Yet another mass shooting and at a church, again

I'll criticize prayer.

You have over 2000 years of fecking history to learn its bullshit that won;t stop anything. Its 2017, stop pandering to mythos.

From the 1st crusade with perter the hermit (who killed entire towns and then ate them) to 60 million dead in world war 2 and the 15,000 Americans killed every year by guns, prayer has done feck all for anyone. Ever.

Your god either doesn't exist or is a sadomasochistic bastard who could stop innocents being slaughtered but sits and watches. Either way, its not someone to turn to when you need help. And certainly won't stop the gun violence in America.

Trump even overturned Obama's very minor attempt to curb the deaths, and all that did was mean people with mental illness had some restrictions on what guns they could buy.

And why does all this happen? Money. Straight up bribery from the NRA. Trump calls himself a christian, doesn't burst into flames. You god gives no shit about you.
not sure what that is. but no respect is due something that is inherently absurd
Do you honestly not see a difference between "People are dead because of inaction, but don't just pray, fix it", and "People are dead but hurr durr god don't real!"
Do you honestly not see a difference between "People are dead because of inaction, but don't just pray, fix it", and "People are dead but hurr durr god don't real!"

do you honestly not see a difference between hurr durr whatever and my posts? hes asking for us to respect prayer. theres no good reason to do so. its counterproductive in these debates.
Do you honestly not see a difference between "People are dead because of inaction, but don't just pray, fix it", and "People are dead but hurr durr god don't real!"

When the only response to these kinds of things, 307 mass shootings this year alone, is prayer, because that is all the nation does, pray, then its time to talk about the fact its the same as doing nothing. Because it is.
When the only response to these kinds of things, 307 mass shootings this year alone, is prayer, because that is all the nation does, pray, then its time to talk about the fact its the same as doing nothing. Because it is.
It's really not doing nothing, but if the legislators were sincere they would also use their power to make changes to the law.
When the only response to these kinds of things, 307 mass shootings this year alone, is prayer, because that is all the nation does, pray, then its time to talk about the fact its the same as doing nothing. Because it is.

I'm think we should try interpretive dance next.
@SparkedIntoLife This has never been about criticising prayer, it is critiquing those in power limiting their intervention to prayer. Lawmakers have the power to cross divisions and actually bring about positive change, yet all they repeatedly do is offer thoughts and prayers, all the while receiving contributions from agencies vested in delaying this change as much as possible.

I mean for crying out loud over 600 children under 11yrs old injured or killed...HOW CAN THIS BE ACCEPTABLE?
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A lot of the electorate are sick & tired of hearing the same crap from elected officials after each & every mass shooting event. They're put into power to pass laws and govern the country, not to offer prayers. We have clergy for the prayers and politicians for laws. Frustrated.
The Cafe Triple Jump:

First step: Acknowledgement of tragedy
Second step: Perfunctory expression of sorrow
Big Leap: Outrage, Blame, Vilification, Trump, GOP .......

You don't think the GOP have any role to play in these continuing incidents?
When the only response to these kinds of things, 307 mass shootings this year alone, is prayer, because that is all the nation does, pray, then its time to talk about the fact its the same as doing nothing. Because it is.
It reveals a disturbing mindset if the response to a mass shooting is not "let's discuss ways to avoid a repeat" (which I have acknowledged will take a lot more than prayer alone, and it's disgusting to see whose who could fix it, but don't, hide behind prayer), but rather "let's prophecise about atheism"
The Cafe Triple Jump:

First step: Acknowledgement of tragedy
Second step: Perfunctory expression of sorrow
Big Leap: Outrage, Blame, Vilification, Trump, GOP .......

Quite fair for people to discuss the external reasons in American culture which allow incidents like this to occur.
It reveals a disturbing mindset if the response to a mass shooting is not "let's discuss ways to avoid a repeat" (which I have acknowledged will take a lot more than prayer alone, and it's disgusting to see whose who could fix it, but don't, hide behind prayer), but rather "let's prophecise about atheism"

A 'disturbing mindset' , lovely.

You take prayer seriously, you allow people to say 'thoughts and prayers' as if it were something meaningful. You want to pray, knock yourself out. But when all that anyone does is pray, don't be shocked about the next mass shooting.
I'll criticize prayer.

You have over 2000 years of fecking history to learn its bullshit that won;t stop anything. Its 2017, stop pandering to mythos.

From the 1st crusade with perter the hermit (who killed entire towns and then ate them) to 60 million dead in world war 2 and the 15,000 Americans killed every year by guns, prayer has done feck all for anyone. Ever.

Your god either doesn't exist or is a sadomasochistic bastard who could stop innocents being slaughtered but sits and watches. Either way, its not someone to turn to when you need help. And certainly won't stop the gun violence in America.

Trump even overturned Obama's very minor attempt to curb the deaths, and all that did was mean people with mental illness had some restrictions on what guns they could buy.

And why does all this happen? Money. Straight up bribery from the NRA. Trump calls himself a christian, doesn't burst into flames. You god gives no shit about you.
Take your beef to the relevant thread.
I'll criticize prayer.

