Toxic Frogger
Aiden won't go...surely?
This is so much bollocks.
Only keeping Katie in 'cause they bought out her American record contract.
I fecking despise this bitch with a passion. I want to order out an hit on her and Cher.
Katie survives again
feck i hate her
I've never, ever voted on these types of shows.
But I'm seriously considering voting Wagner to feck the show over. Imagine if he won!
feckin love Take That
more controversy = more discussion about the show = Cowell using £50 notes as toilet paper
that's how it works, can't say I'm surprised Aiden's gone
At the end of the day, the person with the fewest votes deserves to go. This deadlock thing is a load of bollox designed to save the artists the producers don't want to go home.
Wagner = JedwardKatie is this years Jedward.
Cant get over how popular this is in Ireland at the moment. Its basically a "musical" version of the WWE. Each to their and own and all that but surely theres more to life....
I find these kinds of agenda votes rather pointless tbh. All it does is give more money to Cowell, since people who wouldn't have voted normally, phone in to vote for Wagner. It won't affect Cowell in the slightest, as the winner will still be Matt or Rebecca. The further Wagner goes in the competition, the more press it gets and the more people will vote to save their favourite acts to counter the Wagner votes. Thus even more money for Cowell.
The best thing to do, is if you don't like the show, don't watch it and don't vote.
none of them are exactly marvellous