Full Member
still not sure about the vote off - did Dermot already know that Treyc polled less votes than Katie?
She refused to vote at that time, it was then or not at all. She can't decide when she votes. She's a judge for feck sake, it's her job. Dermot did the right thing imo.
I think Cheryl was stitched up. She shouldnt have been asked until last. She looked shocked and refused, but then said she would vote after Louis and Dannii - so why wasn't she given the opportunity to? Dermot just ignored what she'd said.
The producers were protecting Katie.
Probably true. Seen this kindda stuff in X-factor before.
That's the great thing about Wagner. He irritates and fustrates the hell out of the judges. Public voters are screwing up their plans.
Three cheers for the British public!
I think Cheryl was stitched up. She shouldnt have been asked until last. She looked shocked and refused, but then said she would vote after Louis and Dannii - so why wasn't she given the opportunity to? Dermot just ignored what she'd said.
The producers were protecting Katie.
Nah i don't think that's true. Dermot clarified she was refusing to vote and only then did she say she'd vote last and take it to deadlock but then Dermot said "we're gunna go with the majority vote." which made it clear Cheryl was not gunna be given the opportunity to vote last.
Not disputing that, but don't you think it was suspicious that Cheryl wasn't asked last - that's the way it usually is. OK, nothing in the rules to say otherwise, but it struck me as manipulative to say the least.
Katie might sing from the heart, but it's really self-indulgent imo - as though it's the promise of fame that drives her, not the music. She's a drama queen and is beyond irritating.
The show was running really late by that stage. The producers had probably told Dermot to go straight to a majority vote, no dead lock, or they would've been cut off.
I'm probably too cynical.
Katie might sing from the heart, but it's really self-indulgent imo - as though it's the promise of fame that drives her, not the music. She's a drama queen and is beyond irritating.
I think Cheryl was stitched up. She shouldnt have been asked until last. She looked shocked and refused, but then said she would vote after Louis and Dannii - so why wasn't she given the opportunity to? Dermot just ignored what she'd said.
The producers were protecting Katie.
XFactor paid for Katie to be released from her obligations in her american record deal, so it stands to reason they will keep her in as long as possible to get their moneys worth out of her
I would pay good money to see a suicide bomber take the lot of them out.
Utter fecking kareoke wank.
The German X Factor winner was crowned yesterday:
X Factor - Edita singt hoch zu Roß Release Me - X Factor Video
Winner song:
X Factor - Edita singt I've Come to Life - X Factor Video
The German X Factor winner was crowned yesterday:
X Factor - Edita singt hoch zu Roß Release Me - X Factor Video
Winner song:
X Factor - Edita singt I've Come to Life - X Factor Video