2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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He almost exactly said that.
With latinos being a big voting bloc and only getting bigger, I cannot see how he overcomes that.

The left will play that on a revolving loop, along with his "let's ban all muslims" comments once his status as the Republican nominee is confirmed.

I think Trump will actually double down on his anti muslim comments but try and backtrack on comments and actions relating to african americans and Latinos.

He'd be doubly screwed if some sort of female divide could be created on his misogynistic comments tho. Btw, he is bound to say something at some point about Hillary.
But he has a good brain, you know, a terrific brain, everybody says it, just ask anyone, terrific.

He is very intelligent and he does speak really well to his people. It's not an easy thing to stand up there for forty minutes and waffle on about all those subjects and be able to engage people. Just look at Cruz who is clearly exceptionally smart but unable to really inspire anybody with his speaking. He just sounds like a lecturer the whole time.

I think a big problem with people like Trump is that they have gone through life with very few people saying 'no' or 'that's a stupid idea' to them. When you're a POTUS you absolutely need the advice and opinions of others and then you weigh them and make your decision. I could see Trump just going with his gut and getting things spectacularly wrong.
He is very intelligent and he does speak really well to his people. It's not an easy thing to stand up there for forty minutes and waffle on about all those subjects and be able to engage people. Just look at Cruz who is clearly exceptionally smart but unable to really inspire anybody with his speaking. He just sounds like a lecturer the whole time.

I think a big problem with people like Trump is that they have gone through life with very few people saying 'no' or 'that's a stupid idea' to them. When you're a POTUS you absolutely need the advice and opinions of others and then you weigh them and make your decision. I could see Trump just going with his gut and getting things spectacularly wrong.
well we will have palin and carson advising for a start... what could possibly go wrong.
"They're sending us their thieves, their drug dealers, murderers and their rapists.. And some, I assume, are good people." That's barely paraphrased.

Stripped of the rabble-rousing, populist language, that might reasonably be translated as -

'Criminals are disproportionately represented in the ranks of illegal immigrants'.

Which may well be true. In fact, judging by anecdotal evidence, almost certainly is.

Trump's rhetoric may be inflammatory, but you're still misrepresenting him.
Trump has to have a strategy for dealing with a huger audience beyond the primary stage. I don't see how he does that, but I don't get paid to give advice on how to capture the most states out of any Republican candidate.
Stripped of the rabble-rousing, populist language, that might reasonably be translated as -

'Criminals are disproportionately represented in the ranks of illegal immigrants'.

Which may well be true. In fact, judging by anecdotal evidence, almost certainly is.

Trump's rhetoric may be inflammatory, but you're still misrepresenting him.

Aspersion cast. Let's have the facts then rather than "anecdotal evidence" :rolleyes:
I think Trump will actually double down on his anti muslim comments but try and backtrack on comments and actions relating to african americans and Latinos.

He'd be doubly screwed if some sort of female divide could be created on his misogynistic comments tho. Btw, he is bound to say something at some point about Hillary.
The gender divide is going to be really interesting to watch this year. It's big enough in the Dem race with an opponent that's well liked by women, what it'll be like with Trump is anyone's guess.
Stripped of the rabble-rousing, populist language, that might reasonably be translated as -

'Criminals are disproportionately represented in the ranks of illegal immigrants'.

Which may well be true. In fact, judging by anecdotal evidence, almost certainly is.

Trump's rhetoric may be inflammatory, but you're still misrepresenting him.

Disproportionately represented compared to other groups and just some good people and rest being criminals are quite a far bit off.

And even the first part doesn't seem true as per the article posted above.
Lindsey Graham endorses Cruz :lol: We're through the looking glass here, people.

A lot of facts in that article. The problem is that Trump was referring to the recent influx of illegals across the Mexican border, and much of the quoted data is historic, and refers to 'immigrants' generically, whether legal or illegal, without reference to place of origin. But it's worth taking note of the first, arguably most relevant, piece of data quoted -

Trump’s campaign pointed to data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission, which tracks citizenship of offenders in federal prisons by primary offense, which is the offense with the longest maximum sentence when a person is convicted of multiple offenses. Of 78,022 primary offense cases in fiscal year 2013, 38.6 percent were illegal immigrant offenders. The majority of their cases (76 percent) were immigration related. Of total primary offenses, 17.6 percent of drug trafficking offenses and 3.8 percent of sex abuse were illegal immigrants. Of 22,878 drug crime cases, 17.2 percent were illegal immigrants.

Maybe I shouldn't be offering an opinion about something of which I have such limited knowledge, but from what I've read, there seems to be a feeling among people living in the border States, including many Latinos, that the character of illegals has changed for the worse in recent times. The keep your head down, work hard, and make a new, better life in America type no longer predominates - many less savoury characters now cross the border with nothing in mind beyond making a quick killing.

Despite the plethora of stats in the liberal Washington Post's article, I don't think it proves a more moderate interpretation of what Trump said wrong; since, as I said, most of the quoted stats are not relevant. The assertion in my first post that anecdotal evidence 'almost certainly' shows the opposite to be true is equally dubious.

The central point I was making though - what Trump said did not equate to 'All Mexicans are rapists' - still stands.
An interesting article on Bernie and his chances going forward.


