders are the best they can offer?

I'm not even going to bother talking about the Republicans.

Sanders is the best candidate i have seen in decades, what can he do to improve in your eyes?
Nowt wrong with Sanders... If the US don't want him, I'd love to see him shake Norway out of its gradual idiotic slope to an uncaring society that does politics by spreadsheet.

Better than politics by fear and massive corruption! If we don't vote Bernie in we'll continue as a war-mongering plutocracy unfortunately.
Better than politics by fear and massive corruption! If we don't vote Bernie in we'll continue as a war-mongering plutocracy unfortunately.

Yup. And if it's a democrat it'll be less noticeable than if a Republican gets in. We all thought Bush was ill-suited for wielding the big stick, but having seen the likes of Romney, Cruz, Trump, Santorum and what have you lace up for the elections has been scary as all hell, but I can understand some people who might think that it'd be better for it to get worse in such a way that it gives a jolt to the system. I can also understand those who say that's a horrid way to think, and that it might not provide said jolt, leaving us with the worst of both worlds.

I don't necessarily think the Sanders revolution will happen, even if he gets elected, what with it being predicated on a sustained grass-roots movement, but he seems to me to be the best hope in a gloomy field.
Sanders, sadly, is unlikely to win, even if he manages the nomination. That said, if some of his ideas can make it through to the mainstream candidates he'd be a rousing success.
I can't see him pandering like that, he has been very honest from what I have seen. Very true regarding the other two, not much god-fearing coming from the front runners.

That might end up being a very good thing for the States. Too much pandering to religion has given rise to movements that are bringing them down (creationists, etc).
Sanders, sadly, is unlikely to win, even if he manages the nomination. That said, if some of his ideas can make it through to the mainstream candidates he'd be a rousing success.

I'm not so sure. Under usual dynamics, any Republican voter who doesn't get his pick from the primary in the actual race would usually vote for the Republican nominee as the lesser evil, or something like that, but Trump's divisiveness (if he carries this to the end) might see some abstain, or even jump ship to Bernie. And there's a good few accounts out there of long-time Republicans who have seen things get crazier and crazier, and who feel left behind by the party, and who've registered democrat for the primaries, specifically because of Bernie's campaign. Numbers on that are hard to come by, but it seems there may be a movement that's far bigger than the mainstream media assumes going on.

...or I might be entirely wrong... but I certainly don't think it's a foregone conclusion.
Yup. And if it's a democrat it'll be less noticeable than if a Republican gets in. We all thought Bush was ill-suited for wielding the big stick, but having seen the likes of Romney, Cruz, Trump, Santorum and what have you lace up for the elections has been scary as all hell, but I can understand some people who might think that it'd be better for it to get worse in such a way that it gives a jolt to the system. I can also understand those who say that's a horrid way to think, and that it might not provide said jolt, leaving us with the worst of both worlds.

I don't necessarily think the Sanders revolution will happen, even if he gets elected, what with it being predicated on a sustained grass-roots movement, but he seems to me to be the best hope in a gloomy field.

I think Sanders is the president many have been waiting for, I also think most understand this isn't going to be an instant change where everything is perfect a week in or even a couple of years into his presidency if elected. Many are just tired of the apathetic, greedy, fear-mongering bullshit that has been driving this country for a long time.

I won't comment much on the shock to the system theory, even though I understand it I just hope I never reach that level of cynicism. A situation like that will probably cost lives and resources that should not be treated in such a careless manner.
I'm not so sure. Under usual dynamics, any Republican voter who doesn't get his pick from the primary in the actual race would usually vote for the Republican nominee as the lesser evil, or something like that, but Trump's divisiveness (if he carries this to the end) might see some abstain, or even jump ship to Bernie. And there's a good few accounts out there of long-time Republicans who have seen things get crazier and crazier, and who feel left behind by the party, and who've registered democrat for the primaries, specifically because of Bernie's campaign. Numbers on that are hard to come by, but it seems there may be a movement that's far bigger than the mainstream media assumes going on.

