Television X Factor 2010

I think Cheryl was stitched up. She shouldnt have been asked until last. She looked shocked and refused, but then said she would vote after Louis and Dannii - so why wasn't she given the opportunity to? Dermot just ignored what she'd said.

The producers were protecting Katie.
She refused to vote at that time, it was then or not at all. She can't decide when she votes. She's a judge for feck sake, it's her job. Dermot did the right thing imo.
She refused to vote at that time, it was then or not at all. She can't decide when she votes. She's a judge for feck sake, it's her job. Dermot did the right thing imo.

Yes, maybe so - but the point is that she was stitched up. The producers manipulated it by not leaving her until last, and that's my issue, more than her refusing to vote.
I think Cheryl was stitched up. She shouldnt have been asked until last. She looked shocked and refused, but then said she would vote after Louis and Dannii - so why wasn't she given the opportunity to? Dermot just ignored what she'd said.

The producers were protecting Katie.

Probably true. Seen this kindda stuff in X-factor before.

That's the great thing about Wagner. He irritates and fustrates the hell out of the judges. Public voters are screwing up their plans.

Three cheers for the British public!
Probably true. Seen this kindda stuff in X-factor before.

That's the great thing about Wagner. He irritates and fustrates the hell out of the judges. Public voters are screwing up their plans.

Three cheers for the British public!

Err no, Wagner is this years Jedward, Jedward were last years Chico etc etc.

Acts like Wagner are put through by Cowell for the controversy which in turn gives the show more publicity. I mean think about it, people who are claimed to "vote" for Wagner are people who just want to piss Cowell off right? In other words people who dont care much for the do you really think those people will take the effort to call up and give them money? Do you? Do I? No.

Most if not all of X Factor is a fix, i'm just surprised some people still havn't realised that.
it has become completely scripted, i seriously expect a staged brawl between Louie and Simon at some point.
I think Cheryl was stitched up. She shouldnt have been asked until last. She looked shocked and refused, but then said she would vote after Louis and Dannii - so why wasn't she given the opportunity to? Dermot just ignored what she'd said.

The producers were protecting Katie.

Nah i don't think that's true. Dermot clarified she was refusing to vote and only then did she say she'd vote last and take it to deadlock but then Dermot said "we're gunna go with the majority vote." which made it clear Cheryl was not gunna be given the opportunity to vote last.
The sing off was silly. One who sang reasonably well, and another who sang crap and sat on the floor talking crap. Neither were going to win, so I guess not much will change in the long term.
Can't quite believe I'm going to say this...but I think the right person got voted off :eek:

Neither of them can sing brilliantly but at least Katie's a bit different. Treyc was just bland as feck. There's a million like her out there already.

Katie's sing off performance was actually the first of hers I didn't hate. She was singing from the heart at least.
Nah i don't think that's true. Dermot clarified she was refusing to vote and only then did she say she'd vote last and take it to deadlock but then Dermot said "we're gunna go with the majority vote." which made it clear Cheryl was not gunna be given the opportunity to vote last.

Not disputing that, but don't you think it was suspicious that Cheryl wasn't asked last - that's the way it usually is. OK, nothing in the rules to say otherwise, but it struck me as manipulative to say the least.

Katie might sing from the heart, but it's really self-indulgent imo - as though it's the promise of fame that drives her, not the music. She's a drama queen and is beyond irritating.
Not disputing that, but don't you think it was suspicious that Cheryl wasn't asked last - that's the way it usually is. OK, nothing in the rules to say otherwise, but it struck me as manipulative to say the least.

Katie might sing from the heart, but it's really self-indulgent imo - as though it's the promise of fame that drives her, not the music. She's a drama queen and is beyond irritating.

The show was running really late by that stage. The producers had probably told Dermot to go straight to a majority vote, no dead lock, or they would've been cut off.
The show was running really late by that stage. The producers had probably told Dermot to go straight to a majority vote, no dead lock, or they would've been cut off.

I'm probably too cynical.
XFactor paid for Katie to be released from her obligations in her american record deal, so it stands to reason they will keep her in as long as possible to get their moneys worth out of her
I'm probably too cynical.

They're asked in the order they're sat, and what is more they wouldn't have wanted Cheryl to balance out the votes for the sake of balancing them out which defeats the point of the judges choosing between the bottom two.
Katie might sing from the heart, but it's really self-indulgent imo - as though it's the promise of fame that drives her, not the music. She's a drama queen and is beyond irritating.

Her "Songs for survival" always seem really desperate to me. I haven't liked a single one.
I think Cheryl was stitched up. She shouldnt have been asked until last. She looked shocked and refused, but then said she would vote after Louis and Dannii - so why wasn't she given the opportunity to? Dermot just ignored what she'd said.

The producers were protecting Katie.

Poor Cheryl.. got done like a kipper.
XFactor paid for Katie to be released from her obligations in her american record deal, so it stands to reason they will keep her in as long as possible to get their moneys worth out of her

I thought having an existing record deal would mean you didn't qualify for XF.
I cant believe there are actual healthy functioning adults who dont realise these shows are fixed from start to finish.
:lol: And yet again it's proved Cowell is a genius...all this Cole/vote crap all over the front page of the newspapers and the topic of conversation on the TV chat shows will keep the shows sponsors/advertisers happy and the money pouring into Cowell's bulging bank account.
I would pay good money to see a suicide bomber take the lot of them out.

Utter fecking kareoke wank.
I watch it the same way I do Hollyoaks - with the sound firmly off and hoping for some totty to look at.
Katie - without exception, the worst singer on the show

(Wagner an exception, of course).