And Trump has just announced live on Fox just said he WILL NOT be attending the next debate on Fox news in a couple of days. He said he has an important speech lined up in front of some very important people, when the presenters asked who he said "ermm important people" and they had to answer the question for him. :lol:

Good article, thanks for posting! We have hope yet!
Last Tejano concert I was at, the loudest cheers weren't from any of the songs. It was when the lead singer yelled "F*** Donald Trump!"

I think he's past pivoting towards them at this point...
A lot of facts in that article. The problem is that Trump was referring to the recent influx of illegals across the Mexican border, and much of the quoted data is historic, and refers to 'immigrants' generically, whether legal or illegal, without reference to place of origin. But it's worth taking note of the first, arguably most relevant, piece of data quoted -

Trump’s campaign pointed to data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission, which tracks citizenship of offenders in federal prisons by primary offense, which is the offense with the longest maximum sentence when a person is convicted of multiple offenses. Of 78,022 primary offense cases in fiscal year 2013, 38.6 percent were illegal immigrant offenders. The majority of their cases (76 percent) were immigration related. Of total primary offenses, 17.6 percent of drug trafficking offenses and 3.8 percent of sex abuse were illegal immigrants. Of 22,878 drug crime cases, 17.2 percent were illegal immigrants.

Maybe I shouldn't be offering an opinion about something of which I have such limited knowledge, but from what I've read, there seems to be a feeling among people living in the border States, including many Latinos, that the character of illegals has changed for the worse in recent times. The keep your head down, work hard, and make a new, better life in America type no longer predominates - many less savoury characters now cross the border with nothing in mind beyond making a quick killing.

Despite the plethora of stats in the liberal Washington Post's article, I don't think it proves a more moderate interpretation of what Trump said wrong; since, as I said, most of the quoted stats are not relevant. The assertion in my first post that anecdotal evidence 'almost certainly' shows the opposite to be true is equally dubious.

The central point I was making though - what Trump said did not equate to 'All Mexicans are rapists' - still stands.

Synopsis: gonna ignore facts for some tall tales I heard.

Would be a certain beauty to events where the obstructionism, hostility and other-ing of the GOP towards Obama during his presidency, that which has directly led to the rise of Trump and his brand of extreme populism, resulted in Democrats comfortably holding all of congress and the Presidency, as well as the chance of a few young and liberal additions to the Supreme Court. And everyone all the while with very clear memories of how the GOP behaved over that time.

Hope and change!
Loads of stories about Trump forcing volunteers to sign non-disclosure contracts and not allowing them to work for any other political candidate for the rest of their lives. They are not allowed to ever say a bad word about Trump or any member of his family either. Apparently top lawyers are saying it's illegal. They are also looking in to Ben Carson saying he was promised a place in Trumps cabinet for his endorsement, again another illegal practice and being looked in to by the FBI (all reported on Fox and CNN over the last couple of hours)

This is getting even more ridiculous now.
Loads of stories about Trump forcing volunteers to sign non-disclosure contracts and not allowing them to work for any other political candidate for the rest of their lives. They are not allowed to ever say a bad word about Trump or any member of his family either. Apparently top lawyers are saying it's illegal. They are also looking in to Ben Carson saying he was promised a place in Trumps cabinet for his endorsement, again another illegal practice and being looked in to by the FBI (all reported on Fox and CNN over the last couple of hours)

This is getting even more ridiculous now.
Getting him indicted is probably the GOP's best hope at this stage.
What about Trump's supporters? Will they be indicted as well? It's nice to see that when push comes to shove the Elites have such respect for the will of the people.
What about Trump's supporters? Will they be indicted as well? It's nice to see that when push comes to shove the Elites have such respect for the will of the people.
Are you actually reading any of this, or just being contrary for the sake of it as per?
A lot of facts in that article. The problem is that Trump was referring to the recent influx of illegals across the Mexican border, and much of the quoted data is historic, and refers to 'immigrants' generically, whether legal or illegal, without reference to place of origin. But it's worth taking note of the first, arguably most relevant, piece of data quoted -

Trump’s campaign pointed to data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission, which tracks citizenship of offenders in federal prisons by primary offense, which is the offense with the longest maximum sentence when a person is convicted of multiple offenses. Of 78,022 primary offense cases in fiscal year 2013, 38.6 percent were illegal immigrant offenders. The majority of their cases (76 percent) were immigration related. Of total primary offenses, 17.6 percent of drug trafficking offenses and 3.8 percent of sex abuse were illegal immigrants. Of 22,878 drug crime cases, 17.2 percent were illegal immigrants.

Literally the next line in that article is that federal stats only capture 10%, and that no other data supports this.

Finally, Trump's line is that most illegal migrants from Mexico are rapists/drug dealers. Most usually means over 50%.
What about Trump's supporters? Will they be indicted as well? It's nice to see that when push comes to shove the Elites have such respect for the will of the people.


Even if you mean Trump has the majority vote, Contested conventions have happened before if a candidate doesn't get 50% + 1, it's not a random number like Trump claims.
Literally the next line in that article is that federal stats only capture 10%, and that no other data supports this.

Finally, Trump's line is that most illegal migrants from Mexico are rapists/drug dealers. Most usually means over 50%.

I've come to the conclusion he's on a massive WUM.
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