World Chess Championship: Carlsen vs Karjakin

Karjakin had such a great opportunity at going for a win earlier, but didn't go for it. He'll have to go for it at some point if he wants to win. Seems he becomes defensive/cautious every time Carlsen does something unexpected.

Edit: :lol: at this picture from the press conference:



That's meme worthy.
Karjakin had such a great opportunity at going for a win earlier, but didn't go for it. He'll have to go for it at some point if he wants to win. Seems he becomes defensive/cautious every time Carlsen does something unexpected.
He was going for the right continuation but missed Qa1 in one of the variations which would have kept his advantage, until after he already moved (d4). It was too late then. Karjakin missed his chance in this game and he'll regret it. He will not get another chance against Carlsen.
Karjakin blundered in a totally winning position under time pressure, so now it looks like it's another draw. Carlsen is awfully out of shape it seems.
Finally some fireworks at least.
Not sure what you mean? I see two passers for Black now.

It looked like Karjakin was getting the upper hand, and Carlsen looked at the clock 4-5 times in a row, before making a move with the pawn, which was a huge risk, or a blunder. Now Carlsen has more attacking options, and I think it looks like Carlsen can play this safely into a draw if he wants to. Not at all worried about the passers.
Completely drawn. I never saw where Karjakin had a clear win though. Let me see again
If Karjakin had played the Queen to A4, he would have gotten his queen back in defense in time, and prevented the exchange where he lost 1 knight and a pawn to Carlsen's lost knight.
Magnus you useless fecker. Should have taken the threefold repetition after the time control.
Wow what a turnaround.
Carlsen blew past interviews in the press zone post-match, pre-press conference, and ended up waiting for Karjakin who stopped for some short interviews (as is usual). He was waiting in the room full of reporters, got tired of waiting, and left the press conference before it started. Karjakin ended up doing the press conference alone.

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Caveman offensive from Carlsen, I just don't think its a good plan against such a resilient defender. Moves 25-40 screamed impatience, and he paid for it despite Karjakins 37th. Fully deserved game to the Russian. Although the position looked like a draw towards the end, it is easy to blunder in queen-endings - not a good decision to enter into that.

At least the pressure is high now, will be very interesting the last games. Everything is set for a great finale.
Not the first time he acts like a spoilt baby when he's lost.
It used to be a strength of his to turn situations like this around, but I don't really see it happening this time against the super solid Karjakin defence.
In his best form Carlsen could try to get out of theory as early as possible and just play chess, problem is Karjakin is playing more accurately at the moment.
Can this motivate Carlsen somehow? Or will it effect his play style and strategy negatively?
Carlsen blew past interviews in the press zone post-match, pre-press conference, and ended up waiting for Karjakin who stopped for some short interviews (as is usual). He was waiting in the room full of reporters, got tired of waiting, and left the press conference before it started. Karjakin ended up doing the press conference alone.

Dafeq? Is that how he normally acts? He has himself to blame, what a baby.