Man United appoint Moyes | Round, Woods, Lumsden, P Neville in; Giggs player/coach; Albert stays


Full Member
Nov 11, 2009
Six years, moyes won the lottery and we got the wooden spoon. I always thought the handover would be handled better but this seems rushed.

I don't have much faith in him, United will stick with him but we have dropped the ball big time.
Seems rushed because the news has come so suddenly but, the fact that Moyes let his contract run out, that the board were unanimous in his appointment and that Fergie had selected him tells us that it is anything but, rushed.

Seems like they've been planning this for a while as to how quick they've been able to announce the appointment.


Feb 1, 2012
rawk and bluemoon can't stop laughing.

It's gonna be a challange, very interesting summer. But already miss Sir Alex.
At least it gives them a break from they're Mancini and Rodgers out threads for a while.


Not actually very big
Apr 6, 2009
this year is my year on SM
He's the man I wanted! Welcome to the greatest club in the world.


Full Member
Aug 6, 2000
Rehovot, Israel
Think so.He just moved quicker than the rest.Never going to let the press get the jump on him, yet again he put one over on them:lol:
I'm not sure. The players were apparently told on Tuesday that he'd talk to them on Wednesday and it seems it was hinted he's off (that's how the papers got wind of it). If Fergie was going to tell everyone at the club he was retiring on Wednesday, there's no way they could have kept it under wraps. So I guess Wednesday was the day anyway, even though it broke on Tuesday night.

He wasn't going to announce it on Sunday at Old Trafford. What a party killer that would have been!


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
It's an appointment that I don't agree with. I'm not sure he's as good as some of the top managers around, but I really hope he surprises me. There's no doubt he will at the bare minimum instill/maintain the right mentality and ethic in his united team. So, yes, I think we should have gotten one of the more proven managers but lets hope fergie's last "signing" is the right one. Because it could be a very crucial one.


Full Member
Dec 21, 2009
Ferguson in his last few press conferences said they have been working on some transfers etc, what happens to that now?


Full Member
Aug 6, 2000
Rehovot, Israel
Ferguson in his last few press conferences said they have been working on some transfers etc, what happens to that now?
He also said he's not retiring. :cool:

I'm sure we've got some reports on players... It will be up to the new manager what to do. If he's got eyes like the rest of us I'm sure he'd ask for the reports about midfielders.... Unless Fergie got to him. :nervous:

Feed Me

I'm hungry
Apr 8, 2004
Midlands, UK
Everything about the way we have announced the appoint has been class, and is geared towards producing a show of total support/unity:

1) The first sentence of our announcement stated that it was a unanimous decision based on SAF's recommendation;

2) The 6 year deal, a club record, is a signal of our long-term intent with Moyes;

3) Sir Bobby endorsed Moyes very strongly - as expected, he's enamoured by his character, as well as his ability to build a team and his longevity;

4) Messages of support from senior squad figures;

5) SAF on the board will be vital for Moyes - providing protection when the pressure builds.

I've got to say - despite the shock I'm still in - I'm delighted with the speed of the club's reaction, and also the fashion in which it's been handled. I think Moyes will be a terrific appointment - above all else, he's a very classy man.

Feed Me

I'm hungry
Apr 8, 2004
Midlands, UK
It's an appointment that I don't agree with. I'm not sure he's as good as some of the top managers around, but I really hope he surprises me. There's no doubt he will at the bare minimum instill/maintain the right mentality and ethic in his united team. So, yes, I think we should have gotten one of the more proven managers but lets hope fergie's last "signing" is the right one. Because it could be a very crucial one.
I can understand your reservations. I'm sure everyone would feel more 'secure' in the hands of a manager sprinkled with a bit more stardust. But the way I see it is that even the current top managers needed an opportunity to prove themselves at some point...


Lord of the Iron Islands
Oct 14, 2011
rawk and bluemoon can't stop laughing.

It's gonna be a challange, very interesting summer. But already miss Sir Alex.
:lol: Yeah I've seen that, it's hilarious. Can't wait for Moyes to prove them wrong, the fact that they think we are finished is going to make winning all the more sweeter.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2003
Does anyone know the context of this picture? Why was Fergie doing that with Moyes? I know what the gesture means but it looks mad! I vaguely remember it too.
I think it was when Howard took about 5 mins every time the ball was out of play, could be the 1-0 game in 2011 or the 4-4 in 2012.


Full Member
Sep 30, 2009
:lol: Yeah I've seen that, it's hilarious. Can't wait for Moyes to prove them wrong, the fact that they think we are finished is going to make winning all the more sweeter.
In fairness, we were going to be doomed whoever we appointed according to them.


