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He's just a pissed off guy putting his money retaliating for terror. Like millions of other Israelis and Jews, but on the more powerful end of the scale. I doubt many Palestinian/Arab businessmen will be employing Zionists either.

Along with HRW, Innocence Project, Immigrant Justice Corps, Planned Parenthood, Seeds of Peace, and a feckloadm ore.
Yeah fair enough, but it was funny when he got short squeezed on Herbalife.
Pre-Statement - I'm not pro Hamas or condone anything they have done and they should all be brought to justice.

Just making a comment. I find it fkd up that after the atrocities the Jews suffered in the concentration camps they would go to Palestine and do the same to others. Look at the Der Yassin massacre that was what 3 years after? And that's just one example. I thought the Jews to be the peaceful people that were oppressed but then they just go and do it to others? Make that make sense. I think the conclusion is that humans are just a bunch of cnts. Sooner the Aliens come the better
Why should jews be held to higher standards than any other people? So they not only get genocided (multiple times) but then they're not allowed to be as shit as anyone else as a result? That's a fecked up logic and bordering on racist.

As is equating jews with Israel.

So be careful with dangerous language.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world whilst the truth is putting on its shoes."

"A lie can travel halfway around the world whilst the truth is putting on its shoes."

I'd hold judgment also regarding the possibility that it's a definitive lie.
we might find it otherwise with time.

That it's taken as truth at the moment is disturbing of course and is a great piece of work by the people who manage to gain from it.
morals are obviously out the window.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world whilst the truth is putting on its shoes."

I agree with being sceptical about this (and I have been in this thread).

But I find it interesting the sheer energy certain people are giving to discrediting this compared to the energy they're giving to the fact that babies were killed and abducted (which is definitely true).
Why should jews be held to higher standards than any other people? So they not only get genocided (multiple times) but then they're not allowed to be as shit as anyone else as a result? That's a fecked up logic and bordering on racist.

As is equating jews with Israel.

So be careful with dangerous language.

He said "Jews suffered in the concentration camps they would go to Palestine and do the same to others." - You should always stop there with people like that in my opinion. They are too ignorant, ill educated, and brainwashed to even engage with. Not worth your time!
I agree with being sceptical about this (and I have been in this thread).

But I find it interesting the sheer energy certain people are giving to discrediting this compared to the energy they're giving to the fact that babies were killed and abducted (which is definitely true).
Yeah I agree. Tribalism. It's so bleak.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world whilst the truth is putting on its shoes."

It’s all just fecking noise. We know for a fact that hundreds of unarmed civilians were slaughtered by Hamas. The exact age and method of murder really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

Anyone who tries to take moral high ground because of “the other side” propagating lies on a platform that is absolutely riddled with bullshit is seriously missing the point.
Why should jews be held to higher standards than any other people? So they not only get genocided (multiple times) but then they're not allowed to be as shit as anyone else as a result? That's a fecked up logic and bordering on racist.

As is equating jews with Israel.

So be careful with dangerous language.
What are you on about? That has nothing to do with higher standards. All people commit atrocities because they are people. My point was that a lot of holocaust survivors went to Israel and just did the same thing. Thats fkd up. Its like me getting beat up and raped then leaving hospital and then beating the sht out of anyone and raping them. Its fkd up

"A lie can travel halfway around the world whilst the truth is putting on its shoes."

I am a bit sceptical of the story, not only do I not want it to be true that these babies were murdered but from what I understand from people within news, they asked the IDF for actual evidence/proof and were told they won't give anything but their statement

This whole war is just built on misinformation from all sides. It's a PR battle as well and one that is just turning uglier and uglier as the consequences of these words and mistruths (maybe by complete third parties to stoke the fire) are having real world consequences and deaths
The Zionists and the media want you to believe that Hamas = Palestinians.
What are you on about? That has nothing to do with higher standards. All people commit atrocities because they are people. My point was that a lot of holocaust survivors went to Israel and just did the same thing. Thats fkd up. Its like me getting beat up and raped then leaving hospital and then beating the sht out of anyone and raping them. Its fkd up

You’re all over the place here so not sure this is worth it. But have you never heard about brutalised people being more likely to brutalise others? It’s a thing, you know. Doing terrible things to a person (or people) is the worst possible way to try to create pacifists.
I am a bit sceptical of the story, not only do I not want it to be true that these babies were murdered but from what I understand from people within news, they asked the IDF for actual evidence/proof and were told they won't give anything but their statement
Ordinary claims require ordinary evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Now at the UW in Seattle as well, with the same paraglider poster. What a travesty.

I wonder if they fail to recognize where that paraglider comes from, or do and still included it in their poster.

Edit: "From the river to the sea" in the caption makes it clear.

