2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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:lol: never heard that. Is this about her asking him all questions about his behaviour towards women? He won that big time. Probabaly helped him with the poll numbers.
He's threatening to not attend the next debate since she's one of the three moderators. I just don't get it, surely he needs Fox by his side in the GE? Getting good coverage from the other 3 is hard enough as it is.
He's threatening to not attend the next debate since she's one of the three moderators. I just don't get it, surely he needs Fox by his side in the GE? Getting good coverage from the other 3 is hard enough as it is.

he really dumped on Cruz this morning. The problem is he was just bizzare. You cant tell with him. Perhaps he wont and his numbers will actually go up.
He's threatening to not attend the next debate since she's one of the three moderators. I just don't get it, surely he needs Fox by his side in the GE? Getting good coverage from the other 3 is hard enough as it is.

I don't think he needs Fox. He truly is an anomaly. He now has the backing of Jerry Falwell Jr. and that's pretty significant, because you would expect Cruz the snake to pick up the crazy evangelical support. Yet, Trump is the one who received it.

Look at all the channels - cable and network, going out of their way to give him airtime. Everyone else is buying ads for millions of dollars and he's getting free airtime. The questions he faces are mostly soft and if he is asked something potentially damaging, he doubles down and gets even more crazies supporting him lol
He's threatening to not attend the next debate since she's one of the three moderators. I just don't get it, surely he needs Fox by his side in the GE? Getting good coverage from the other 3 is hard enough as it is.

The majority of Fox presenters are not really in favour of Trump, and the only time they defend him is when he is attacked by the left. They are all far too busy reporting about Hillary and Benghazi and her emails or Bernie and his age and him being a communist. That's when they are not discussing their favourite topic which is the real threat of Isis and the preservation of the 2nd amendment.
I don't think he needs Fox. He truly is an anomaly. He now has the backing of Jerry Falwell Jr. and that's pretty significant, because you would expect Cruz the snake to pick up the crazy evangelical support. Yet, Trump is the one who received it.

Look at all the channels - cable and network, going out of their way to give him airtime. Everyone else is buying ads for millions of dollars and he's getting free airtime. The questions he faces are mostly soft and if he is asked something potentially damaging, he doubles down and gets even more crazies supporting him lol

This is still the crazy season though, 3 months of negative coverage can do a lot of damage in the general. Even with Fox on his side, Romney got something like 30% positive coverage in 2012.

I have no doubt that the Trumpettes will stick with him despite the coverage, but for the independents it surely still count for something?
As mentioned earlier, the bigger Trump's bubble inflates, the more spectacularly violent it will pop.
As mentioned earlier, the bigger Trump's bubble inflates, the more spectacularly violent it will pop.
The concession speech on November 8th would be something special.
Did you hear his rant today on Morning Joe. Cringeworthy attack on Cruz and Bloomberg. Absolutely without rationale.

Crazy stuff. The Republicans will be praying he does not go anywhere near teh nomination. They must also be fearing a third party run. Absolute shambles over there.
No different to previous rants. Numbers will continue to go up.
I don't think he needs Fox. He truly is an anomaly. He now has the backing of Jerry Falwell Jr. and that's pretty significant, because you would expect Cruz the snake to pick up the crazy evangelical support. Yet, Trump is the one who received it.

Look at all the channels - cable and network, going out of their way to give him airtime. Everyone else is buying ads for millions of dollars and he's getting free airtime. The questions he faces are mostly soft and if he is asked something potentially damaging, he doubles down and gets even more crazies supporting him lol

It is the prophecy. He is the saviour, immune from all the financial doping, media bias and establishment nepotism. Here to liberate the american people. Rejoice!
I think there is lot of underestimation of Trump on here and in the US, especially the main stream media.. Every step of the way people keep expecting him to self implode and his support disappear, but that is not happening, he just keeps getting stronger. 6 months ago people said he had no chance of winning the nomination, now the talk is he may win the nomination but has no chance of winning the Presidential election in November.

However, there are a few things that could work in his favour.

1. Trump is attracting people to his rallies who have been turned off by the political process, people who may have not voted in years, even decades. Attendence at a rally dosen't neccessarily translate in to votes, but if voter turnout is up significantly in the Republican primaries, it could continue in November.

2. African Americans came out for Obama in record numbers in 2008 and 2012, but there is no guarentee that they will come out for Clinton or Sanders. If African American turnout drops back to historical levels in the Democratic primaries, it could hurt the Democrats in November.

