Westminster Politics

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Sooooo. I guess we just sit back and wait for her to do stupid stuff that we can laugh at?
Most feckable PM since Major
this little piggy says no no no

yeah i think shes counting on indy ref 2 being her rallying call for re-igniting the brexit divides
it will be one of her tools. the farcical villain role played by "name any european state" will be another. and then the general culture war on top.

it won't be easy though. over a decade into austerity, the mask has slipped almost entirely. people aren't buying the symbolic ideological bullshit any more. the government will have to deal with the economic base in a very real way and there's no route around it.
Eagerly awaiting for the super-duper blue-steel-eyed female-power-combo Truss - Meloni dismantling Western Europe as we know it! Friend or foe, trick or treating, ninja turtles and dungeons’ dragons.

:lol: How bad is Meloni?
It’s weird how often England has a PM that hasn’t actually been voted in by the public isn’t it?

Like would this fly in other countries? Genuine question.
Boris wasn't voted in by us, May wasn't voted in by us.

This is all standard here.
I can't believe how weak Tory leadership is. Are all the smart Tories too busy making millions of dollars? Doesn't anyone with wealth and power on the right care about the country, want to see it improve?
Boris wasn't voted in by us, May wasn't voted in by us.

This is all standard here.
Neither was Brown though.

Truss's speech about the Tories being the greatest party in the world made me sick in my mouth though.
It’s weird how often England has a PM that hasn’t actually been voted in by the public isn’t it?

Like would this fly in other countries? Genuine question.

Strangely though since thatcher every PM with the exception of Brown subsequently won a pubic election (truss having not faced one yet) so perhaps that's one of the reasons we seem to be ok with it?

Thatcher - not voted in but subsequently won an election
Major - not voted in but subsequently won an election
Blair - was voted in originally
Brown - not voted in and never won an election
Cameron - was voted in originally
May - not voted in but subsequently won an election
Johnson - not voted in but subsequently won an election
Truss - not voted in and TBC

Even Brown if the Libs had decided to side with him could have remained PM
Strangely though since thatcher every PM with the exception of Brown subsequently won a pubic election (truss having not faced one yet) so perhaps that's one of the reasons we seem to be ok with it?

Thatcher - not voted in but subsequently won an election
Major - not voted in but subsequently won an election
Blair - was voted in originally
Brown - not voted in and never won an election
Cameron - was voted in originally
May - not voted in but subsequently won an election
Johnson - not voted in but subsequently won an election
Truss - not voted in and TBC

Even Brown if the Libs had decided to side with him could have remained PM

Indeed. It speaks perhaps of a fear of affecting actual change.

Boris wasn't voted in by us, May wasn't voted in by us.

This is all standard here.

I know, exactly.
Neither was Brown though.

Truss's speech about the Tories being the greatest party in the world made me sick in my mouth though.
Yep, I remember Boris writing at the time how deeply undemocratic that was.
How different would things now be had that occurred I wonder?
not sure - I think it would have been pretty controversial given that the conservatives won the most seats by some way

also 650 seats - less 5 for sinnfein who dont attend

Therefore they would have needed 323 seats to form a majority and Im not sure if that was possible so they may have had to rule as a minority with confidence and supply like may

258 Labour and 57 Libs would have put them at 315 MP's - Potentially they could have got the greens on board (1 vote)

Even if they had got the SNP on board as well as the greens they would have only had 322 - add in the one alliance vote and you have the 323 but that would have been very difficult to govern and probably one of the reasons the Libs went into the coalition with Cameron

So would probably have been a minority Government with little authority and less ability to pass legislation.

Suspect Cameron would have stayed as conservative leader and won the next election which I imagine would have come around fairy quickly (there were by elections for labour seats in 2011 and whilst they retained them all thats unlikely to have been the case if they were in power
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Eagerly awaiting for the super-duper blue-steel-eyed female-power-combo Truss - Meloni dismantling Western Europe as we know it! Friend or foe, trick or treating, ninja turtles and dungeons’ dragons.
Meloni is a bit scarier than Truss. I know I'm scared of all that she represents.
It's not like the general public got a say. Democracy manifest.

