2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Is there anyone here to actively supports Trump? Or even passively.

If so - why?

What exactly are his good qualities?

His rallies seem a bit Hitler-esque to me. So do his policies.
There was a comment on the youtube video saying the laugh was taken from the Benghazi hearings. If they've been as stupid as to use footage from that, then that's how Trump will attack it.

Photo from google images when you search for Hillary Benghazi Hearing...

There was a comment on the youtube video saying the laugh was taken from the Benghazi hearings. If they've been as stupid as to use footage from that, then that's how Trump will attack it.

Photo from google images when you search for Hillary Benghazi Hearing...


Well if that's the case then she might have sealed her own fate, or at least opened herself up to a world of pain. Her recent flippant remarks about Libya and Benghazi have been bad enough without this on top.
There was a comment on the youtube video saying the laugh was taken from the Benghazi hearings. If they've been as stupid as to use footage from that, then that's how Trump will attack it.

Photo from google images when you search for Hillary Benghazi Hearing...

They always use stuff from the Benghazi hearings, mainly to highlight how ridiculous keeping her in there for however many hours for no apparent purpose was.
Yup :lol: Here's his fulsome endorsement:


I don't think I've ever seen anybody endorse somebody else with so little enthusiasm and with so much venom. He even says that he thinks somebody else is better.

I also find it hilarious how much the Israelis have the Republican party (but I guess quite generally the political establishment there) so enthralled to them. Support of f Israel is really the first thing he says?

Of all the issues that he could tall about, all of the issues affecting Americans, all of the domestic problems and all of the imminently threatening international ones, he's most bothered by what they think about Israel?

Rallying cry will be "Cruz - he's a cnut, but he's our cnut".
What exactly are his good qualities?

I have really tried hard to find any, seriously. When you look at the racist and fascist talk, the inflammatory comments and the angry supporters, the not condemning the violence at his rallies and the stupid comments like paying the legal fees for anyone who hits a protestor. The continued attacks on his opponents, the crude remarks, the ridiculous amount of barefaced lies he tells about his businesses and his past, the misdirection, the narcissism, the utter disregard for facts, the ridiculous self promotion, the flip flopping, the absurd statements, the sexist remarks, the bullying to anyone who disagrees with him and the arse kissing to anyone who agrees with him.

Couple that with all his bullshit about consulting himself as foreign policy advisor because he has "a good brain" or the fact "he knows many words" and put it all together with all the crap he speaks about every single so called policy idea he has domestic or foreign, from bombing civilians to banning an entire religion to his health policy of having lots of competition (whatever that means) to education where he will get rid of common core (what else?) to starting trade wars with the Japanese and Chinese. His lies about his products being manufactured overseas and his treatment of his volunteers, his lies about the deal with Iran, or his treatment of opponents like Carson who he called a Paedophile or the disabled gentleman he ridiculed.

Then when you actually listen to him it appears he constantly reads stuff or hears stuff and just repeats it without knowing what he is saying, like unemployment at an all time high of around 40% when many say it's around 5%, the military being decimated when many top ranking advisors say it is more streamlined and actually in quite reasonable shape or that 40% of Muslims are radicals who want to attack the USA, or his crap about Mexico paying for the wall or his comments about Mexican immigrants etc. Then when you factor in his unfavourability numbers that stand around 86% for African Americans and 77% for Hispanics and 50% with women and that many leaders from other countries have slated him and even his own party is now trying to think of ways to stop him and are running ads against him, it's really hard to see how and why he is doing so well, let alone liked. I'm also sure I have left lots of stuff out too.

Sarah Palin got her arse ripped apart 8 years ago because she was dim, came out with moronic, nonsensical statements and didn't have a fecking clue what she was talking about and she just kept repeating the same old gibberish over and over and over again. Yet here we have Trump, who does EXACTLY the same, if not worse, and he is not only given a free pass by many, but he is leading the polls and race to be candidate for the GOP. It is baffling to say the least.

This video here highlights for me everything that is wrong with Trump. It's clear (like Palin) he hasn't got a feckin clue what the hell he is talking about.

Now after you take all that in to consideration and watch that video (one of many, many like it) it's absurd to think that anyone could defend him, let alone vote for him. When you look at everything like that, I personally am thinking more and more that he's just on a massive WUM, and I can only put his popularity down to ignorance and the fact he is a very rich reality TV star, and that sadly many people in this day and age are so materialistic and selfish and narcissistic that that is what counts, and that the GOP has created such a massive climate of hatred and fear and division for years in their supporters and now it's finally coming round and biting them in the ass and they haven't got a bloody clue what to do about it.

Maybe @barros can explain what he sees in him because I sure as hell cant, especially not when as far as Conservatives go, there seems to be a decent enough choice there in Kasich.
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NY Times claims that HRC has Obama backing

I interpreted this line as a subtly unsubtle way of signalling that the entire fundraiser was in fact a deliberate leak; meant to indicate an official position which the President couldn't be seen to be officially taking just yet.