3. If Michael Bloomberg runs as an independant, I think it benefits Trump. Though Bloomberg ran as a Republican as Mayor of New York , he is life long Democrat and a big supporter of gun control, which should be an issue in November.

4. Trump also seems to be scoring well with the so called Reagan Democrats, blue collar unionized factory workers who tradtional support the democrats. If they come out for Trump like they did for Reagan, Trump will benefit.

I am not saying that all of these things or even any of them will happen for sure, but if you continue to write Trump off as a lightweight or a idiot, you maybe in for a surprise come November.
I think there is lot of underestimation of Trump on here and in the US, especially the main stream media.. Every step of the way people keep expecting him to self implode and his support disappear, but that is not happening, he just keeps getting stronger. 6 months ago people said he had no chance of winning the nomination, now the talk is he may win the nomination but has no chance of winning the Presidential election in November.

However, there are a few things that could work in his favour.

1. Trump is attracting people to his rallies who have been turned off by the political process, people who may have not voted in years, even decades. Attendence at a rally dosen't neccessarily translate in to votes, but if voter turnout is up significantly in the Republican primaries, it could continue in November.

2. African Americans came out for Obama in record numbers in 2008 and 2012, but there is no guarentee that they will come out for Clinton or Sanders. If African American turnout drops back to historical levels in the Democratic primaries, it could hurt the Democrats in November.

3. If Michael Bloomberg runs as an independant, I think it benefits Trump. Though Bloomberg ran as a Republican as Mayor of New York , he is life long Democrat and a big supporter of gun control, which should be an issue in November.

4. Trump also seems to be scoring well with the so called Reagan Democrats, blue collar unionized factory workers who tradtional support the democrats. If they come out for Trump like they did for Reagan, Trump will benefit.

I am not saying that all of these things or even any of them will happen for sure, but if you continue to write Trump off as a lightweight or a idiot, you maybe in for a surprise come November.

they are good points. Though I think the AA votes will come out for the Democratic nominee when Obama campaigns for him/her.
Socialist policies can work

With the power of the state at your back, almost any policy can be implemented.

It's not difficult to rob Peter and give his money to Paul. The problem arises when you come back to rob Peter again. He may not be there; or he may have decided that working to give his money to you to give to somebody else is not what he wants, and taken steps to stop it from happening again.
With the power of the state at your back, almost any policy can be implemented.

It's not difficult to rob Peter and give his money to Paul. The problem arises when you come back to rob Peter again. He may not be there; or he may have decided that working to give his money to you to give to somebody else is not what he wants, and taken steps to stop it from happening again.

too simplistic an argument though. No one loses in a socialist state. All will benefit. The problem will be control of wasteful spending. mind you. that happens in any government.

(Watch the vid as well).

He's on an elaborate pisstake, surely. His whole actuality of being is absurd.
He's giving a presser right now where he's saying he most likely won't attend.

WTF is he doing?

Maybe he realizes that he actually has a real chance of winning and trying to sabotage his own chances. It started out as a troll candidacy and now he realizes its going to far. :lol:
Journo : "Why is it a cheapshot for people to bring up your infidelities when you brought up Lewinsky".

Trump: "It's not a cheapshot, I've had a great life and I'm a great person". :lol::lol:

Not even repentant. This is comedy gold.
In 100 years from now, a PhD student in political science is going to be studying the campaign of Donald Trump.

At least, I hope. Otherwise there'll be whole books, written about the madness resulting from his Presidency.
I'm watching CNN now and trump is heralding the endorsement of sherif Joe aripiao..aka one of the most racist law enforcement officers that I've ever seen....so that's palin, jerry Falwell Jr. and now Arpaio?!? Man trump will win the GOP nomination without a doubt...he has the evangelicals and all the racists in the GOP eating out of the palm of his hand.

He stated he will boycott the fox debate because of some press release they sent out, which IMO would only make him more popular with his fans.
I'm watching CNN now and trump is heralding the endorsement of sherif Joe aripiao..aka one of the most racist law enforcement officers that I've ever seen....so that's palin, jerry Falwell Jr. and now Arpaio?!? Man trump will win the GOP nomination without a doubt...he has the evangelicals and all the racists in the GOP eating out of the palm of his hand.

He stated he will boycott the fox debate because of some press release they sent out, which IMO would only make him more popular with his fans.

indeed. The guy is a ballsy genious.
In 100 years from now, a PhD student in political science is going to be studying the campaign of Donald Trump.

At least, I hope. Otherwise there'll be whole books, written about the madness resulting from his Presidency.

100 bucks on it happening within the next 5 years.
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