We barely get a chance in fairness.

Not a direct say, but this reflects on all of Britain. There's nothing wrong with a parliamentary system, it doesn't mean you have to follow Boris Johnson with Liz Truss. Never mind May and honestly even Cameron.
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Not a direct say, but this reflects on all of Britain. There's nothing wrong with a parliamentary system, it doesn't mean you have to follow Boris Johnson with Lizz Truss. Never mind May and honestly even Cameron.
Our dim populace is fed a diet of this 24/7.

‘Regal’ Liz Truss’ power pose shows she’s in control, says body language expert as new PM ‘channels Thatcher’

"She then lifted her chin defiantly during her speech, though it ended buried in her neck as she beamed in delight at her party members."

One cnut (BJ) followed another (LT) the Tories could kill half the population and still be voted in
Not a direct say, but this reflects on all of Britain. There's nothing wrong with a parliamentary system, it doesn't mean you have to follow Boris Johnson with Liz Truss. Never mind May and honestly even Cameron.

What, how? Why doesn't it mean you have to follow Boris Johnson with Liz Truss? We haven't had an election on Truss, it hasn't been put to a vote beyond the tiny Tory membership whom I imagine are literally the worst of the worst.

Boris Johnson was a travesty and any sane person could see what a twat he was in 2019, only he was up against Corbyn who was for right or wrong divisive as a person even though he ran with incredibly popular policies (a fair few of which ironically ended up getting robbed by the Tories).

Cameron had to go into coalition with the Libs and 2015 was a shock victory. Even then he only lasted a year before May was put in place by the 1922/membership, only to lose her majority in 2017 at her only GE.

Granted, we live in a country that defaults to the Tories at the best of times but recent events aren't really indicative of the electorate and if there was an election tomorrow the bookies would back the Tories to haemorrhage support and likely lose (although I'll never be too confident of that happening).

The biggest issue is that we literally do not get the governments that we vote for unless there's an obscene landslide like in 1997.
What, how? Why doesn't it mean you have to follow Boris Johnson with Liz Truss? We haven't had an election on Truss, it hasn't been put to a vote beyond the tiny Tory membership whom I imagine are literally the worst of the worst.

Boris Johnson was a travesty and any sane person could see what a twat he was in 2019, only he was up against Corbyn who was for right or wrong divisive as a person even though he ran with incredibly popular policies (a fair few of which ironically ended up getting robbed by the Tories).

Cameron had to go into coalition with the Libs and 2015 was a shock victory. Even then he only lasted a year before May was put in place by the 1922/membership, only to lose her majority in 2017 at her only GE.

Granted, we live in a country that defaults to the Tories at the best of times but recent events aren't really indicative of the electorate and if there was an election tomorrow the bookies would back the Tories to haemorrhage support and likely lose (although I'll never be too confident of that happening).

The biggest issue is that we literally do not get the governments that we vote for unless there's an obscene landslide like in 1997.

I mean, most of your post is you basically explaining exactly how this reflects on all of Britain. This doesn't happen everywhere.

Honestly though, this wouldn't have happened at all if you didn't have those awful single representative districts. You're basically a parliamentary democracy with very little room for parliamentary politics. You're left with two overwhelmingly large parties, and then when something like this happens there's no re-organizing of the coalition, it's just re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
The biggest issue is that we literally do not get the governments that we vote for unless there's an obscene landslide like in 1997.
even then the labour government got 43.2% of the vote (actually less than boris managed in 2019 with 43.6%)

The coalition of Cameron and Clegg commanded 59.1% (though turnout was only 65.1% so only 38.5% of the population actually voted for it)

the only government to ever have more than 50% of the people vote for them since WW1 was the war time coalition in 1935 which recieved 97.7% of the votes on a 71.7% turnout (so 70% of the population)

he only other government since WW1 to have over 50% vote share was the 1918 coalition

basically the only time 50% of people who voted get a government they have voted for is with a coalition so yeah PR - we really should
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