Film Spider-man: No Way Home

Really enjoyed this and could fill a page using the spoiler feature, there were certainly some great surprises!

A decent plot to carry on the series, and it was well constructed although I seem to have watched a few films recently which could have had 20 minutes shaved off them and it not made a difference. This was another.

Other than the child sat at the back who kept talking it's an easy 8/10 for me.
Not a spoiler. I did wonder who would take the mantle from iron man in the movies. I think Dr Strange could do that for this few phases. It kinda makes sense since it's all the multi verse stuff. They would look to Strange to help them.
Saw the film last night and some thoughts below:

  • Great to see Charlie Cox back as Matt Murdoch! He got royally shafted with the cancellation so great to see him likely to continue within the MCU
  • Thought the villains were great, but The Lizard & Sandman just seemed to be 'there' for the most part
  • I also didn't quite get how villains from different times came back as they had died at different times
    • Alfred Molina was great again as Doc Ock and the de-aging was absolutely stunning. Just gave him a more rounded end to his arc.
    • Jamie Foxx was great as Electro - really gave him a chance to flesh him out a little bit.
    • Willem Defoe is just at his scenery-chewing best - he'd make a great Joker if anyone did a 'Dark Knight Returns' film.
  • I really didn't see much of a point in Dr Strange apart from delivering exposition and the Deus Ex Machina at the end of the film
  • I thought the Spider-Men were equally awesome:
    • This I think was Tom Holland's best performance in the MCU by quite a distance.
    • Great to see Toby Maguire back but he seemed the weakest of the 3 (how I personally see him within the films)
    • Andrew Garfield was great I felt, as I always thought he was let down by weak films. He really got a great redemption arc talking about his 'dark side' after Gwen's death and then saving MJ, although I was expecting that to be a bigger moment.
  • Overall I'd put this on a par with Into the Spider-Verse & Spider-Man 2 (although I'd have to watch that again as it's been an age since I last watched it). This would go on the top-shelf of the MCU for me too
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Definitely the best Spider-Man movie for me.

Don’t get spoiled if you can avoid it, it’ll be worth it.

edit, that second end credit:drool:
Second best for me. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is so good! Enjoyed this one, cinema was full and people cheered at one point.
Really enjoy this. I think Spider-Man 2 is still the champ overall but this is the most entertaining of the Holland Spider-Man films.

Random spoiler thoughts

Andrew Garfield and Alfred Molina stole the show. I was pleasantly surprised how much Doc Ock was in this and how the film did its best to remain true to the development of the various characters so that his good side wasn't forgotten.

Andrew Garfield was just great in every scene and I thought the filmmakers really put some thought into it by having him be the one to save MJ. That was a nice moment, it could have all been about big action scenes but they really added some nice character development in there. Tobey and Ock's brief exchange was nice too.

Sandman was weird. They obviously didn't have the actor on set and he just seemed to randomly switch between good and bad.

Loved Tom and Andrew finding out about Tobey's organic webs. The whole scene in the lab was great.

I'm glad they finally used the Great Power line and it carried a lot of weight with when it was delivered.

The plot overall was a bit flimsy, Peter wants to get his friends into MIT and interrupts Strange casting a spell so it all goes wrong. It did it's job though.

The scene where Peter's spider sense is going off and he doesn't know why was really cool. As was his spider sense not allowing Strange to re-take the box.

Matt Murdoch catching the brick was great.

The ending was nicely done, the final scenes. I can't imagine Peter will really start over everything again with MJ without her suddenly remembering everything at some point down the line. Also clever how it basically resets Peter down to his basic premise, the Daily Bugle harassing him, living on his own difficult to make ends meet, probably needs a nice freelance job (photographer), meets MJ for the first time etc, has to work on his own with no Avengers to help. Should be interesting.

I really liked his final costume, I think its the closest one yet to the original comic book one.
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Was the last post credits scene literally a trailer for the new Doctor Strange movie? Felt weird being marketed something so directly like that
I enjoyed it.
Andrew Garfield saving MJ and his reaction to it was the best moment of the movie for me.

Peters and Neds Death Star getting destroyed again made me laugh.

