Westminster Politics

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Don't you get it, the man is privy to national secrets which, if they got into the wrong hands could have a serious detrimental effects on the security of this country, and, no doubt, other countries.

The guy clearly has no morals nor integrity, he's a live wire.

He would have signed the Official Secrets Act and also a none disclosure agreement on leaving office.
Could say exactly the same for Boris.

Even before considering his Russian connections.
If he was doing this for the moral good, rather than out of spite, then you lot might have a point.

Amazing how you lot jump to defend this scummy little man when, not so long ago, you all saw him for the scummy little man that he is.
No one is defending him. It just adds to a long list of dodgy practices by our government which is much more important, and relevant, than you buying the Tory line of deflecting all blame and anger onto Cummings.

How do you not see it. You sweep away his revelations as “inconvenient“, as if the substance of them has no relevance beyond that, while demanding punishment for an offence Cummings hasn’t even committed. Whose narrative does that align with?
It does raise the question of just what does Boris need to do to lose his majority?
The problem is a good number of people felt the same way - they’d have rather carried on and let people die - they just didn’t put it quite so eloquently as Boris has here and hid behind FREEDOM and other such bollocks. As such nothing will come of this. He could shoot a puppy on National TV and still be popular because he’d be great to have a pint with.
With a 80 seat majority, having vanquished 30 or so of his most vocal (in-house) Tory party members and with Labour finding it hard to get out of a paper bag, that is a pretty good description of how Boris must be feeling.

The country loves a strong leader!!!

The country does love a strong leader.
But eventually, that love turns into hate.
Remember Thatcher and even Churchill and to a degree, Blair.
What it does not like is a leader who cannot be trusted.
In the end, the truth always comes out.
Boris is skating on very thin ice. And that is why he will do anything and everything to stop a covid enquiry. That will be the end of him.

The Beeb were reporting this as "PM denies allegations" a couple of hours ago but now they're staying that he did in fact say it. They must have some pretty solid sources of they've stopped backing Boris on this.
Don't you get it, the man is privy to national secrets which, if they got into the wrong hands could have a serious detrimental effects on the security of this country, and, no doubt, other countries.

The guy clearly has no morals nor integrity, he's a live wire.

He would have signed the Official Secrets Act and also a none disclosure agreement on leaving office.

He should shut his fecking mouth, or it needs to be shut for him.

I see that you have not answered my question.
And anyway, Boris is trading on the belief that nobody really takes any notice of what Cummings says. So he is perfectly happy to let him carry on.
I can't remember your question, sorry. It must have got lost in the general hysteria.
The hysteria that Cummings will leak ehm *checks notes* national security secrets? Don't worry, I think no one in here actually thinks that could happen.
The Beeb were reporting this as "PM denies allegations" a couple of hours ago but now they're staying that he did in fact say it. They must have some pretty solid sources of they've stopped backing Boris on this.

Wonder what their sources are...

Cummings is sharpening his knife for boris and im sure gove is getting ready to stab sunak in the back...
The hysteria that Cummings will leak ehm *checks notes* national security secrets? Don't worry, I think no one in here actually thinks that could happen.

He has no need to do anything like that.
His fall out with Boris has become incredibly toxic. He obviously knows how unpopular he is (hardly surprising). But he is absolutely intent on damaging his ex boss.
I mean. You have to question Boris judgement on allowing the relationship get to this level.
With a 80 seat majority, having vanquished 30 or so of his most vocal (in-house) Tory party members and with Labour finding it hard to get out of a paper bag, that is a pretty good description of how Boris must be feeling.

The country loves a strong leader!!!
Pity they don’t have one then
BBC News - Covid: Boris Johnson's 'bodies pile high' comments prompt criticism

Check out the headline on the BBC with what's been reported he actually said. Hmmm

Edit: in the mobile version it's "bodies could pile high" which is totally different in tone and context and I'm not sure where that's come from.
Are we really debating who is worse: a Tory scumbag who got thrown under a bus or another Tory scumbag who threw him under said bus and may themselves now be under bus bound?
He definitely did not say that.
Because Michael Gove says so. So it must be true mustn't it....
I expect that Cummings is not going to reveal anything that would prevent him from working in Government again. The press seem to have forgotten that he was originally Gove's special adviser, Govey is seeing his way into No10 and Cummings might just get back in a nice job after being the king maker.
The country does love a strong leader.
But eventually, that love turns into hate.
Remember Thatcher and even Churchill and to a degree, Blair.
What it does not like is a leader who cannot be trusted.
In the end, the truth always comes out.
Boris is skating on very thin ice. And that is why he will do anything and everything to stop a covid enquiry. That will be the end of him.