...or I might be entirely wrong... but I certainly don't think it's a foregone conclusion.

Also take into account Bernies stance on guns and the work that Bernie has done for veterans, that is a big deal for many Republican voters (not that Democrats don't care about veterans) and could go some way in converting some Republicans if it is Bernie vs Trump.
That might end up being a very good thing for the States. Too much pandering to religion has given rise to movements that are bringing them down (creationists, etc).

Yeah many of the arguments we are having today (whether purposely led to this division of sides or not) shouldn't even be discussions. Eg gay marriage and abortion, if you don't believe in that shit that's fine but attempting to force others to live under the rules of your holy book is ridiculous and counterproductive to building a healthy and functioning society.
Sanders, sadly, is unlikely to win, even if he manages the nomination. That said, if some of his ideas can make it through to the mainstream candidates he'd be a rousing success.
And this is why I am not on board with him...he is principled and compassionate.. that is without doubt something to admire, but no way does he beat either Trump or Lucifer
And this is why I am not on board with him...he is principled and compassionate.. that is without doubt something to admire, but no way does he beat either Trump or Lucifer

Polling so far indicates that he stands a better chance at doing so than Hillary. Granted, polling, especially at this stage, isn't exactly something to put your house on, but clearly dismissing him is premature. People said he'd have no chance of coming even close to Hillary, and it's not looking like that's an open and shut case either. The same can be said about the predictions about Trump. I don't get why people are so certain?
Polling so far indicates that he stands a better chance at doing so than Hillary. Granted, polling, especially at this stage, isn't exactly something to put your house on, but clearly dismissing him is premature. People said he'd have no chance of coming even close to Hillary, and it's not looking like that's an open and shut case either. The same can be said about the predictions about Trump. I don't get why people are so certain?

Do you see him moderating any of his views? I dont. Like I said, I think he is principled and he truly belives what he says...Ppl will just scream socialist at him....tens of millions of dollars of ads repeating the word socialist...

Look at what what was made of obamacare...what do you think they will make of his tax and universal medicare policy?

I don't think he will gain the required independent/swing voters to win the election.
I'm glad he is making a mockery out of it...our system is a joke and it is broken, and the candidates even more so. This should be a cakewalk for the Democratic Party, yet...Hillary and Sanders are the best they can offer?

I agree, and as I said in the post you quoted, the system needs to be mocked and exposed for what it is, but NOT the way Trump is doing it. I also disagree about your last comment, Bernie has some of the best ideas I have heard from an American politician in a long time. Half of what he says is what Obama wanted to do, and should have done but didn't for various reasons. I also don't see Hillary quite as Lucifer, she's definitely far better than any of the Republicans, but you are right that America should be able to have more "better candidates" on both sides.
Do you see him moderating any of his views? I dont. Like I said, I think he is principled and he truly belives what he says...Ppl will just scream socialist at him....tens of millions of dollars of ads repeating the word socialist...

Look at what what was made of obamacare...what do you think they will make of his tax and universal medicare policy?

I don't think he will gain the required independent/swing voters to win the election.

Yeah, well, it's part of the attraction that he's been banging the same drum for so many decades, whereas Hillary's "evolved" and then revised her history numerous times. The surge of Trump and Sanders speaks to the public being sick of polished politicians who go by polling and focus groups. Hillary's gone from a dead cert shoo-in (presidential), to pandering and using Bernie's language and trying to steal his thunder (all of a sudden she's approaching his stances with regards to student loans, the middle class, and general rhetoric), and now she's painting Sanders as someone who'll dismantle any progress Obama has done, and she's heavily focusing on her carrying on his legacy.

Obamacare was hard to push through, for sure, which is why Bernie's main promise is to fight as hard as he can, and to insist that he'll be needing the help of the country beyond the elections... Those are post election issues, though.

