Bernie lays out his final strategy on a platter - 04:00 to 05:30
Bernie lays out his final strategy on a platter - 04:00 to 05:30
I wonder if the line of thinking is that if blue states tend to have a higher number of Representatives and Senators (and therefore superdelegates), a portioning out of superdelegates along the lines of vote shares in those states may benefit him a fair bit more than Clinton? Haven't seen the figures on that though so just a guess. But it's clear from what he says that it would be to overturn a pledged delegate deficit.I'm confused. First he sees he will get delegates from the west, and then convince superdelegates. Then he said that states that have supported him should give him supers like he has got pledged.
So is he going to be asking for all supers? Or for those in the states he won?
I wonder if the line of thinking is that if blue states tend to have a higher number of Representatives and Senators (and therefore superdelegates), a portioning out of superdelegates along the lines of vote shares in those states may benefit him a fair bit more than Clinton? Haven't seen the figures on that though so just a guess. But it's clear from what he says that it would be to overturn a pledged delegate deficit.
Yeah, just had a look and even if he took every single CA and NY superdelegate (interestingly, just found out Bill counts as NY rather than AR!) whilst divvying up the rest vaguely proportionally according to performance, he'd still be barely level on them. New Hampshire was a bit of a rubbish example on his part as well in the interview, it has 8 superdelegates, same number as Louisiana.Doesn't matter either way. Clinton bested Obama in both California and New York, she ain't losing to him there. If you go into the convention behind in pledged delegates by a fair margin as well as a few millions popular votes, having lost FL, OH, VA, MA, NY, CA, NC, there's no argument whatsoever about your supposed greater electability.
I think he knows it himself and is just trying to stretch credulity to keep his voters in the process. Dialed down a bit on the 'speech script' already.
"Donald Trump’s vitriolic attacks against Megyn Kelly and his extreme, sick obsession with her is beneath the dignity of a presidential candidate who wants to occupy the highest office in the land. Megyn is an exemplary journalist and one of the leading anchors in America — we’re extremely proud of her phenomenal work and continue to fully support her throughout every day of Trump’s endless barrage of crude and sexist verbal assaults. As the mother of three young children, with a successful law career and the second highest rated show in cable news, it’s especially deplorable for her to be repeatedly abused just for doing her job."
Trump astonishingly starting up again with Megyn'd think he has more important things to do.
Fox News has already fired back....
Yeah, I saw that earlier too, that was one of a few tweets about her today. All this is because she asked him one question about his attacks on women, using an actual quote from him. It's ridiculous to the extreme, especially when you consider he loved her until she asked that question and has said "many many" times how she's a tremendous journalist. Like I and many others have said, if you are nice about him or pander to his ego, he will love you in return, say anything bad about him and he will come back at you tenfold.
thats why I can't stand himThe Jews must be so jealous...all the far right bigots used to blame the Jews in all of their conspiracies.
The muslims have taken over and are working hard to live up to the expectations. We're still a work in progress, but give it another decade and BOOM!
I'm not surprised - Cruz is a Christian fundamentalist and would much rather the US was a theocracy like Iran.
He is very intelligent and he does speak really well to his people. It's not an easy thing to stand up there for forty minutes and waffle on about all those subjects and be able to engage people. Just look at Cruz who is clearly exceptionally smart but unable to really inspire anybody with his speaking. He just sounds like a lecturer the whole time.
I think a big problem with people like Trump is that they have gone through life with very few people saying 'no' or 'that's a stupid idea' to them. When you're a POTUS you absolutely need the advice and opinions of others and then you weigh them and make your decision. I could see Trump just going with his gut and getting things spectacularly wrong.
InfiniteBoredom said: ↑
I'm a huge Lincoln fan so it might cloud my judgement. My beef with Washington is that he didn't do enough to suppress the Jeffersonian wing, which prevented Hamilton from many possible achievement that could make the US substantially different from this current states right nonsense. He was unanimously elected twice, with that influence he could've set the agenda and make the federal government much more important from the off.
This is partly conjecture so it may be bs, but IMO the goodwill that got him elected unaminously was partly as a result of him juggling the differing interests of Hamilton and Jefferson. Leaning too far to Hamilton may have endeared him to the northern states but would probably leave him with more enemies in the southern states and frontier territories. Plus, I would argue that the Union's negligence in clamping down on states rights post the Civil War had a much bigger influence on the current problems with balance of power disproportionately tilted towards the states.
His wiki page has a selection of his conspiracy theories:
The Jews must be so jealous...all the far right bigots used to blame the Jews in all of their conspiracies.
The muslims have taken over and are working hard to live up to the expectations. We're still a work in progress, but give it another decade and BOOM!
I'm not surprised - Cruz is a Christian fundamentalist and would much rather the US was a theocracy like Iran.
Trump astonishingly starting up again with Megyn'd think he has more important things to do.
Fox News has already fired back....
This is his thing though, isn't it? He actually has a psychological problem. He obsessively goes after people like this, in a similar way to that story of the magazine editor who he sends photos of his hands all the time with comments like "Not so small, are they", 25 years on from the incident.
This is his thing though, isn't it? He actually has a psychological problem. He obsessively goes after people like this, in a similar way to that story of the magazine editor who he sends photos of his hands all the time with comments like "Not so small, are they", 25 years on from the incident.
Its pretty clear what happened. Trump has had a crush on Kelly for a long time, she even said that he would email her after interviews and flirt with her. Then she humiliates him on national TV by bringing up the misogyny issue and like all insecure narcissists, he attacked her.
It took me long enough to realise this was an Onion article, worringly.
It took me long enough to realise this was an Onion article, worringly.
Obsessed much?
Well, I've learned a new expression #reactionformation
Obsessed much?
Yeah, I absolutely believe that, but it's a mental illness. The man is seriously sick. He really is.
But he can pivot to the center![]()
But he can pivot to the center![]()
He can say and do whatever the feck he wants can't he? He's a liberal to the Democrats and he's a Conservative to the Republicans and he's a racist, bigoted dictator to the Tea Party lot, he's a chameleon and can and will adapt to whatever or whoever he is with and what they want/need to hear. However it's all bullshit and he is clearly ill on so many different levels.
I do think he has some sort of narcissistic personality disorder.Yeah, I absolutely believe that, but it's a mental illness. The man is seriously sick. He really is.