Film What’s the worst film you’ve ever watched?

Office space.

What a waste of time. I couldn't believe when it ended, I thought the film had only just begun :lol:
Yeah it was bad, The Last Jedi was awful too but at least it seemed like Rian Johnson put some effort into that and just messed up. The 3rd one was just JJ phoning it in and throwing any shit at the wall to get it done and pick up a pay cheque.

The first in that trilogy was gash as well, a paint by numbers retread of A New Hope with bland characters and that played out 10 years ago Whedon-esque quippy humour. Hate all 3, but it amuses me that so many have kept on pretending The Last Jedi was some kind of masterpiece rather than the least steaming pile of a trio that wasted everyone's time.
The first in that trilogy was gash as well, a paint by numbers retread of A New Hope with bland characters and that played out 10 years ago Whedon-esque quippy humour. Hate all 3, but it amuses me that so many have kept on pretending The Last Jedi was some kind of masterpiece rather than the least steaming pile of a trio that wasted everyone's time.

Pretty much yeah I enjoyed it in the cinema but on rewatch it really is just a remake of EP4, the whole Disney Star Wars saga has been a complete wet fart of an endeavour.

Only Rogue One was decent, The Last Jedi was for me the worst of them for me.
Admittedly, I haven't seen a decent amount of movies, so I'm likely doing a disservice by naming this movie. In any case, After Earth is the worst film I've watched from my small sample size. Its largely due to my ignorance, as I was under the impression it was a Will Smith film, when in reality he was a narrator with Jaden Smith as the star. I found the movie deeply underwhelming in every aspect. An hour in, people were leaving the cinema and one of my mates urged our group to do the same. I foolishly said, "maybe there's a sequence towards the end which would make it all worth it." When the credits came, there's was a feeling of being bitterly disappointed by not only the group I watched it with, there was grumbles of discontentment in the cinema.
I mean what is good about it? It pretty much did not burn a lasting memory into me. Like something I could just forget. I have some emotional memory of many films and not this. I feel like I have seen the space/drama movie a lot (ship/equipment goes faulty). I do like space as a topic though.

Maybe I'll watch it again sometimes but I can tell I will be annoyed at myself for the 2 hours runtime again.
I mean what is good about it? It pretty much did not burn a lasting memory into me. Like something I could just forget. I have some emotional memory of many films and not this. I feel like I have seen the space/drama movie a lot (ship/equipment goes faulty). I do like space as a topic though.

Maybe I'll watch it again sometimes but I can tell I will be annoyed at myself for the 2 hours runtime again.
You do know that Apollo 13 actually malfunctioned in real life, that the movie was a pretty factual dramatization of the events?
Should of expanded. I'm more interested in the wider universe than lame trips to the moon. I don't believe the moon landing even happened.......
You don't say.

Be careful if you ever walk near the edge of earth, it's quite the drop off.
Should of expanded. I'm more interested in the wider universe than lame trips to the moon. I don't believe the moon landing even happened.......

Well, during the Apollo 13 mission, it didn't.
I don't believe the moon landing even happened.......


Or certifiable.
Pearl Harbour

Only film I’ve ever fallen asleep to at the cinema. Mind numbingly stupid and soooooo boring considering there are pretty big action scenes in it.

I've fallen asleep during 3 movies in the theatre in my life. All three of the LotR movies. I know people loved them but they just put me to sleep.
I love shit scf-fi movies like the core and waterworld

Worst film I’ve seen was Birdemic

it’s beyond shit

there was one scene where the director cut out a scene from one of his previous films, and had a woman from the older film having a conversation with someone from the new film

the context didn’t even fit properly or anything, I think he did it as a tribute as the actress died or shit idk
I've watched some truly shit B-grade films, but those don't really count I suppose?

The worst proper film I watched was Many Saints of Newark. I can't even begin to count the ways it was cringey or just laughably bad, and that's before we factor in the years of eager anticipation preceding it.
Office space.

What a waste of time. I couldn't believe when it ended, I thought the film had only just begun :lol:

WHAT?! It's easily the best comedy ever!

I bet you work in middle management and spend your days nagging about TPS reports :smirk:
Recently watched tripe called Interceptor on Netflix. As far as shite goes, this is there are the very top.

That gets my vote as well as far as recent movies go. Just a bad movie from start to finish
Probably tree of life. So bad, reminded me of those religious indoctrination videos I had to watch when I was like 7. This forest is a sign of God.. nah.
Probably tree of life. So bad, reminded me of those religious indoctrination videos I had to watch when I was like 7. This forest is a sign of God.. nah.

Do you consider yourself to be spiritual? I've never watched Tree of Life, nor heard of it, but it leads to a rhetorical question. These films posters are claiming to be horrible, were you part of the demographic