Anyway, I'm not certain either... I just find it odd that people can speak in such certain terms, when expectations have been confounded so much over the course of this primary. And with regards to Hillary, she must be having the worst déjà vú right now (I have no clue if I accented that correctly)
Do you see him moderating any of his views? I dont. Like I said, I think he is principled and he truly belives what he says...Ppl will just scream socialist at him....tens of millions of dollars of ads repeating the word socialist...

Look at what what was made of obamacare...what do you think they will make of his tax and universal medicare policy?

I don't think he will gain the required independent/swing voters to win the election.

The Democrats do not need independent/swing voters. They just need to show up in moderate numbers. With Bernie, they will have better than moderate numbers because of entusiasm. He will explain his policies clearly. Why they make sense and how he will pay for them. The advantage they have in the electoral college will ensure he becomes President. But as I said, first he must defeat Hillary.
The Democrats do not need independent/swing voters. They just need to show up in moderate numbers. With Bernie, they will have better than moderate numbers because of entusiasm. He will explain his policies clearly. Why they make sense and how he will pay for them. The advantage they have in the electoral college will ensure he becomes President. But as I said, first he must defeat Hillary.
They do need independents. 2012 exit poll had party ID at 38% Democrat, which leaves you some way short of winning an election (and relying on previous non-voters is voodoo strategy). On the liberal-conservative scale, a plurality placed themselves as a moderate (41%). Liberal came third with 25%. If Bloomberg runs due to a Sanders nomination, it doesn't need many of those moderates to peel off into his camp before shit creek is arrived at.
They do need independents. 2012 exit poll had party ID at 38% Democrat, which leaves you some way short of winning an election (and relying on previous non-voters is voodoo strategy). On the liberal-conservative scale, a plurality placed themselves as a moderate (41%). Liberal came third with 25%. If Bloomberg runs due to a Sanders nomination, it doesn't need many of those moderates to peel off into his camp before shit creek is arrived at.

Obama lost among independents. It's not that they don't need them, they don't need to win them.
Bloomberg would wreck any Dem if he ran. Polling (a single poll that was run with Sanders-Bloomberg-Trump and Hillary-Bloomberg-Trump) that they would be roughly equal at 30-35% each with Sanders getting the most on the 1st matchup and Bloomberg in the 2nd.
The problem is not the raw votes, since he seems to be eating away votes from both camps (least from Trump, most from Clinton), but that it's hard to see any candidate securing 270 electoral votes. In that case, the election is decided by... a vote of Congress.
President Trump.

EDIT: Also, because I was puzzling over how Trump and Sanders are the 2 candidates from each party that are doing best among independents, I realised that it's an umbrella term that includes socialists and nazis. Independent =/ centrist.
(pretty sure I've written this in some post somewhere)
And this is why I am not on board with him...he is principled and compassionate.. that is without doubt something to admire, but no way does he beat either Trump or Lucifer

Sanders would trounce either trump or Cruz in a national election.
Trump was just live on Fox with Bill O'Reilly. He is so butt hurt by Megyn Kelly's question to him (doesn't like women standing up to him). He was throwing his toys out the pram and being extremely petulant and getting riled (excuse the pun) over some serious softball question by Bill. To be fair to Bill he was trying his best to placate him and was constantly pandering to his ego, but one thing's for sure and that is Trump is going to BLOW UP! It's all about him and his ego and he really doesn't like the truth or having to answer for his contradictions and lies or his disgraceful comments and actions. Jeez, he is going to get hammered now, he has shown his weak spot, and I think people are going to go in for the kill.
No he said he's holding a fund raising event for veterans. Clever idea as he will no doubt raise a bucketload and even if he didn't he would donate enough to make sure it's a news/voteworthy amount of cash. He will play and act the martyr just like he did on The Factor 10 minutes ago, however he will get slaughtered by the press and online and he has given his opposition all the ammunition they need, especially for the Presidential debates.
Just saw this on the Heidi Cruz wikipedia page! It's a nasty, gory pic so beware.

EDIT....feck it, not really suitable. I've kept the screen grab so can pm if you're really interested...or just go to the wiki!

It was actually on his wife's page. I was looking up her Goldman Sachs info and that jumped out at me.
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