Full Member
Dec 11, 2012
I guess the goal of securing long-term managerial stability took precedence over appointing a revolutionary-style coach favoring a unique/modern brand of football. Although Moyes wasn't my first choice and even though I consider the six year contract a bit excessive, I will support him as he tries to fulfill the unenviable task of replacing an extraordinary United legend.


Lord of the Iron Islands
Oct 14, 2011
Everything about the way we have announced the appoint has been class, and is geared towards producing a show of total support/unity:

1) The first sentence of our announcement stated that it was a unanimous decision based on SAF's recommendation;

2) The 6 year deal, a club record, is a signal of our long-term intent with Moyes;

3) Sir Bobby endorsed Moyes very strongly - as expected, he's enamoured by his character, as well as his ability to build a team and his longevity;

4) Messages of support from senior squad figures;

5) SAF on the board will be vital for Moyes - providing protection when the pressure builds.

I've got to say - despite the shock I'm still in - I'm delighted with the speed of the club's reaction, and also the fashion in which it's been handled. I think Moyes will be a terrific appointment - above all else, he's a very classy man.
Agree completely.

I'm actually really proud of the club and the way we've gone about this. It would have been tempting and so much easier to just give Mourinho £10million a year and let him take over. Hiring Moyes emphasises how seriously United take the traditions of the club, the focus on youth and stability. It's a great appointment.


Full Member
Dec 21, 2009
He also said he's not retiring. :cool:

I'm sure we've got some reports on players... It will be up to the new manager what to do. If he's got eyes like the rest of us I'm sure he'd ask for the reports about midfielders.... Unless Fergie got to him. :nervous:
Depends who we get rid off I guess. The transfer stuff is the thing that was playing on my mind the most. Say we were in negotiations with a player and he's under the impression its playing for United with Ferguson, and then the next thing he knows he would be playing under Moyes.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
Everything about the way we have announced the appoint has been class, and is geared towards producing a show of total support/unity:

1) The first sentence of our announcement stated that it was a unanimous decision based on SAF's recommendation;

2) The 6 year deal, a club record, is a signal of our long-term intent with Moyes;

3) Sir Bobby endorsed Moyes very strongly - as expected, he's enamoured by his character, as well as his ability to build a team and his longevity;

4) Messages of support from senior squad figures;

5) SAF on the board will be vital for Moyes - providing protection when the pressure builds.

I've got to say - despite the shock I'm still in - I'm delighted with the speed of the club's reaction, and also the fashion in which it's been handled. I think Moyes will be a terrific appointment - above all else, he's a very classy man.
I agree with you on that. I'm not totally sold on Moyes at all, but we have handled it well. The board have shown that they support him and the way it's been handled with Everton has been very amicable and professional. As I say, I'm not exactly completely over the moon, but the process has been handled very well which is always a bonus.

Feed Me

I'm hungry
Apr 8, 2004
Midlands, UK
I guess the goal of securing long-term managerial stability took precedence over appointing a revolutionary-style coach favoring a unique/modern brand of football. Although Moyes wasn't my first choice and even though I consider the six year contract a bit excessive, I will support him as he tries to fulfill the unenviable task of replacing an extraordinary United legend.
I'm excited about seeing what style Moyes institutes here. If it's anything like Everton, we'll be pressing higher up the pitch and playing with real energy.


Frankie Barwell ITK
Sep 20, 2009
Well done he’s 13
It's an appointment that I don't agree with. I'm not sure he's as good as some of the top managers around, but I really hope he surprises me. There's no doubt he will at the bare minimum instill/maintain the right mentality and ethic in his united team. So, yes, I think we should have gotten one of the more proven managers but lets hope fergie's last "signing" is the right one. Because it could be a very crucial one.
The only truly established manager we could have gone for was Mourinho. Immediate success under him would have probably been better, but what about in 3/4 years when he gets bored and fecks off elsewhere? Mourinho appears to like the challenge of taking over a popular, underachieving club, do everything in his power for short term success then move on when he's achieved his targets.

Sir Alex has worked for 26 years on transforming Man United into what it is today. He, and I'm sure other senior figures at the club, don't want someone who's gonna trample over everything that the club has built over a long period of time just so one man can have a go at extending his trophy haul.


Wobbles like a massive pair of tits
Apr 26, 2007
David Moyes is manager of Manchester United. David. Moyes. Ok.


Jul 30, 2008
I have to say I'm please with how quickly this has all been sorted out. Saves on uncertainty, gives good continuity and allows for a quick transition come the end of the season. I'm sure Fergie and Moyes will have discussed transfer targets and things will start happening straight away come June.


Full Member
May 30, 2007
In the wilderness
Moyes is a good choice and the changeover has been well managed. If SAF thinks he's the man for the job, then he probably is.