Resetting Spiderman back his basics was a good idea because the MCU is now beyond epic in universe and good to see it grounded somewhat.
One of my biggest gripe with MCU Spider-Man was he was basically Iron-Man Jr. In Homecoming and Far from Home, Spidey was always helped and supported by Stark and the Avengers to the lesser extent. But this movie is actually focusing on Spider-Man himself and his growth as a hero without Stark shadow hanging over him.
I really like that he got to the basic, sewing his own costume, living in a rundown apartment, have little to no money. The major draw of Spider-Man was he's an everyman that was trusted with great power and have to juggle every man problems with super human responsibilities.
I love Garfield and Maguire returning as Spider-Man, especially Garfield. He's a great actor that got shafted by bad script and studio interference. His redemption with saving MJ was really well done. The biggest kick I got was seeing Matt Murdock as Peter's lawyer though. Daredevil and Spidey was tight in the comics and they even shared some villains. And with Hawkeye series bringing back D'Onofrio as Kingpin, I really wanted to see more of him in the MCU.
Oh and Willem Defoe is still the best actor to play Spidey villain, just great performance
Catching this tomorrow, whats the situation on end-credits scenes? From memory Homecoming had a mid-credits scene like a couple of minutes in and then a Captain America scene like 10 minutes later, so do I need to sit in the cinema all the way to the end?
Catching this tomorrow, whats the situation on end-credits scenes? From memory Homecoming had a mid-credits scene like a couple of minutes in and then a Captain America scene like 10 minutes later, so do I need to sit in the cinema all the way to the end?

Two post credit scenes. One during and one at the end.
Just a brilliantly done movie. Really love it. Best spider movie to date definitely.

the while cinema cheered when Garfield and Toby appeared!. Myself included. I Just got so excited. I loved that they slowed it down after the death scene and gave every one some moments to have a heart to heart and kickback to chat. The exchange between the spidermen was just :drool: . Garfield was great. Loved his Redemption moment! Ock was nice to see and being a good guy was a welcomed surprise. Defoe just fecking loves this role. Looks so damn good as the green goblin. Can't wait to see what comes next for Spiderman
Second best for me. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is so good! Enjoyed this one, cinema was full and people cheered at one point.

I thought about this, and Into the Spider Verse is obviously fantastic, but I think (hope) that it's just the beginning of the story for Miles and he gets an opportunity for more movies and chances to flesh his role & his world a bit more, like Holland has. Also on rewatches of Into the Spider-Verse i've liked it less than I originally did, but again most of that comes from Miles still needing to grow into the role more.

This movie however was a great end to a long Spiderman cycle.
It pays great homage to previous/multi-verse Spiderman's (Spidermen? Spidey's? Spii?) with the inclusion of Garfield, Maguire, the old villains and Murdock!
It had a better depth of emotion, from May passing away to breaking ties with Ned, MJ & The Avengers - I also really liked the use of humour, a lot of it was subtle and the rest of the film felt a lot more relatable and realistic (while recognising the obvious).
Saw it this morning and it was incredible, everything a Spider-man movie should be! One question though
The spell was to forget Peter Parker wasn’t it? When Peter and Happy are at the cemetery he asks how he knew May and he says “Through Spider-man” “yeah same” ….that means that Spider-Man is still known to the world and still an Avenger, surely?
Saw it this morning and it was incredible, everything a Spider-man movie should be! One question though
The spell was to forget Peter Parker wasn’t it? When Peter and Happy are at the cemetery he asks how he knew May and he says “Through Spider-man” “yeah same” ….that means that Spider-Man is still known to the world and still an Avenger, surely?

Yeah, I wondered the same. If Happy just knows Spiderman but not Peter Parker then fine, but how did he know May without knowing Peter Parker? The only thing that connects her to Spiderman is being Peter Parker.
Strange said something like: "Sometimes I forgot you're just a kid"

I haven't read Spider-Man comics in a while, but I think one of his characteristics was his yearning for a normal life. He's basically a child who struggles with responsibilities someone his age shouldn't have. And that could lead to making stupid decisions
It was not really his acts to have a normal life, it's more his acts in trying to fix all the villains (trapping Strange in the mirror dimension and then bringing all the villains home like wtf?) that I thought was very stupid of him.
Going back to a post I made earlier, I absolutely loved the immigration story they sewed in to this film:

  • Peter and Dr. Strange make a mistake which pulls the villains out of their universes -> actions of the West displacing people in Syria/Afghanistan for example
  • They come and are met with hostility
  • Strange wants to send them back where they came from even knowing they’ll die -> deportation order of people who are likely to be killed on return
I know a lot of times you paint things with your own brush but I thought that was a really clever way to get a complex idea out there, so kids and parents can discuss the issue along the lines of, “Who was right in that situation? Should they have a right to stay? If they know they’re going to die isn’t it the responsibility of ‘good guys’ to intervene and help?
Saw this last night - thought it was great.

