Yet another mass shooting and at a church, again

It doesn't matter what they look like or which god they pray to. The common denominator is their weapons. America needs to swallow its pride and get over this outdated notion that they have a right to bear arms.

I was being sarcastic. Obviously it's about gun control and after an event like this, as sickening as it may be, it is the perfect time to discuss how to prevent more of them happening.
This monster spared no one. Victims include children, elderly & pregnant women.
No, gotta wait until the US went at least a year without a mass shooting. Anything else would be disrespectful and lack empathy.
They derail every attempt to discuss it with either "too soon", or "old news", then smugly congratulate themselves on outsmarting us with their 3d chess while more and more bodies pile up. It's disgusting and evil.
The issue of gun control has been discussed to death on the Cafe. In the wake of a horror like this, people might at least let the blood dry on the bodies before using the tragedy as a soapbox on which to air the same old arguments.

Standard response of the right when it's a shooting; too soon to discuss it until there's another incident and then it's too soon to discuss that one. Repeat ad nauseam.
I was being sarcastic. Obviously it's about gun control and after an event like this, as sickening as it may be, it is the perfect time to discuss how to prevent more of them happening.
Yeah I know, wasn't necessarily aimed at you but more those bringing race and religion into it. It's purely a gun control issue imo.
They derail every attempt to discuss it with either "too soon", or "old news", then smugly congratulate themselves on outsmarting us with their 3d chess while more and more bodies pile up. It's disgusting and evil.
And it works for them. Sadly enough. The contempt for human life in big parts of American politics and society is staggering to me.
Is there any information on him yet? I haven't been watching the news and can't see much on Twitter at the moment, just casualty updates.

A name is being circulated, but its likely to be fake as its being spread by likes of 4chan.
In fairness it's the politicians that bring religion into it
They need to stop dodging the issue. One day one of them will eventually have the balls to tackle the issue head on, but until then the death toll keeps rising. More and more innocent people, such as that poor girl, die because politicians won't address the problem.
Was wondering why it was taking so long to ID the shooter. Best to get the facts right. There should be more info later this evening, I'd imagine.
Terrible news

The reaction from Fox, GOP & Trump will be noticeably different compared to the NY attack.
The town has a population of 320 so that's 7% of the population murdered in one go. Seriously, what the feck?

Yeah, when people say 'town' you think a small community of a few thousand people, but having looked it up it's pretty much smaller than your average village; essentially it's a small community of people gathered within the one area. I'd imagine you'd maybe get some people from other similarly small communities who maybe travel to this church if they like it, or used to live there etc, but yeah, this attack has changed the landscape of this community massively. I'd imagine almost everyone in the town will be related to a victim, or will at least know them.
Was wondering why it was taking so long to ID the shooter. Best to get the facts right. There should be more info later this evening, I'd imagine.
So long? Wtf the shooting just happened today. Don't confuse LE identifying the perp with the name being released publically.

Why do so many people act like 12 hours or less is a long time?
RIP to the victims.

To the NRA, GOP, etc get off your wallets and do something.
They won't. They don't care. Those people mean absolutely nothing to them.
Yeah, when people say 'town' you think a small community of a few thousand people, but having looked it up it's pretty much smaller than your average village; essentially it's a small community of people gathered within the one area. I'd imagine you'd maybe get some people from other similarly small communities who maybe travel to this church if they like it, or used to live there etc, but yeah, this attack has changed the landscape of this community massively. I'd imagine almost everyone in the town will be related to a victim, or will at least know them.

I know, it's insane when you think of it like that. And if it was in the UK it would definitely be referred to as a village, and a small one at that. I can't imagine what they are all going through right now.
To folks in the States - does the Vegas massacre even get mentioned much on the news anymore? When I was a kid, I'm sure I remember stuff about Columbine being talked about for ages even over here.
Yeah, when people say 'town' you think a small community of a few thousand people, but having looked it up it's pretty much smaller than your average village; essentially it's a small community of people gathered within the one area. I'd imagine you'd maybe get some people from other similarly small communities who maybe travel to this church if they like it, or used to live there etc, but yeah, this attack has changed the landscape of this community massively. I'd imagine almost everyone in the town will be related to a victim, or will at least know them.
The issue of gun control has been discussed to death on the Cafe. In the wake of a horror like this, people might at least let the blood dry on the bodies before using the tragedy as a soapbox on which to air the same old arguments.
Then when it gets brought up later....though with a mass shooting nearly everyday when does the blood dry?
The issue of gun control has been discussed to death on the Cafe. In the wake of a horror like this, people might at least let the blood dry on the bodies before using the tragedy as a soapbox on which to air the same old arguments.

Utter bollocks. It is exactly the time to discuss it.
The governor of Texas tweeted this two years ago:

As I've said, complete contempt for human life.
So long? Wtf the shooting just happened today. Don't confuse LE identifying the perp with the name being released publically.

Why do so many people act like 12 hours or less is a long time?
Was just wondering as (supposedly) they had the shooter.
Anyway, the full details will be coming out over the next few days.
And then it'll all be off the national news by next week.