Westminster Politics

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The only thing that pisses me off more than these horrendous politicians is when this idiot is wheeled out to comment on things that he should have absolutely zero say on.
Flies in the face of politicians telling (generally outspoken left wing) celebrities to "stay out of politics". It's an absolutely stupid phrase to use in the first place but if they're going to use it then maybe it should apply to absolutely everyone.
Genuine question - is there a regulator / independent body that would investigate a potential issue like Tory donors recieving favourable treatment / financial rewards?

I know in France you had Sarkozy getting convicted, and in Israel currently you have Netenyahu. Is there precedent in the UK?
It was easy for the Brexit voters to side with Boris, until now I hope. Cummings was a real a champion of theirs, someone who "understood the silent majority". Who will these numerous voters side with on this?
It was easy for the Brexit voters to side with Boris, until now I hope. Cummings was a real a champion of theirs, someone who "understood the silent majority". Who will these numerous voters side with on this?
Over what? People paying for his flat to be decorated - he wanted to save the taxpayer money. Dyson wanting to make sure his staff weren't taxed twice, in two countries? - sounds reasonable. Those answers might not be actually correct but they'll do the job, Boris won't lose a single vote over this, not one.

What Cummings says next might be a different matter, I hope.
Hold the front pages, Boris is accused of unethical behaviour!!!.... by Dominic Cummings... this seems like another unholy alliance to knock Tory sleaze off the front pages.
While I detest the man, Dominic Cummings is telling the British people what most already know.
The PM Boris Johnson is a compulsive liar.
As they say, takes one to know one.
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Boris has probably dictated his rebuttal to Laura K about how his comments were 'taken out of context' or' 'they weren't meant to be taken seriously' or ' I never said those words'. The BBC will bend over backwards to downplay this.
Boris has probably dictated his rebuttal to Laura K about how his comments were 'taken out of context' or' 'they weren't meant to be taken seriously' or ' I never said those words'. The BBC will bend over backwards to downplay this.
Would help if it was on BBC news to begin with....
Would help if it was on BBC news to begin with....

Is it just tittle tattle though?

The Laura K article sums it up by saying that people warned Boris what Cummings is like so maybe it’s Boris’ fault this has happened.

Or in other words, it’s not Boris’ corruption that is the problem here, it’s that he had an advisor who is prepared to go public with it.
Cummings being shown in his true light.

He's blabbing about private stuff now, which is inconvenient & very embarrassing for the PM & the Government, but this guy is privy to national secrets which may affect the security of the country.

I think he should be locked up so that he can't spill anything that's actually important. :D
Cummings being shown in his true light.

He's blabbing about private stuff now, which is inconvenient & very embarrassing for the PM & the Government, but this guy is privy to national secrets which may affect the security of the country.

I think he should be locked up so that he can't spill anything that's actually important. :D
Yes, because he is the problem, not our corrupt government.
If Boris is as brutal as what Dominic makes out, then Cummings had better hope no one over hears Boris saying "who will rid me of this troublesome ex-advisor"!
I used to pinch free copies of the Financial Times off the trains when they had them, as newspapers go it seems to be the best.

If you google 'A new deal for the young, how to fix the housing crisis' you get the first one, I'm not bright enough to get a link to work. :)
Cummings being shown in his true light.

He's blabbing about private stuff now, which is inconvenient & very embarrassing for the PM & the Government, but this guy is privy to national secrets which may affect the security of the country.

I think he should be locked up so that he can't spill anything that's actually important. :D

So don't you think that anything he has said is unimportant and doesn't show Boris Johnson for what he really is.
Clearly, the PM is not just a liar, which is bad enough, but you really have to question his morality.
I can do what I like when I like and nobody really cares.
Is it just tittle tattle though?

The Laura K article sums it up by saying that people warned Boris what Cummings is like so maybe it’s Boris’ fault this has happened.

Or in other words, it’s not Boris’ corruption that is the problem here, it’s that he had an advisor who is prepared to go public with it.

And we must also remember that just before he sacked Cummings, Boris awarded him a rather large pay rise.
So we have to question why did he do that.
So don't you think that anything he has said is unimportant and doesn't show Boris Johnson for what he really is.
Clearly, the PM is not just a liar, which is bad enough, but you really have to question his morality.
I can do what I like when I like and nobody really cares.

With a 80 seat majority, having vanquished 30 or so of his most vocal (in-house) Tory party members and with Labour finding it hard to get out of a paper bag, that is a pretty good description of how Boris must be feeling.

The country loves a strong leader!!!
Don't you get it, the man is privy to national secrets which, if they got into the wrong hands could have a serious detrimental effects on the security of this country, and, no doubt, other countries.

The guy clearly has no morals nor integrity, he's a live wire.

He would have signed the Official Secrets Act and also a none disclosure agreement on leaving office.

He should shut his fecking mouth, or it needs to be shut for him.

Yes, because he is the problem, not our corrupt government.

So don't you think that anything he has said is unimportant and doesn't show Boris Johnson for what he really is.
Clearly, the PM is not just a liar, which is bad enough, but you really have to question his morality.
I can do what I like when I like and nobody really cares.
The guy clearly has no morals nor integrity, he's a live wire.

Yes, but enough about Boris Johnson.

He would have signed the Official Secrets Act and also a none disclosure agreement on leaving office.

None of what he's saying has breached any national security btw, so not sure why you're somehow against Cummings in all this.
He may be privy to high-level security information, but that isn't what he's disclosing.
@Sassy Colin are you annoyed at Cameron for the dodgy lobbying he has been doing or the fact he’s been doing said lobbying while he knows a bunch of national security sensitive secrets? Maybe neither?
If he was doing this for the moral good, rather than out of spite, then you lot might have a point.

Amazing how you lot jump to defend this scummy little man when, not so long ago, you all saw him for the scummy little man that he is.
I dont think anyone here doesn’t think he’s scum? You can both think someone is scum and believe some of the words they say.
If he was doing this for the moral good, rather than out of spite, then you lot might have a point.

Amazing how you lot jump to defend this scummy little man when, not so long ago, you all saw him for the scummy little man that he is.

We don't have to defend the rats to enjoy watching them eat each other.
If he was doing this for the moral good, rather than out of spite, then you lot might have a point.

Amazing how you lot jump to defend this scummy little man when, not so long ago, you all saw him for the scummy little man that he is.
Just remember these words when you decide to start saying "oh you're all ganging up on me, mob mentality, I feck dogs" etc love you babe
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