Yet another mass shooting and at a church, again

To folks in the States - does the Vegas massacre even get mentioned much on the news anymore? When I was a kid, I'm sure I remember stuff about Columbine being talked about for ages even over here.
Was talking about that on Friday. Very quiet, I'd say.
Bad for tourism, per a friend of mine.
Was talking about that on Friday. Very quiet, I'd say.
Bad for tourism, per a friend of mine.
Article on CNN yesterday or the day before indicating the shooter had money problems. Article a few days before talking about the trouble finding a motive. So yes there is still coverage but until something new breaks it won't be the top headline. Right now any news story would just be repeats of what is already known.
Actually he started shooting from outside the church and walked in shooting but someone in the church shot back at him and maybe the reason he ran away

The resident only started shooting back when the suspect was exiting the church and at that point it was too late.
Then when it gets brought up later....though with a mass shooting nearly everyday when does the blood dry?

Utter bollocks. It is exactly the time to discuss it.

Absolutely - the argument of "now is not the time" is simply them not wanting to confront who they are and what they have created. It makes them feel uncomfortable.

So feck them. Now is exactly the right time.

But we know it won't end up being that.

The country saw children murdered at school, and yet they still did nothing. Nothing will change their beliefs.
I'll criticize prayer.

You have over 2000 years of fecking history to learn its bullshit that won;t stop anything. Its 2017, stop pandering to mythos.

From the 1st crusade with perter the hermit (who killed entire towns and then ate them) to 60 million dead in world war 2 and the 15,000 Americans killed every year by guns, prayer has done feck all for anyone. Ever.

Your god either doesn't exist or is a sadomasochistic bastard who could stop innocents being slaughtered but sits and watches. Either way, its not someone to turn to when you need help. And certainly won't stop the gun violence in America.

Trump even overturned Obama's very minor attempt to curb the deaths, and all that did was mean people with mental illness had some restrictions on what guns they could buy.

And why does all this happen? Money. Straight up bribery from the NRA. Trump calls himself a christian, doesn't burst into flames. You god gives no shit about you.

Agree 100%
I don’t understand why California been democrat won’t make harder like other states to buy guns

California has 38 million people, Texas 26 million, NY 19 mill and they are the three largest states by population. Most have far fewer people. So sheer numbers of guns bought isn't as informative as guns bought per capita I'd guess. Of course every states buys more guns that the private citizens of the whole of Europe, Australia, NZ and many other countries combined.

It's almost as if there is a pattern.
It was a local resident who was near the scene and saw the gunman exiting the church.
If that's the case then the GOP and NRA already have their narrative lined up.
The resident only started shooting back when the suspect was exiting the church and at that point it was too late.

This is what has happened in many of the more highly publicized "good guy with a gun" shootings. The good guy didn't prevent the shooting, and only acted after the shooter came to do what he wanted to do and was attempting to retreat and or escape.

It's human nature, I don't really understand what people expect. You and I (I'm speaking in the general you), and just about every other person on this planet can say, "I'd have leaped into action, moved tactically, laid down covering fire or flanked the shooter and helped save lives". The reality is, until you are being shot at, you have no idea how you will react. Even military men and women, who have faced fire, have seen combat, when presented with this situation in their civilian lives have done what everyone else has done, turn and ran or hid. There is also the diffusion of responsibility effect. The bigger the group, the less likely anyone is going to do anything, because everyone assumes/hopes, someone else will do something.

People fight back, primarily, when they are forced to fight back. If a person can run, they run. If they are cornered and have no choice, they will fight back. There was a shooting on an Oregon university campus a few years ago. There was an armed airforce vet, who I believe was a combat veteran. He hid like everyone else, he was in the next building over. When he was interviewed immediately after the shooting, he said that it was a good thing he didn't try to help, because he might have been shot at too.
And why does all this happen? Money. Straight up bribery from the NRA. Trump calls himself a christian, doesn't burst into flames. You god gives no shit about you.

Plus the odd idea than archaic, misinterpreted law is more important than mass murders on a biblical scale.