The comments were described by three people in the room for the event, all of whom were granted anonymity to describe a candid moment with the president. The comments were later confirmed by a White House official.
I interpreted this line as a subtly unsubtle way of signalling that the entire fundraiser was in fact a deliberate leak; meant to indicate an official position which the President couldn't be seen to be officially taking just yet.

Of course, Obama will back her openly when she becomes the nominee, but there are signs for sometime that Obama has a pragmatic streak after his two terms and probably sees Clinton as someone who will carry his legacy forward.

Of course she does and if she's smart she'll let him campaign all over the country for her.

Democrats will pull all their big guns out after July
I have really tried hard to find any, seriously. When you look at the racist and fascist talk, the inflammatory comments and the angry supporters, the not condemning the violence at his rallies and the stupid comments like paying the legal fees for anyone who hits a protestor. The continued attacks on his opponents, the crude remarks, the ridiculous amount of barefaced lies he tells about his businesses and his past, the misdirection, the narcissism, the utter disregard for facts, the ridiculous self promotion, the flip flopping, the absurd statements, the sexist remarks, the bullying to anyone who disagrees with him and the arse kissing to anyone who agrees with him.

Couple that with all his bullshit about consulting himself as foreign policy advisor because he has "a good brain" or the fact "he knows many words" and put it all together with all the crap he speaks about every single so called policy idea he has domestic or foreign, from bombing civilians to banning an entire religion to his health policy of having lots of competition (whatever that means) to education where he will get rid of common core (what else?) to starting trade wars with the Japanese and Chinese. His lies about his products being manufactured overseas and his treatment of his volunteers, or opponents like Carson who he called a Paedophile or the disabled gentleman he ridiculed.

Then when you actually listen to him it appears he constantly reads stuff or hears stuff and just repeats it without knowing what he is saying, like unemployment at an all time high of around 40% when many say it's around 5%, the military being decimated when many top ranking advisors say it is more streamlined and actually in quite reasonable shape or that 40% of Muslims are radicals who want to attack the USA, or his crap about Mexico paying for the wall or his comments about Mexican immigrants etc. Then when you factor in his unfavourability numbers that stand around 86% for African Americans and 77% for Hispanics and 50% with women and that many leaders from other countries have slated him and even his own party is now trying to think of ways to stop him and are running ads against him, it's really hard to see how and why he is doing so well, let alone liked. I'm also sure I have left lots of stuff out too.

Sarah Palin got her arse ripped apart 8 years ago because she was dim, came out with moronic, nonsensical statements and didn't have a fecking clue what she was talking about and she just kept repeating the same old gibberish over and over and over again. Yet here we have Trump, who does EXACTLY the same, if not worse, and he is not only given a free pass by many, but he is leading the polls and race to be candidate for the GOP. It is baffling to say the least.

This video here highlights for me everything that is wrong with Trump. It's clear (like Palin) he hasn't got a feckin clue what the hell he is talking about.

Now after you take all that in to consideration and watch that video (one of many, many like it) it's absurd to think that anyone could defend him, let alone vote for him. When you look at everything like that, I personally am thinking more and more that he's just on a massive WUM, and I can only put his popularity down to ignorance and the fact he is a very rich reality TV star, and that sadly many people in this day and age are so materialistic and selfish and narcissistic that that is what counts, and that the GOP has created such a massive climate of hatred and fear and division for years in their supporters and now it's finally coming round and biting them in the ass and they haven't got a bloody clue what to do about it.

Maybe @barros can explain what he sees in him because I sure as hell cant, especially not when as far as Conservatives go, there seems to be a decent enough choice there in Kasich.

I just want a change and only him and sanders would make a change, obvious I will not vote for sanders because he's socialist but I see good thinks in him as well. Trump will have to change a lot if he wants to win the GE but he's not as bad as people try to make, he used populism to get there and now he will be in trouble to remove his anti-Latino label.
I just want a change and only him and sanders would make a change, obvious I will not vote for sanders because he's socialist but I see good thinks in him as well. Trump will have to change a lot if he wants to win the GE but he's not as bad as people try to make, he used populism to get there and now he will be in trouble to remove his anti-Latino label.

Surely "just wanting change" isn't a valid reason to vote for someone like Trump, though? Surely they've actually got to offer something reasonable and coherent to actually warrant letting them in?
I just want a change and only him and sanders would make a change, obvious I will not vote for sanders because he's socialist but I see good thinks in him as well. Trump will have to change a lot if he wants to win the GE but he's not as bad as people try to make, he used populism to get there and now he will be in trouble to remove his anti-Latino label.