Some nice bits:
-Thought Tobey being the one to stop Tom killing Green Goblin was a nice touch.
-Andrew Garfield saving MJ
-Alfred Molina is always good viewing

Seeing Garfield and Maguire was lovely - I remember those first set of Spiderman movies as I watched them as a 12,13 year old, and loved them.

The best thing was Willem Defoe. Even 20 years later, he still manages to unnerve you. A phenomenal actor and loved his bit in the movie. He was the best thing about that movie, and I'd say up there with Heath Ledger's Joker as the best comic book villain on screen I've seen.

The plot was flimsy though and Tom Holland's decision making wasn't well thought out, but it doesn't really need to be in a comic book movie.

Also was nice how it came full circle - he's living alone in a crummy apartment, in the red and blue suit, where no one knows his true identity, and I guess he'll have to get MJ to fall in love with him again (or maybe he meets Gwen).

Will be interesting seeing the development of the Sony-MCUverse with Venom, Morbius and who is a part of it. Also nice to see a bit of Venom-symbiote staying behind.

Didn't understand the point of stabbing Maguire if they weren't going to kill him off?

Edit: Forgot to add - loved the cameo from Daredevil - by fav MCU TV show and he's a great actor too.
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Hard to separate my fan boy reaction from a proper critical assessment of how good it is but that was a really fun film.

Despite the number of iconic characters, I think Watt handed enough screen time to everyone to make it worthwhile.

I liked that it did reset Spider-Man as a friendly neighborhood hero with no Stark tech to help him. i read somewhere that there will be two threads for MCU's next phase(s) - Magic / Multiverse versus Street level small stakes and it seems Spider-Man will be more in the latter moving forward which works well for the character and can have him go up against some more grounded villains like Kraven and not have to explain why he didn't insta kill them.

Was Eddie Brock's crossing over the most pointless of teasers ever? Fair enough the symbiote stayed but he's gone back now.

I am sure Stark industries being under investigation will lead into Armor Wars, Justin hammer to but out Stark industries for a song

Saw many people worried about redemption arcs for some characters being destroyed by bringing back Doc Oc / Sandman for this but I thought it handled the stories well and gave them all a nice addendum to their existing stories rather than ruining what Raimi did.

I wonder is this one and done for Toby and Andrew. I know its Super Hero saturation at the moment but I thought it was interesting that they are both still active spider men and could both potentially have interesting stories to tell.
Hard to separate my fan boy reaction from a proper critical assessment of how good it is but that was a really fun film.

Despite the number of iconic characters, I think Watt handed enough screen time to everyone to make it worthwhile.

I liked that it did reset Spider-Man as a friendly neighborhood hero with no Stark tech to help him. i read somewhere that there will be two threads for MCU's next phase(s) - Magic / Multiverse versus Street level small stakes and it seems Spider-Man will be more in the latter moving forward which works well for the character and can have him go up against some more grounded villains like Kraven and not have to explain why he didn't insta kill them.

Was Eddie Brock's crossing over the most pointless of teasers ever? Fair enough the symbiote stayed but he's gone back now.

I am sure Stark industries being under investigation will lead into Armor Wars, Justin hammer to but out Stark industries for a song

Saw many people worried about redemption arcs for some characters being destroyed by bringing back Doc Oc / Sandman for this but I thought it handled the stories well and gave them all a nice addendum to their existing stories rather than ruining what Raimi did.

I wonder is this one and done for Toby and Andrew. I know its Super Hero saturation at the moment but I thought it was interesting that they are both still active spider men and could both potentially have interesting stories to tell.

It was just a cheap way of getting the symbiote into MCU tbh as opposed to a way of introducing Tom Hardy himself into this universe. I’m sure there will be another Eddie Brock in the current universe at some point when they introduce the symbiote storyline.

Maybe they will be kept on the back burner until we get the next End Game level showdown.
Saw it last night and would say that it met all expectations. I give it 9 out of 10. I don't want to give any spoilers away, however if you are a certain age like me you will fecking love it

My fav movie of the year
Most would have said what I want to say, but glad I managed to avoid all spoilers. I mean certain things you expected but it was never confirmed and was still amazing
Just sat through about 3 hours of grown adults whooping and cheering, laughing out loud at bits that weren’t even that funny, and a grown man on his own, in full Spider-Man suit, doing his own commentary on the film. “Ooh Doctor Strange you shouldn’t have done that”

SHUT UP YOU cnuts.

All in all, distractions aside, was a good film.
Just sat through about 3 hours of grown adults whooping and cheering, laughing out loud at bits that weren’t even that funny, and a grown man on his own, in full Spider-Man suit, doing his own commentary on the film. “Ooh Doctor Strange you shouldn’t have done that”

SHUT UP YOU cnuts.