Yep. I'm totally down for as many protests as possible to shine light on the Palestinian cause on our soil, but as @hasanejaz88 said, the paraglider takes it into bad taste.

I would be very surprised if they didn't know what the paraglider stands for.
Yep. I'm totally down for as many protests as possible to shine light on the Palestinian cause on our soil, but as @hasanejaz88 said, the paraglider takes it into bad taste.

I would be very surprised if they didn't know what the paraglider stands for.
If they are students, and they are so interested in what's going on in the region, then they definitely did. It's not an accident. They are picks.
You're just setting yourself up to be upset and outraged. If you don't like robust opinions, you shouldn't participate in a thread as emotive as this. It's as simple as that.

Your feelings are sensitive but not objective. And if the mods disagree it's not because they are part of some zionist conspiracy, the same as the BBC aren't. It's because your sensitivities aren't objective.
Being anti-Israel isn't antisemite. Same as being anti-Qatar isn't Islamaphobic. However I do understand some tones of posters do sound the part. It's very easy to become it when passionately talking about the topic.

It's never going to end you know. Even this clip will have been edited for engagement.

Honestly, in the last few days I've heard the sentiment privately from a lot of people. Even those like @Amir @ScholesyTheWise and myself who are for all intents and purposes moderate left have somewhat strayed into this thinking at points. It doesn't mean it's serious or enduring thoughts, simply that we are so upset and outraged, that we are advocating a more extreme measures than we ever thought we would. Similar in the US, the likes of AOC and Bernie Sanders have shifted significantly. We still obviously don't want to kill Palestinian civilians, or 'wipe them out' or any of that, but its the idea that we are going more numb to Palestinian deaths after this, that a more violent and terrible response is somehow justified. It's a definite shift from all sides.

These guys are obviously on the more extreme ends, and a few of them are idiots, but it's not isolated sentiments. Israel is shook, have no doubt. As much as the terrorism was a consequence of Israeli action, Israeli action henceforth is a consequence of this overreaching terror. I'd said it many times, the hamas terror attack was rational but not the implementation of it. The end result will be terrible for Palestinians.
I'd hold judgment also regarding the possibility that it's a definitive lie.
we might find it otherwise with time.

That it's taken as truth at the moment is disturbing of course and is a great piece of work by the people who manage to gain from it.
morals are obviously out the window.
I've done a post earlier to show why I'm so sceptical of anything that comes from an Israeli or IDF mouthpiece. It's why I'm making a point with this claim and a couple of others specifically, because it adds to this narrative that these people aren't humans but savage animals. And that adds to the narrative that they aren't worthy of the same civility that us 'civilised' people have. Maybe it's a coping mechanism, but its a form of dehumanisation which feeds into the overall narrative of Palestinians somehow 'deserve' the response. A few posters in this thread have come out with that type of rhetoric.

And of course - I'll state again, this doesn't mean that Hamas haven't committed heinous crimes.
I agree with being sceptical about this (and I have been in this thread).

But I find it interesting the sheer energy certain people are giving to discrediting this compared to the energy they're giving to the fact that babies were killed and abducted (which is definitely true).

It’s all just fecking noise. We know for a fact that hundreds of unarmed civilians were slaughtered by Hamas. The exact age and method of murder really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

Anyone who tries to take moral high ground because of “the other side” propagating lies on a platform that is absolutely riddled with bullshit is seriously missing the point.
See above.

The noise is part of the problem - and it's why I'd rather fact check certain parts. We've had admins in this thread propagate some of the claims - when you peek beneath the surface, there's very little credible evidence. And I think in this age of misinformation we live, we should be fact checking where we can.
While I hardly see Hamas a credible partner, why was the PA in the West Bank completely sidelined and marginalized by the israeli government (correct me if I'm wrong)? From your point of view, do you think that there's been a real effort towards dialogue from Israel and the Palestinians since 2007?

There has been no effort to solve the conflict ever since Ehud Olmert left his office as PM in 2009. Netanyahu has no interest in peace, just delaying and putting a halt to the two-state solution. That is why the PA was, as you said, marginalized by the Israeli govenment. Netanyahu's concept was that if you strengthen Gaza - and Hamas - as a second palestenian entity, then you can't really be expected to make an effort towards a two-state solution as you have two different palestenian authurities, in the West Bank and his Gaza.

Needless to say, the entire country is now paying the price for Netanyahu's idiotic stance.

The Oslo Accord seems to be a lifetime away, did it ever have a chance of solving the conflict? Was the assassination of Yithzak Rabin also, in a way, the death of the peace process?

I'm not at all certain that Rabin was going to remain as PM after the 1996 elections. There was a strong chance that he would have lost to Netanyahu due to the terror strikes in Israel during those years. But yes, his murder absolutely killed it.

