I'd define a right wing government as one enacting low tax and low spend policies, with far less intrusive government intervention in the private sector. Small state involvement in sectors such as energy, transport, health, social care. More focus on the charitable sector rather than the state providing assistance to the poor.
I'd see right wing policies as those that progressively seek to spend less of other peoples' money for them, believing that people ultimately spend their own money far better than government. In reality this would translate to the transport sector becoming far less subsidised. The education system becoming more about choice (e.g. school vouchers). Progressively less involvement in health in favour of insurance based systems, allowing far more patient choice.
Likewise a right wing viewpoint would be that subsidising the wealthy with taxes from the poor and middle class is immoral and wrong. Etonians being subsidised by the taxpayer to go to Cambridge for example when they could afford the six figure cost would be an example. The top several deciles wouldn't get subsidised health, education, pensions, housing, transport etc as they can afford it without state help (with much lower taxes of course).
I'd see area's of spend right wingers would see as crucial would be defence and law & order. These state departments would be funded plentifully; particularly the military which I'd say would be 4-5% of GDP minimum.
The further right you go the more extreme this would be. A government that had no budget whatsoever for health, social care, transport, education, pensions, welfare, housing, social services, employment, agriculture, housing etc; but still had a large defence and public order budget would be very right wing (the third sector in this example would be solely responsible for helping those in need and the provate sector would provide all the services people desired).
On the flip side authoritarianism would be about control of people, rather than control of their money. A strict and dehumanising immigration policy would be authoritarian. ID cards to vote is authoritarian. Restricting freedom of movement, even via a passport is a form of authoritarianism. Using fear to limit civil liberties is authoritarianism. Surveillance of the populace is authoritarian. Treating people differently based on colour, sex, sexual orientation, creed, religious belief or any other way they choose to live their lives is authoritarian.
Control of money = left and right
Control of people = libertarian and authoritarianism