It's tough going - What side of the fence are you on


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
I think that's a perspective a lot of people shared who weren't biased or trying to only see the positives from his appointment.
One of the most painful things about all this is that Glaston was right.

Even typing that was horrible. I'm going to wash my hands with sulphuric acid.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
The opposite fans predicted it, to be fair.

My heart said that we would win the title, but my head thought that we'll finish below City and possibly below Chelsea. I never would have thought that things will go this bad, although I don't rate Moyes much more than Hodgson or Redknapp.

That's a bit harsh on Hodgson and Redknapp being compared to Moyes, they've actually picked up silverware in their careers. ;)

No, in all honesty though, this was perhaps a jump too large for Moyes. I am genuinely feeling a bit sorry for him at the moment, he must feel like absolute shit.


Full Member
Dec 21, 2009
I'm still with this: "I'd also like to remind you that when we had bad times here, the club stood by me, all my staff stood by me, the players stood by me. Your job now is to stand by our new manager."

I'm fine with that but are the players stood by Moyes? Doesn't seem it to me. And Glazers I assume would take action if it hurt their pockets.

Don't want Moyes out yet but somethings gone really wrong somewhere


Wobbles like a massive pair of tits
Apr 26, 2007
I think that's a perspective a lot of people shared who weren't biased or trying to only see the positives from his appointment.
Most of my posts were just genuine disbelief. I couldn't believe we'd done it to be honest. From the appointment thread:
David Moyes is manager of Manchester United. David. Moyes. Ok.


Reserve Team Player
Nov 6, 2003
Needs the chance to build his own team, which for me gives him at least another season after this. So many spoilt cnuts wanting instant success (I'm sure half the posters in this thread are scousers) ..... welcome to what supporting your team is really about.

Shut up, troll. The future of our club is at stake and guys like you obviously hate MUFC.


Doom-monger obsessed with Herrera & the M.E.N.
Jun 4, 2011
Barrow In Furness
I think it is more likely that the players have seen a man out of his depth from day one. A manager is a leader and when your leader looks like he doesn't know what he is doing then confidence erodes down the chain, as a result performance suffer. To instill confidence and get maximum performance from his players is the fundamental remit for a manager in any sport.

The buck stops with the manager.
They know he is a rookie at a club like this, they should have been pulling out all the stops to make the changeover easier for him. Instead some of them have gone to pieces, sorry but they should have more guts and heart than this. Why are players never taken to task about their performances. The manager picked them, it is up to them to deliver on the pitch.


Provides RedCafe with shit Twitter news
Jan 18, 2013
I don't thin he rates this batch of players. When they were cutting to him on the side he looks so frustrated/bored/fed up. We should be higher up he doesn't now how to set the team up to grind out a win yet like Fergie could. We need 3 top quality player sand we won't get them in January. I now how you feel hectic but I feel he will come good, we need to give him more time.


Desperately wants to be ITK
Jun 26, 2010
Moyes wanted Fellaini and Baines, just look at his interview. He admitted (and said that he doesn't regret) that we deliberately let the clause of Fellaini to expire because he wanted a double signing (both him and Baines). After Everton refused to sell Baines, on the last few hours we tried to sign Coentrao.

He also said that we made a 23m offer for Herrera but we weren't going to use his clause (which was 30.5m pounds) because it was too expensive. That's only 3m more than what we paid for Fellaini, and Herrera is infinitely better than him. I don't know if he is so bad with Maths or he genuinely believed that Fellaini is really a great player. Or just wanted someone familiar there.

He fecked up badly on the transfer window, but the biggest responsibility is IMO to the club for letting him (and the rookie CEO) to do whatever they want. We should have done what every big club does, pick for him his assistant and give him the list of targets. Definitely not let him dismantle the coaching staff for mediocre coaches. SAF did the work of the manager, the scouts, the CEO and many other works but not everyone is capable of doing so. Especially Moyes who is zero proven.
That interview was just another example of Moyes not knowing when to keep his mouth shut.