Having said that, let's face it - Arafat was a terrorist himself. Maybe he was trying to change and make an effort toward something different. But eventually, he returnd to his old ways.
If they are students, and they are so interested in what's going on in the region, then they definitely did. It's not an accident. They are picks.
Yeah, it's just too niche of a symbol to appear in two different flyers a continent apart. Would love to give them the benefit of doubt, but it's not deserved in this case.

This actually made me laugh for a moment, what the actual feck.

Someone from Kibbutz Be'eri, where some 11o people were slaughtered and many more apparently kidnapped,
who had his son murdered while he himself was hiding in the safe room of the house;

He says that while he was hiding the Hamas men tried unlocking the door to the safe house,
they also bought things online with his credit card :nervous:
and he is now trying to cancel those deals, along with mourning his son (this in itself is also peculiar, as in, why can't he just leave it for the time being... but to judge someone in his shoes.... nah)

Can you imagine a Hamas commando soldier wasting time on such crap??

This strengthens the thinking that amongst those 'fighters' who stormed into Israel were bloody teenagers.

I mean mourning is more of a state of being than an act. You can be in mourning and do other things. I also imagine you wouldn't want terrorists who killed your son in your home to enjoy any nice things paid for with your own money.
You’re all over the place here so not sure this is worth it. But have you never heard about brutalised people being more likely to brutalise others? It’s a thing, you know. Doing terrible things to a person (or people) is the worst possible way to try to create pacifists.
You mean like the Palestinians after they were oppressed? No need to psychoanalyze the situation like I'm a small child. I get oppressed people turn out a lot of the time to be the same as their abusers. But its still fkd up. Like a child molester is fkd up even though they got that way from thier own abuse.
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The noise is part of the problem - and it's why I'd rather fact check certain parts. We've had admins in this thread propagate some of the claims - when you peek beneath the surface, there's very little credible evidence. And I think in this age of misinformation we live, we should be fact checking where we can.
That's fair enough I suppose. Just bring the same energy to Palestinian claims too, because they will be inflated and shaped to fit their narrative too. We should all strive for objectivity.
There has been no effort to solve the conflict ever since Ehud Olmert left his office as PM in 2009. Netanyahu has no interest in peace, just delaying and putting a halt to the two-state solution. That is why the PA was, as you said, marginalized by the Israeli govenment. Netanyahu's concept was that if you strengthen Gaza - and Hamas - as a second palestenian entity, then you can't really be expected to make an effort towards a two-state solution as you have two different palestenian authurities, in the West Bank and his Gaza.

Needless to say, the entire country is now paying the price for Netanyahu's idiotic stance.

I'm not at all certain that Rabin was going to remain as PM after the 1996 elections. There was a strong chance that he would have lost to Netanyahu due to the terror strikes in Israel during those years. But yes, his murder absolutely killed it.

Having said that, let's face it - Arafat was a terrorist himself. Maybe he was trying to change and make an effort toward something different. But eventually, he returnd to his old ways.

You will get slaughtered for the bolded bit by some, but I agree. He played his cards very very well and managed to persuade many people outside of Israel that he wasn't that anymore, but not everyone.

I'd say that Rabin didn't have a serious partner to work with but also, that Rabin himself was leading Israel into a move without sufficient backing from the majority of the Israeli public (even those who were for his plans, would have likely changed their minds once they found out that they wouldn't quite get peace from him), and his plan while nice on paper to some, wouldn't have held water.

I remember reading an article where it was stated that some weeks prior to his death in November 1995, and after signing the Oslo Accords a couple of months earlier, Rabin was presented with a series of evidence by then Chief-of-Staff that Arafat and Mohhamed Dahlan were still engaging in blatant terror, and that Rabin agreed to arrest Dahlan... If there's some truth in the article, it's quite telling.

I really really don't think this could end or could have ended in 1995.
it may change in a couple of generations if humanity still exists.
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This actually made me laugh for a moment, what the actual feck.

Someone from Kibbutz Be'eri, where some 11o people were slaughtered and many more apparently kidnapped,
who had his son murdered while he himself was hiding in the safe room of the house;

He says that while he was hiding the Hamas men tried unlocking the door to the safe house,
they also bought things online with his credit card :nervous:
and he is now trying to cancel those deals, along with mourning his son (this in itself is also peculiar, as in, why can't he just leave it for the time being... but to judge someone in his shoes.... nah)

Can you imagine a Hamas commando soldier wasting time on such crap??

This strengthens the thinking that amongst those 'fighters' who stormed into Israel were bloody teenagers.

It's normal. Part of the idea of raping their concept of safety and freedom.

Shoot the dog, kill the family, raid the fridge, make yourself a meal, spend some cash, raid the wardrobe and take the guys clothes, then burn the house down.

Anyone here follow the work of bellingcat?