Yes, I wouldn't disagree. To some extent every PM's career (no matter how strong they are at their zenith) ends in failure, its just a question of time.
Boris is set fair just now, Labour cannot lay a glove on him, at least outside the Westminster 'bubble', his 'foes' inside the Tory party have been weakened and Boris sails on-wards.He will be overturned, eventually, at the moment its more likely to be from inside the Tory Party than outside.
Official Enquiries and the like are only useful in bringing down a PM when the opposition is at least buoyed up by its own supporters, but Labour is in mortal danger, with its loss of the red wall and it might now even lose the Hartlepool seat, which the Tories have NEVER won before.

Wonder if Boris plays the lottery, if he doesn't he ought too!
Yes, I wouldn't disagree. To some extent every PM's career (no matter how strong they are at their zenith) ends in failure, its just a question of time.
Boris is set fair just now, Labour cannot lay a glove on him, at least outside the Westminster 'bubble', his 'foes' inside the Tory party have been weakened and Boris sails on-wards.He will be overturned, eventually, at the moment its more likely to be from inside the Tory Party than outside.
Official Enquiries and the like are only useful in bringing down a PM when the opposition is at least buoyed up by its own supporters, but Labour is in mortal danger, with its loss of the red wall and it might now even lose the Hartlepool seat, which the Tories have NEVER won before.

Wonder if Boris plays the lottery, if he doesn't he ought too!

Literally all of the right wing press has just turned on him. If that’s not a clear indication that his political capital is spent and they need to bring in the next tool for their next task I’m not sure what is.
The sad thing is not that he said "let the bodies pile up" it is that the bodies piled up because of his actions.
Literally all of the right wing press has just turned on him. If that’s not a clear indication that his political capital is spent and they need to bring in the next tool for their next task I’m not sure what is.

I have been a little surprised that it is the right wing type papers who are leading on this latest round of so called revaluations.
And as there are no real Labour type papers, that is at least encouraging.
The sad thing is not that he said "let the bodies pile up" it is that the bodies piled up because of his actions.

Spot on. With all the daily updates on progress of the vaccine, many tend to forget about the truly awful number of infections and deaths.
And that is precisely why Boris is and will do absolutely anything to delay the necessary public inquiry into the government shambolic handling of the pandemic.
Literally all of the right wing press has just turned on him. If that’s not a clear indication that his political capital is spent and they need to bring in the next tool for their next task I’m not sure what is.

His 'political capital' outside Westminster is high, see the polls.

I agree, the right wing press are 'piling in' because they are rubbing their hands expecting more exposures from Cumming, but its nothing to do with political capital its to do with a long running (insider) story that's 'got legs'. In any other situation it would be bad news for the PM, however somewhat like Blair before him Boris is becoming 'Mr Teflon'.

Boris has always been something of a Maverick, its almost expected he will say things that afterwards he retracts or denies, this is the 'full throttle' Boris, which many people seem to like. Of course his luck will run out eventually, but to me its unlikely at the moment because if there is a 'cabal' inside the Tories, fermenting discord, it's not big enough...yet, and Labour is all over the place.
His 'political capital' outside Westminster is high, see the polls.

I agree, the right wing press are 'piling in' because they are rubbing their hands expecting more exposures from Cumming, but its nothing to do with political capital its to do with a long running (insider) story that's 'got legs'. In any other situation it would be bad news for the PM, however somewhat like Blair before him Boris is becoming 'Mr Teflon'.

Boris has always been something of a Maverick, its almost expected he will say things that afterwards he retracts or denies, this is the 'full throttle' Boris, which many people seem to like. Of course his luck will run out eventually, but to me its unlikely at the moment because if there is a 'cabal' inside the Tories, fermenting discord, it's not big enough...yet, and Labour is all over the place.

I reckon Boris will be gone by the autumn.
I'm shite at remembering details, but I think in the past Gove has been overtly loyal to whoever he is backing, only putting the boot in when he judges the time is right. I bet on him to win the last leadership election (at good odds), I'll be bleeding annoyed if he makes it this time instead.
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I reckon Boris will be gone by the autumn.

Not if the Tories win in Hartlepool!
If that happens Boris will be carried shoulder high around Tory HQ dressed in a toga and with a laurel wreath on his head.
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