1. This 'splitting' the bid nonsense was just bizarre. You are always going to have to essentially pay two indivdual fees for two players regardless if you buy them at the same time. Did Woodward and Moyes really think that Everton going to give us 2 for 1 discount on their best players?!?!?!

2. Between all the staff at United none of them knew how Bilbao operate?!?!?!?!

3. We bid a day late for De Rossi. Retrospectively that was a good thing as he might have killed himself if we had signed him.

This nonsense should be kept in house. Don't get me wrong, I am sure that we missed out on players for stupid reasons under Fergie but we rarely (Ramsey) heard about it.


Full Member
Jan 7, 2004
New York, NY
The Glazers would surely take action if it means a significant loss of revenue.

No doubt, as is their prerogative and a lot of the fans will probably agree. I think he'll be given till the end of the season at least and possibly till this time next year unless there are no discernible signs of improvement.

Dyslexic Untied

Full Member
Feb 28, 2006
Talking of giving the manager time was only ever going to be relevant if the going went tough. Now it has, and I guess it shows who meant what they said.

Obviously still needs time. So does the team, coaches etc.


Full Member
Jan 7, 2004
New York, NY
I'm fine with that but are the players stood by Moyes? Doesn't seem it to me. And Glazers I assume would take action if it hurt their pockets.

Don't want Moyes out yet but somethings gone really wrong somewhere

The players are professionals, they have to stand by the manager. If they're not buying into what Moyes is trying to do, the problem lies with them. But I agree something does look off, we don't seem to have that confidence we did before. I might be wrong, but I still trust Moyes to sort it out by season end.


Worst scout to ever exist
Aug 13, 2011
Fletcher was never going to succeed
Evans was never going to succeed
Giggs should've retired in 2003.
Hernandez should've been sold after his second season.
Evra was never going to succeed.
Ronaldo was a one-trick pony who dived too much and would never achieve anything.
De Gea was never going to succeed.
Phil Jones can't play in midfield.
Carrick will never be good enough for our midfield.

People don't understand progression given patience.
Most of those we're promising youngsters, and only idiots made half of those statements. Moyes is a 50 year old who's been in the premier league for a long time and has never won a trophy in his career. If Ole got the job you could say this, after all he was successful with our reserves and won 3 trophies in 3 years at Molde. Moyes shouldn't need to have 3 seasons to take a team that won 5 of the last 7 titles, and were a point away from winning the other 2 as well, and have them play well. What has happened this season has been nothing short of a disaster on his part. Of course it was always going to be hard, but when people said that, we meant a few years like arsenals transition years, not that he would turn us into Everton.


TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
We'll judging by the targets he went for and didn't get this summer he definitely deserves funds.
He went for Fellaini... as a fit for Manchester United. That is a terrible omen by itself.

Making overtures toward Fabregas - did anyone buy that?

Baines at the prices touted is a joke.

There are more players: De Rossi, Herrera, Khediera perhaps Conetrau but most of them sounded like hot air at the time.

Fact remains that for all of the hot air, we ended up with Fellaini for £28m. That is damning on Moyes (and Woodward.)


Wobbles like a massive pair of tits
Apr 26, 2007
The players are professionals, they have to stand by the manager. If they're not buying into what Moyes is trying to do, the problem lies with them.
I don't agree with this really. Players are just like anyone else - you can't help it if you believe in someone's ability, it's not a choice. You don't think "yes, I am going to believe in this guy", you either do or you don't. It's subconscious.


New Member
Sep 18, 2013
I'll judge him at the end of the season. We've had FA cups horrors with SAF before, its a pity because Moyes has done well in cup competitions this season.

Are you for real?

The FA Cup is so irrelevant to everything right now. You must be the only person on the planet who thinks the discontentment is all because we didn't make it through to to face Birmingham, Bristol or Crawley.