Not just the investigations they do themselves, but the work they put into teaching others how to properly analyse information and use freely available osint tools/techniques. they need all the support they can get.
It's normal. Part of the idea of raping their concept of safety and freedom.

Shoot the dog, kill the family, raid the fridge, make yourself a meal, spend some cash, raid the wardrobe and take the guys clothes, then burn the house down.

Yeah, I get all that, but you'd think that buying stuff online takes at least a couple of minutes... I'd have imagined that they were in a hurry to kill or kidnap as many as they could... but alas.
Yeah, I get all that, but you'd think that buying stuff online takes at least a couple of minutes... I'd have imagined that they were in a hurry to kill or kidnap as many as they could... but alas.

You just take the wallet and buy the stuff later.
There are several angles to this.

- In recent weeks, Iran's three biggest enemies (US, Saudi, and Israel) have been working on a long term peace deal between the Saudis and Israelis. Given the reports that last weekend's terror operation was allegedly planned for two years, its timing seems more coincidental than anything, but the long term ramifications obviously work out in favor of the Iranians (who fund and train Hamas).

- The Hamas leadership are probably somewhat surprised at how well things went and that they were able to easily overwhelm, murder, and kidnap at will in the initial hours. That said, I think the Hamas goal would've been to take as many hostages as possible and use them as bargaining chips to negotiate the release of Palestinian hostages, gain political concessions from the Israelis, reorient global attention back to the middle east (and away from Ukraine), and as a bonus, kill any Israeli momentum towards bilateral peace deals with other Arab countries.

- Things however seem to have gone wrong for Hamas leadership in that they did not factor in the likelihood that the attack would galvanize Israel to actually invade Gaza to disarm and entirely remove Hamas, and subsequently reoccupy Gaza to prevent any further militant activity from ever being able to harm them.

This is why it feels like a ground war followed by a lengthy counterinsurgency campaign is inevitable, which given the amount of people in such a small area, would likely go on for weeks and months. Heavy civilian casualties will ensue.

Yeah it looks like it was more successful than anticipated, and i think Iran have played them like a fiddle too. Iran was happy to sacrifice Hamas in order to get what they want; a breakdown of peace talks in the Middle East.

I don't think a ground campaign will last long. The capability of the IDF is overwhelming. It's going to be another Fallujah where the roe in the early days was along the lines of if it moves, shoot it.
The noise is part of the problem - and it's why I'd rather fact check certain parts. We've had admins in this thread propagate some of the claims - when you peek beneath the surface, there's very little credible evidence. And I think in this age of misinformation we live, we should be fact checking where we can.

Didn’t you post something from Lowkey about Israel bombing the oldest church in Gaza, a claim that was subsequently debunked? Surely the fact-checking should apply to all sources, including UK-based rappers?

This actually made me laugh for a moment, what the actual feck.

Someone from Kibbutz Be'eri, where some 11o people were slaughtered and many more apparently kidnapped,
who had his son murdered while he himself was hiding in the safe room of the house;

He says that while he was hiding the Hamas men tried unlocking the door to the safe house,
they also bought things online with his credit card :nervous:
and he is now trying to cancel those deals, along with mourning his son (this in itself is also peculiar, as in, why can't he just leave it for the time being... but to judge someone in his shoes.... nah)

Can you imagine a Hamas commando soldier wasting time on such crap??

This strengthens the thinking that amongst those 'fighters' who stormed into Israel were bloody teenagers.
Very common in any war, it's just a modern day example of soldiers looting and pillaging - just because everything is online now doesn't really change what it is.
Didn’t you post something from Lowkey about Israel bombing the oldest church in Gaza, a claim that was subsequently debunked? Surely the fact-checking should apply to all sources, including UK-based rappers?
He's known more for his political activism now as opposed to his rap.

And if it was debunked I'm happy to delete that tweet from him.

Not just the investigations they do themselves, but the work they put into teaching others how to properly analyse information and use freely available osint tools/techniques. they need all the support they can get.
I want to take the courses they put on, so interesting

Is there any evidence of this yet? As far as I have seen it’s been proven to be disinformation? He says it’s increasingly looking true but I’m not sure by what metric because the last I have seen they have failed to provide any evidence or names to these 40 babies or where the massacre occurred.

Don’t think I’m condoning or excusing Hamas’ actions but a so called credible heavy weight like Andrew Neil repeating what he reads without any critical thinking is pretty disturbing.
He's known more for his political activism now as opposed to his rap.

And if it was debunked I'm happy to delete that tweet from him.

The point is that you could/should have fact checked that tweet before sharing. You can’t set yourself up as someone who is intent on busting all the false claims shared online, while not applying that same due diligence to content you want to be true. Which is even more ironic when you’re the person who first shares that fake news.