Guns kill the same number of people as do car accidents. We can't do without cars so we can only hope to improve those statistic but gun deaths could be reduced to almost zero over a few years if there was the political will. Which there isn't.

Imagine if there was a simple law change that reduced car crash deaths to zero. People would be all over that law.
If that's the case then the GOP and NRA already have their narrative lined up.

The bit like beating an alcoholic to death with a bottle of whisky and claiming to have saved the day.
The Governor of Texas has just said it is worse because it was in a church? WTF?
The issue of gun control has been discussed to death on the Cafe. In the wake of a horror like this, people might at least let the blood dry on the bodies before using the tragedy as a soapbox on which to air the same old arguments.

What a terrible post. The mass shootings nearly out number the amount of days in the year to date numbers. The blood never dries. 'The same old arguments' - have you heard yourself? Which arguments do you find to be 'same old'? They're absolutely valid and reinforced, to our dismay, with every mass shooting.

Why are you even still here? Like, really, why?
The Governor of Texas has just said it is worse because it was in a church? WTF?

Tbf the fact that it was in a church struck me as worse too as the age profile of the victims was always likely to include the very young and very old, as now seems to be the case. Similarly, I thought targeting a Arianna Grande concert was particularly grim.

I'm pretty sure that's not why this idiot thinks it's worse though.
He said it was because it was a place of worship. Didn't seem to be considering the demographic inside the church.
The issue of gun control has been discussed to death on the Cafe. In the wake of a horror like this, people might at least let the blood dry on the bodies before using the tragedy as a soapbox on which to air the same old arguments.
:lol: Do you have this response saved so you can paste it next time we have a mass shooting due to lack of initiative from the GOP?
Reportedly its a small town of 200±± people with just one Gas Station and one post office, 27 people death mounts to staggering 7% of population in a town of "everybody knows everybody"... What the hell. RIP
Actual text from a friend of mine about this talking about his own church...

"Not good. We have security to hopefully prevent that."
Actual text from a friend of mine about this talking about his own church...

"Not good. We have security to hopefully prevent that."

The idea of living in a country where you put armed security guys at churches and schools blows my mind..
Sheriff on CNN has confirmed the church was recording the service which means the shooting was on tape.
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The issue of gun control has been discussed to death on the Cafe. In the wake of a horror like this, people might at least let the blood dry on the bodies before using the tragedy as a soapbox on which to air the same old arguments.
Is 5 weeks too long? Because that's how long it was since the last massive shooting, during which time people were admonished for bringing up gun control. What's the exact number of days we should wait?
You don’t know the first thing about God. YOU are missing the point.

25+ Christians have been killed in a church and people here are criticising prayer. It’s seriously disrespectful. Hold the fecking atheistic sentiments for a minute.

No need to conflate people praying with the gun control issue. Shame on yourselves. Seriously, check yourself.

There are plenty of people who both pray and take action for justice. There are also many people who pray who want tighter gun control.

Well guess the feck what?

It's about time we started being disrespectful towards prayer because it does NOTHING and we need to break ourselves out of this ridiculous cult thinking that has held us back for centuries.

It explains absolutely nothing and when you look at all of the horrendous things happening around us on a daily basis it beggars belief that people are willing to offer themselves up to a God that's clearly a megalomaniacal psychopath who set us up to fail and then takes delight in punishing us on a daily basis. It's blind stupidity, utter fecking stupidity.

Religion and God can feck off. All the tweets by people in power offering prayers for those who died yet completely unwilling to actually address the problem is the exact root of all fecking evil in the world. All religion is just an excuse for why we're so fecking shitty.

His next para:

“We have had shootings at churches forever, this is going to happen again. And so we need people in church to do ... professional security or at least arming some of the parishioners or the congregation so that they can respond when something like this happens again.”

Yup. Arm the congregations. That's the way.
Terrible, absolutely terrible. People are not safe even in a house or worship. Las Vegas, Thornton and now this. Where is the call from Trump for extreme vetting?