Desperately wants to be ITK
Jun 26, 2010
They know he is a rookie at a club like this, they should have been pulling out all the stops to make the changeover easier for him. Instead some of them have gone to pieces, sorry but they should have more guts and heart than this. Why are players never taken to task about their performances. The manager picked them, it is up to them to deliver on the pitch.
Sorry but it doesn't work that way. You don't hire a shepherd who needs to be taught to herd by the sheep. Hiring what you perceive as a 'rookie' is an even more bizarre notion when you consider the scale of the job facing Moyes.

If picking players and then they have to perform from there on out was the long and short of the managers job then literally anyone could it. It is an massive and erroneous oversimplification of the managers job. And the players do get slated to high heaven in fairness.


Full Member
Jun 8, 2006
Most of my posts were just genuine disbelief. I couldn't believe we'd done it to be honest. From the appointment thread:
I was completely shocked that we brought him, I remember arguing with my brother before we appointed him that he would be a disaster, then I managed to convince myself of the completele opposite.


Erroneously Promoted
Nov 30, 2012
Now is the time to sack him. The January window has just opened and we could do without letting him spend any more money before the inevitable happens and someone else takes over.

Get a caretaker in until the summer if it comes to it and take it from there.

After all the sentimental fuss the club have made about how we have "stability" here and the way we "give managers time" and all that, he's going absolutely nowhere for a few years. The club would look incredibly stupid after this stance for the so called "good of the game" they've taken to sack him after 6 months of a 6 year deal. Fergie would look stupid. It's not happening.


Full Member
Jun 8, 2006
Most of my posts were just genuine disbelief. I couldn't believe we'd done it to be honest. From the appointment thread:
Moyes and O'Neill....I feel ill whenever I hear them mentioned as the next manager. I've talked to a lot of people who would love either of them, although especially Moyes to take over.

I can't fathom it.


Full Member
Jan 7, 2004
New York, NY
I don't agree with this really. Players are just like anyone else - you can't help it if you believe in someone's ability, it's not a choice. You don't think "yes, I am going to believe in this guy", you either do or you don't. It's subconscious.

Be that as it may, when you're a professional you have do what your boss says. If you disagree, you take it up with him/her and if you're not satisfied, you quit. If the boss is in the wrong, he'll be found out and fired. I think that is true for every profession. It may turn out that Moyes is out of his depth as some think he is. If that is the case, the Glazers will let him go. I still believe he's a good manager and was appointed for the long term. Accordingly, I think he should be given time to implement what he wants to do.


Wobbles like a massive pair of tits
Apr 26, 2007
After all the sentimental fuss the club have made about how we have "stability" here and the way we "give managers time" and all that, he's going absolutely nowhere for a few years. The club would look incredibly stupid after this stance for the so called "good of the game" they've taken to sack him after 6 months of a 6 year deal. Fergie would look stupid. It's not happening.
You have to hope the club has more objectivity than that. When something isn't going to work out, it's almost always better to make the change as soon as possible.
Jan 18, 2009
No longer on the caf.
I feel for Moyes in the same way I feel bad for an injured old sheepdog. I kinda wish someone would bring the old boy out the back with a big old shotgun and put him out of his misery.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2012
I was acceptable in the eighties
I have been positive about him mostly since his appointment but leaving the ground today, wet n cold I am wondering what he can do.We've a long way to go and it's going to get far worse yet folks before it gets better.We're on our knees right now and nothing SAF can say to him will help either.I am on the fence regarding Moyes.Just gonna keep supporting the club.


Full Member
Feb 12, 2008
You have to hope the club has more objectivity than that. When something isn't going to work out, it's almost always better to make the change as soon as possible.

It just sets a dangerous precedent and there's no guarantee whoever comes in will start working miracles. Managerial appointments depend a lot on timing. We missed our golden chance when one of the best manager's in the world just happened to be available at the time SAF retired.

There's no obvious replacements around. What happens if the new manager has a horror first 6 months as well? The fans will call for his head and the players will start to think "why bother, he's going to be sacked soon".


Full Member
Jul 30, 2002
In the Land of Saints and Sinners
Are you for real?