You have over 2000 years of fecking history to learn its bullshit that won;t stop anything. Its 2017, stop pandering to mythos.

From the 1st crusade with perter the hermit (who killed entire towns and then ate them) to 60 million dead in world war 2 and the 15,000 Americans killed every year by guns, prayer has done feck all for anyone. Ever.

Your god either doesn't exist or is a sadomasochistic bastard who could stop innocents being slaughtered but sits and watches. Either way, its not someone to turn to when you need help. And certainly won't stop the gun violence in America.

Trump even overturned Obama's very minor attempt to curb the deaths, and all that did was mean people with mental illness had some restrictions on what guns they could buy.

And why does all this happen? Money. Straight up bribery from the NRA. Trump calls himself a christian, doesn't burst into flames. You god gives no shit about you.

It's one of Job's comforters.

The problem with prayer being taken seriously is that is allows people to think if they pray they are actually making a difference, and then nothing else needs to happen.
That's really not what we think at all, unless we're a nun or brother living in a cloistered order who devote their whole lives to praying for others. For ordinary people of faith, good works and prayer go hand-in-hand.
A 'disturbing mindset' , lovely.

You take prayer seriously, you allow people to say 'thoughts and prayers' as if it were something meaningful. You want to pray, knock yourself out. But when all that anyone does is pray, don't be shocked about the next mass shooting.
Read my posts you muppet.

I don't know if you're wilfully missing the point, but he's referring to the idea of people giving "thoughts and prayers" while opposing any actual meaningful reform, which time and time again allows repeat after repeat of this shit.

God helps them who help themselves
, no?

I'm a Christian too, so who the hell are you to take that tone with me? People aren't criticising prayer, they're criticising the right wing liberal notion that prayer alone, coupled with actively blocking any attempt to fix things, will do any good. It's like praying to god to catch you as you jump off a building. Like the aftermath of Sandy Hook? Or is it too soon to mention that?

Take your head out of your ass for one fecking minute and learn to infer context.

In isolation, no. But the false prayers of those who actively oppose a real solution are fair game.
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Rip. Ban guns.

That's really all I have to say, feck the rest.
I’m not getting into that on this thread.

Innocent people being murdered isn’t good full stop.

It’s the disparaging remarks about prayer that offend me. Just needless, given that Christians were the ones killed. Can’t believe many of you are so politically/atheistically fired up that you’re missing the blatant, gross insensitivity of that.

The remarks about prayer were not disparaging. (A few are, but they've come in response to your misunderstanding and double down)

Take your hand off it. You're wrong.
You don't think the GOP have any role to play in these continuing incidents?

The issue of gun control has been discussed to death on the Cafe. In the wake of a horror like this, people might at least let the blood dry on the bodies before using the tragedy as a soapbox on which to air the same old arguments.
The issue of gun control has been discussed to death on the Cafe. In the wake of a horror like this, people might at least let the blood dry on the bodies before using the tragedy as a soapbox on which to air the same old arguments.
You could also wait a bit before trotting out your usual complaints about how liberal the Caf is.
do you honestly not see a difference between hurr durr whatever and my posts? hes asking for us to respect prayer. theres no good reason to do so. its counterproductive in these debates.
Not really. I don't see a call for positive action here, or anything productive:
why do i need to show respect for a mass delusion of people asking things of their imaginary friend
Law and order... as time goes by, we are having less of both. Just in the last month or so: the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, a terror attack in the nation's largest city, a mass shooting in Texas, former campaign officials indicted, etc.

What on earth is going on?!
The issue of gun control has been discussed to death on the Cafe. In the wake of a horror like this, people might at least let the blood dry on the bodies before using the tragedy as a soapbox on which to air the same old arguments.
Ok, it's too soon to discuss this one. Can we discuss the Vegas killer? Sandy Hook?
The issue of gun control has been discussed to death on the Cafe. In the wake of a horror like this, people might at least let the blood dry on the bodies before using the tragedy as a soapbox on which to air the same old arguments.

He clearly said it's too early to politicise an event like this. It was his first post in the thread.
Those damn same old arguments.

If the problems weren't the same over and over and over again then maybe the arguments would be different but as it is it's the same shit all over again and nothing will be done.
When is the right time to start talking? Tomorrow lunchtime? Maybe just before tea?
Ok, it's too soon to discuss this one. Can we discuss the Vegas killer? Sandy Hook?
No, gotta wait until the US went at least a year without a mass shooting. Anything else would be disrespectful and lack empathy.
When is the right time to start talking? Tomorrow lunchtime? Maybe just before tea?

If it's a Muslim then instantly, if it's a white guy then I think the correct response is not about gun control but mental health care and we can talk about it for about 5 minutes after the weather and before the adverts.
If it's a Muslim then instantly, if it's a white guy then I think the correct response is not about gun control but mental health care and we can talk about it for about 5 minutes after the weather and before the adverts.
It doesn't matter what they look like or which god they pray to. The common denominator is their weapons. America needs to swallow its pride and get over this outdated notion that they have a right to bear arms.