All in all, distractions aside, was a good film.

How do you know that wasn't another multiverse Spider-man hmmm? How?
When all the spidermen where fighting. I really thought Miles spiderman might have been a massive surprise. That would be have been amazing
When all the spidermen where fighting. I really thought Miles spiderman might have been a massive surprise. That would be have been amazing

I think we will see that soon with the reference to it, which was great
That was unreal. Best spiderman film IMO, and one of marvels best too.
It was messy and had a couple of plot holes, but my god was it satisfying and emotional. The 3rd act was perfect. Most enjoyable Marvel thing since Endgame.
Great movie experience. I do think it could be a bit like Endgame where it’s great the first time or so but doesn’t age well, especially if you think about it for a minute.

One thing that was clear from this is that Andrew Garfield was done so dirty in his movies. He was absolutely phenomenal in this. I think he and Dafoe stole the show.

Definitely Holland’s best performance too. He was great. I really hated the first two MCU Spiderman movies because they didn’t seem to get the character. This does a much better job.
You all have already mentioned the things I liked about this but just wanted to say that this is what a superhero film should be... Fun, action packed and with heart.

I might see it again.

So good!!
I loved it. It moved a bit too slow opening 20 mins, but the second half is up there with anything marvel has made. If you haven't seen it yet you are in luck
This is getting a lot of hype everywhere. I'm excited to see it. I thought far from home and homecoming were meh..
Thought it was the worst of Tom Holland 3 films. Too much fan service.
Braved a fecking plague pit to see this tonight because my Mrs loves Spiderman films and I’m a good partner/massive sucker/lin desperate need of danger to feel alive… and, hey… it’s a very good achievement for what it is.

I’m closer to home base than not on the Scorsese Cinematic spectrum, so I didn’t feel as squiggly about it as the person sobbing covid droplets behind me in Clapham Picturehouse did.., but before @Sweet Square @R.N7 and @Rooney in Paris swing in here to rescue me from praising a Marvel movie (I’ve probably praised loads of them tbf, it’s hard to remember at this point, there are just so, so many…) I have to Kermode this, and judge every film, however arty or Asian, by what it’s trying to be… and this was as impressive a feat of screenwriting engineering for Superhero stuff as any of these things since the first Avengers have been.

You can interpret that as cynically or complimentary as you like (and it is both) but tbf if you think any of your favourite ‘proper films’ weren’t also as painstakingly engineered, with a lot less parts to fit, rather than simply farted fully formed out of the great Criterion arse, then you’ve never tried to write a script … So whatever you think about it’s artistic merit, it IS impressively assembled. It pays off what it sets up (unlike all that Infinity-Endgame bollocks) and still gives its lead more acting to do than any James Cameron film - who I gather from the “Marvel is lame” thread is now the true arbiter of ‘cinema’ I guess?….The guy that made Arnold Schwarzenegger a movie star, and Avatar… that’s where the discourse is at, apparently?

So anywho… eh… it’s a big blurry brown melange of silly Marvel nonsense… but the fact they did all the many silly nonsense things they were expected to do, and paid off all the many silly nonsense arcs they set up, as proficiently as they could’ve possibly done within the silly blurry brown Marvel nonsense world, is certainly an achievement….

It is unquestionably better than Terrance Malick’s Knight of Cups…. Or any Star Wars.

Roll on the next 17 of these, I guess…
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Thought it was the worst of Tom Holland 3 films. Too much fan service.

You're Crazy.

It's the best of his 3 easily and this fan service you say, is done with thought and meaning.
You can interpret that as cynically or complimentary as you like (and it is both) but tbf if you think any of your favourite ‘proper films’ weren’t also as painstakingly engineered, with a lot less parts to fit, rather than simply It pays off what it sets up (unlike all that Infinity-Endgame bollocks) and still gives its lead more acting to do than any James Cameron film - who I gather from the “Marvel is lame” thread is now the true arbiter of ‘cinema’ I guess?….The guy that made Arnold Schwarzenegger a movie star, and Avatar… that’s where the discourse is at, apparently?
Lets not compare the works of the West greatest anti imperialist filmmaker to the new spider guy vs grey goblin film.
Lets not compare the works of the West greatest anti imperialist filmmaker to the new spider guy vs grey goblin film.

Hear hear. But at the same time, I feel it important that we not forget that he's only like that because he thinks he - and not the imperialists - should be in charge of literally everything, like the king of the world or something.