Not only that, they also passed the blame off to Chelsea fans and the National Front. Nothing is ever their fault. Nothing.
They are the biggest bunch of hypocrites in football. They masquerade as mawkish, pious, overemotional diehards - and no doubt that's part of their persona - but there's a rotten element that runs through their hardcore support, who know deep down what happened at Heysel and cynically deflect and continue to deflect from what they done. In truth it's clever. The media buy into this greatest fans in the world, a magic night at Anfield etc, deliberately refusing to highlight the nasty element of their fans in case they get attacked by the online skaus mafia, jumping at the chance to claim there's an agenda against their club. You only have to look at the list of banned media organisations on the RAWK website to see their insane bunker mentality. At least as United fans we acknowledge we have a sinister, sometimes scummy, element to our away support.