World Chess Championship: Carlsen vs Karjakin

It's obvious by the fast pace of play they know these variatons well. Going towards a quick draw, which will be fine for both players i guess.
It will be fine only for Karjakin.After a full day of rest, Carlsen needs to make something happen here.
First of all he needs to regain confidence. The position right now doesn't really allow Carlsen to hope for more than a draw. I think he must look to strike in one of the two games as white.
Dafeq? Is that how he normally acts? He has himself to blame, what a baby.

It was a bad move to leave, but tbh, football managers do this all the time when they are angry after a loss.
It's not like it's the first time it happens.
He hates losing, and i understand his frustration after seeing Karjakin's playstyle.
Just increased. I forgot how much I enjoy "watching". He should win this one and take a 2 pt lead.
No way.

Carlsen has dealt pretty well with being down, as he has done numerous times in the past. Don't be fooled by the computer evaluation by the way. The position is very sharp, and Carlsen is lurking. I have seen him do it many times in the past.
Someone wrote in the chat of Chess24, Bxf7, what is the point of that move?
If Karjakin finds Qb3 now he's the new my guess.
Qb3 is very difficult to find. The problem here is finding the calm Rh3 after Nf5, Bxf7+, Kg7. Here, Rh3 is the only move (or Karjakin will be lost) but there are no forced variations (i.e. black can play anything he wants), so it will be difficult to analyse this position knowing that there is a great risk of losing in case Rh3 doesn't really work...
Someone wrote in the chat of Chess24, Bxf7, what is the point of that move?

Qc4+, or maybe Rxh7+ followed by Qc4. With the idea of getting the Q to f7 and bishop to f6 or h6 for mating ideas. Not sure it works.

With the akward placement of pieces on the seventh rank, Karjakin will almost surely get the material back. Worst case is a good ending
Qb3 is very difficult to find. The problem here is finding the calm Rh3 after Nf5, Bxf7+, Kg7. Here, Rh3 is the only move (or Karjakin will be lost) but there are no forced variations (i.e. black can play anything he wants), so it will be difficult to analyse this position knowing that there is a great risk of losing in case Rh3 doesn't really work...

Yeah, so if he finds it he's probably found the whole variaton.
Carlsen time is in 0 seconds, what happens now? the time starts again or this is over?
edit: ok, I found it out
No way.

Carlsen has dealt pretty well with being down, as he has done numerous times in the past. Don't be fooled by the computer evaluation by the way. The position is very sharp, and Carlsen is lurking. I have seen him do it many times in the past.
I thought his timer was basically done. Where did that extra 50 min just come from? Certainly re-evens things out!
Why Carlsen moved Nd4 twice? Why not Kc4?
edit: Forget it, it was a previous game
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Karjakin is making the same mistake Carlsen did in game 8, he's just pushing too far. He has got himself in trouble now (both on the board and on the clock). Karjakin is playing like he's the one behind in the match, for some reason.
In the chat they are saying that Karjakin didn´t see it (before Ng5), what should have moved?