2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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In 100 years from now, a PhD student in political science is going to be studying the campaign of Donald Trump.

At least, I hope. Otherwise there'll be whole books, written about the madness resulting from his Presidency.

His campaign is very reminiscent of George Wallace's campaign in 1968, who ran on mainly pro-segregationist policies. He won several southern states and he, like trump, played off the fears of the people to gain votes.
100 bucks on it happening within the next 5 years.
No doubt, but I think it'll still be of interest all that time ahead. Unless, god forbid, such campaigns become the norm.

His campaign is very reminiscent of George Wallace's campaign in 1968, who ran on mainly pro-segregationist policies. He won several southern states and he, like trump, played off the fears of the people to gain votes.
Policy-wise yes, but it's the bravado and having the media eating out of his hand that's so interesting. I mentioned a couple of days back that the main UK site of the Guardian had a liveblog of Trump's Palin endorsement as the lead story. We laugh at him, but it's all dancing to his tune in the end. At least for now.
Is any American here seriously considering voting for this crazy guy?

Not me. Trump accused my parents, immigrants from Mexico, of being rapists and murderers. There is nothing he can say now that would allow me to change my dim view of him. I don't know a single Mexican-American voter who has feels anything but hatred toward the man.

But there are millions of racists in America, so he's got a decent shot at actually winning the election.
At the very least, 40% (if he gets the nomination.)

Trump is polling 40% within the GOP... Not nationally.

You think you can call Mexicans rapists and murderers, say you want to ban all Muslims from entering the USA and win a national election?

Those are statements that make him popular within the bubble that is gop politics but he doesn't stand a chance in a national election.
Not me. Trump accused my parents, immigrants from Mexico, of being rapists and murderers. There is nothing he can say now that would allow me to change my dim view of him. I don't know a single Mexican-American voter who has feels anything but hatred toward the man.

But there are millions of racists in America, so he's got a decent shot at actually winning the election.

The millions of racists will vote him as the GOP nominee, but either Bernie or Hillary will crush him in a national election. (hopefully Bernie!)... I can't wait to see those debates :)
What he'll do is live tweeting during the debate, trash talking all living organisms presented there, then see his poll number rises and his name plastered across all major networks.

That's how I see it as well... And actually it's probably a smart move as it allows him to again portray himself as being outside the political establishment
Plus I bet half the questions / answers refer to him in some was and as you say he will use twitter to answer in ways he probably wouldn't get away with live.
Trump will host a fund raiser for veterans instead of going to the debate....they can't even criticize him, I'm raising money for our troops dammit!

LOL - he is trolling everyone big time.
Trump has some giant skeletons in his closet like the rape claims against him by his ex wife Ivana, the beatings he has given his ex wives or the sleazy comments he made about his own daughter. That's not even mentioning his awful record with business and his massive contradictions and hypocrisy over cheap foreign labour (Trump towers being built by cheap Polish immigrants and all his Trump brand clothes being made in China and Bangladesh) and the way he treats everyone with contempt (the owners of the houses near his golf course in Scotland for instance) or insults them (women, the disabled, anyone who isn't white or rich)

Anyone with an ounce of sense could destroy him on a personal basis let alone from a policy/political point of view. He hasn't explained how he would do anything he has said, there will come a time when he will have to explain his manifesto and explain how he will "make America great again" Ugh, sickening.
Shite, I completely forgot about this.

The Mad World of Donald Trump on C4+1 starting now.

The opening scene is priceless. :lol:

Having watched this and listened to the Republicans who are now ashamed Trump is close to winning their nomination, I couldn't help thinking that is the problem with feeding a monster, it eventually grows big enough to eat you. The Republicans have fed this, he couldn't get near to the nomination if they had confronted his kind of bullshit for what it is rather than appeasing it and giving it worth inside their party for cheap votes.
Having watched this and listened to the Republicans who are now ashamed Trump is close to winning their nomination, I couldn't help thinking that is the problem with feeding a monster, it eventually grows big enough to eat you. The Republicans have fed this, he couldn't get near to the nomination if they had confronted his kind of bullshit for what it is rather than appeasing it and giving it worth inside their party for cheap votes.
It happened 8 years ago too.. with all the tea party nonsense.
Having watched this and listened to the Republicans who are now ashamed Trump is close to winning their nomination, I couldn't help thinking that is the problem with feeding a monster, it eventually grows big enough to eat you. The Republicans have fed this, he couldn't get near to the nomination if they had confronted his kind of bullshit for what it is rather than appeasing it and giving it worth inside their party for cheap votes.

its not Trump so much as the Tea Party people. All the garbage they are fed on Fox. They live in an alternative universe.
I'm watching CNN now and trump is heralding the endorsement of sherif Joe aripiao..aka one of the most racist law enforcement officers that I've ever seen....so that's palin, jerry Falwell Jr. and now Arpaio?!? Man trump will win the GOP nomination without a doubt...he has the evangelicals and all the racists in the GOP eating out of the palm of his hand.

He stated he will boycott the fox debate because of some press release they sent out, which IMO would only make him more popular with his fans.

We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.
Not me. Trump accused my parents, immigrants from Mexico, of being rapists and murderers. There is nothing he can say now that would allow me to change my dim view of him. I don't know a single Mexican-American voter who has feels anything but hatred toward the man.

But there are millions of racists in America, so he's got a decent shot at actually winning the election.

Trump has some giant skeletons in his closet like the rape claims against him by his ex wife Ivana, the beatings he has given his ex wives or the sleazy comments he made about his own daughter. That's not even mentioning his awful record with business and his massive contradictions and hypocrisy over cheap foreign labour (Trump towers being built by cheap Polish immigrants and all his Trump brand clothes being made in China and Bangladesh) and the way he treats everyone with contempt (the owners of the houses near his golf course in Scotland for instance) or insults them (women, the disabled, anyone who isn't white or rich)

Anyone with an ounce of sense could destroy him on a personal basis let alone from a policy/political point of view. He hasn't explained how he would do anything he has said, there will come a time when he will have to explain his manifesto and explain how he will "make America great again" Ugh, sickening.

I'll just leave this here for y'all:

Will be interesting to see what ratings the Trump event gets versus the debate. Could turn out to be a genius move. More free publicity with 100% focus on Trump.
Who the feck would buy Donald Trump branded clothes? I'd sooner vote for the man.
What I get nervous about Trump is he has a vindictive streak. Just imagine him sending some Special Forces people to sort someone who offended him.

He clearly hasn't heard the word "no" a lot in his life. Disgusting person.

Personally I think he suffers badly from being a narcissist and also having severe low self esteem because he has to constantly reinforce everything he says with "i'm a fair man, everyone will say that" or "I'm a nice guy, everybody says I'm a great guy" No Donald, it's really only you that says it.
Who the feck would buy Donald Trump branded clothes? I'd sooner vote for the man.

Exactly, he's hardly a trend setter and for someone so well off he dresses appallingly. Very dour and often ill-fitting suits, plain white shirts and he still hasn't learnt how to tie a tie properly, nor what length they should be. Truly bizarre. He's very scruffy, much like Boris Johnson.
Things like this remind me that I'm a very boring liberal.

I am reminded of this a lot.
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