The FA Cup is so irrelevant to everything right now. You must be the only person on the planet who thinks the discontentment is all because we didn't make it through to to face Birmingham, Bristol or Crawley.
What are you harping on about? I simply pointed out we have had fa cup cock ups before. I'm fully aware why Moyes is under pressure. I however think he deserves at least to be judged on a full season. Some of the comments about him have been pathetic.

Fergus' son

Gets very easily confused
Oct 13, 2011
We used to be so great at responding to defeats, it's no longer the case. We really aren't the same team anymore. People waiting for us to go on a winning streak like we used to are doing so in vain IMO.

I still think Moyes isn't the man for the job but sacking him any time before 18 months into his tenure just wouldn't make sense. Any manager that came in would've needed time to build his team, would they have fallen as far has Moyes has done in the process however?

I think we'v been exceptionally poor, and Moyes is accountable for that. We have set ourselves back two years with his appointment, just how much that will cost us remains to be seen.


Prefers blue over red, loathed by Spurs fans
Jun 16, 2011
Man United fan
I was completely shocked that we brought him, I remember arguing with my brother before we appointed him that he would be a disaster, then I managed to convince myself of the completely opposite.
Nothing wrong with doing that, he's just proving pretty much everyone here right unfortunately.


Dec 19, 2011
What if he wins the Champions League.

I don't think that it is possible, but hey Di Matteo (who isn't as good as Moyes) won it with a squad that isn't as good as this squad. So, feck knows, everything there is possible (contradiction to my previous opinion a line above).

It will take the pressure off him and will give him a deserved second season though.


Fascist Dictator
Oct 1, 2000
This notion of Herrera being "infinitely better" than Fellaini is laughable.

Prior to us 'bidding', who actually considered him or even knew about him? Never mind all the other considerations rational people would make...

Devil may care

New Member
Jan 7, 2010
I never thought he was a good choice and nothing has changed, we are stuck in a tricky situation though as while I can't see him turning it around, he can rightfully point to the lack of quality we brought into the squad for him. However the other side of the coin is I'm not sure he is a guy I'd want us to hand a huge transfer budget over to.

He just doesn't have the personality to manage a club like United in my view and it shows in how uninspired our players look, there's no real sign in the performances that Moyes is getting a grip on things, even the run of wins didn't feature much in the way of confident, fluid football bar the West Ham victory.

Gerald G

Full Member
Nov 2, 2011
He can turn it around but who truly knows? We've done well in the Champions League and COC. But awful in the league and now knocked out the FA cup.

Injuries are not helping the cause. I remember a fair few saying last season that we weren't that good and we only won it because everyone else was poor. A lot said van Persie and Carrick covered cracks too. Are your opinion still the same or has it changed?

The lineup we started today was pretty poor in terms of quality and our squad as a whole isn't good enough, mainly the midfield. To make it worse we've suffered injuries to key players - Rooney, van Persie, Carrick, Rafael etc. Those players, with the exception of Rooney, pretty much stayed fit for the whole of last season. Would we be this bad, at home anyway, if they were fit? I don't think so. We certainly missed/miss them and I think it says a lot for the quality of others in the team. When Rafael gets injured it's a huge step down in terms of quality, same as when Rooney + Carrick are injured.

I don't care what team you are, you'll suffer if your key players are injured but what makes it worse is the lack of quality to replace those. Carrick shouldn't be by far our best midfielder. Also in terms of wingers, we've got good players but no-one world class, so we basically just chop and change that. Now I'm not saying it's all the players fault because I think Moyes is to blame too but some players are under-performing while some are simply just not good enough.

We clearly need at least one world class central midfielder and one top class winger. Also a left-back to compete with/replace Evra. Plus I'm starting to think we may need a backup RB.

But what's happening even with the current squad isn't good enough. I'll give Moyes until the end of the season and see where we end up. We need Rafael, Carrick, Rooney and van Persie to stay fit for the rest of the season though otherwise we'll struggle as we have been doing.