I agree completely about wanting a change, and understand why you would want and think that, and respect you for wanting that, obviously I can't agree with your Conservative stance or viewpoint either, but that's fair enough.

As for Trump and the bolded part, I actually agree there too. You're right, he's not as bad as people make out, after his comments and extremely unsubtle threats about "people kicking off and riots starting" at the convention if he doesn't get the nomination, I'm convinced he is far worse than I ever thought he was.

I just want a change and only him and sanders would make a change, obvious I will not vote for sanders because he's socialist but I see good thinks in him as well. Trump will have to change a lot if he wants to win the GE but he's not as bad as people try to make, he used populism to get there and now he will be in trouble to remove his anti-Latino label.

Great US Presidents are Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln, Ted Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, to name some. They each elevated and/or "saved" the US in difficult times. Do you see anything that defined their personalities in Donald Trump?
Great US Presidents are Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln, Ted Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, to name some. They each elevated and/or "saved" the US in difficult times. Do you see anything that defined their personalities in Donald Trump?

Washington is overrated as president. He was a great general, not a great president. His decision to step down after 2 terms was a great one though. Set up a really good principle for the young republic.
Washington is overrated as president. He was a great general, not a great president. His decision to step down after 2 terms was a great one though. Set up a really good principle for the young republic.

Yes, he set much of the precedent of how a US President should conduct his business. I'd say only Lincoln and TR have as big a mark in terms of the Presidency as an institution.
Speaking of great presidents, I've been wondering where Obama will end up on the list. I currently have him somewhere between 11th and 16th position. A modern James Polk, if you will.
I agree completely about wanting a change, and understand why you would want and think that, and respect you for wanting that, obviously I can't agree with your Conservative stance or viewpoint either, but that's fair enough.

As for Trump and the bolded part, I actually agree there too. You're right, he's not as bad as people make out, after his comments and extremely unsubtle threats about "people kicking off and riots starting" at the convention if he doesn't get the nomination, I'm convinced he is far worse than I ever thought he was.

Trump's policy beliefs are not the worry. My concern is his super ego. He acts on a whim. very unstable. He is a bully. But I do like it when he slaps those establishment Republicans. Just that he is shaking up that party may be worth it. ;)
Yes, he set much of the precedent of how a US President should conduct his business. I'd say only Lincoln and TR have as big a mark in terms of the Presidency as an institution.

Fair enough. IMO though people often confound Washington the founding father and Washington the politician. Looking at his actual achievements during the presidency, I wouldn't have him in my top 5.
Washington is overrated as president. He was a great general, not a great president. His decision to step down after 2 terms was a great one though. Set up a really good principle for the young republic.

Without Washington there is no United States. that alone guarantees he is number 1 Lincoln second simply because he saved the union.
Fair enough. IMO though people often confound Washington the founding father and Washington the politician. Looking at his actual achievements during the presidency, I wouldn't have him in my top 5.

Washington was on unchartered ground, and he handled a disputing cabinet, foreign affairs , and domestic unrests as well as anyone could have, while setting a great example for future presidents to follow. A Roosevelt or Jefferson, as great as they were, could have bungled things up.

He may not be the best (I personally have Lincoln as first) but he's top 3. And there's not much competition. After top 7 the level drops drastically. I mean, the amount of dross from Jackson to Lincoln, or from Lincoln to Roosevelt 1...
Washington was on unchartered ground, and he handled a disputing cabinet, foreign affairs , and domestic unrests as well as anyone could have, while setting a great example for future presidents to follow. A Roosevelt or Jefferson, as great as they were, could have bungled things up.

He may not be the best (I personally have Lincoln as first) but he's top 3. And there's not much competition. After top 7 the level drops drastically. I mean, the amount of dross from Jackson to Lincoln, or from Lincoln to Roosevelt 1...

I'm a huge Lincoln fan so it might cloud my judgement. My beef with Washington is that he didn't do enough to suppress the Jeffersonian wing, which prevented Hamilton from many possible achievement that could make the US substantially different from this current states right nonsense. He was unanimously elected twice, with that influence he could've set the agenda and make the federal government much more important from the off.
I'm a huge Lincoln fan so it might cloud my judgement. My beef with Washington is that he didn't do enough to suppress the Jeffersonian wing, which prevented Hamilton from many possible achievement that could make the US substantially different from this current states right nonsense. He was unanimously elected twice, with that influence he could've set the agenda and make the federal government much more important from the off.

This is partly conjecture so it may be bs, but IMO the goodwill that got him elected unaminously was partly as a result of him juggling the differing interests of Hamilton and Jefferson. Leaning too far to Hamilton may have endeared him to the northern states but would probably leave him with more enemies in the southern states and frontier territories. Plus, I would argue that the Union's negligence in clamping down on states rights post the Civil War had a much bigger influence on the current problems with balance of power disproportionately tilted towards the states.
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