Westminster Politics

Sanchez and piano vibes :lol:

Oh Rishi....

Nads gone woke

Never thought that I would agree with Nadine Dorris, but she is correct.
And totally condescending of Mogg to pretend that they are trying to save the hotel fees.
He, Sunak and his ridiculous Environment Secretary Teres Coffey (who would probably drain the hotel room mini bar) just don't care about climate change as they should. They are all a complete disgrace.
One thing that you can count on with these tory cnuts is that the next cock up is just around the corner. They can't help being incompetent.
Pleaaaase... go wash your mouth out and stop frightening the children :lol: (or hand in your Labour party membership)

You are right. I knew as soon as I posted that it was a mistake.
As is the decision to not attend COP27. Sends all the wrong signals. He won't go because he knows full well that the UK is failing on each and everyone of the committments we made only a few months ago when we hosted COP26.

No doubt he is far too busy trying to work out how he can withdraw from the government firm commitment to honour the state pension triple lock. After all, he did that last year.
You are right. I knew as soon as I posted that it was a mistake.
As is the decision to not attend COP27. Sends all the wrong signals. He won't go because he knows full well that the UK is failing on each and everyone of the committments we made only a few months ago when we hosted COP26.

No doubt he is far too busy trying to work out how he can withdraw from the government firm commitment to honour the state pension triple lock. After all, he did that last year.

:lol:.... Yes we all might mean the right thing, but it comes out wrong!

I actually think Sunak is being clever here, first of all it gets the media off his back about a return to Austerity etc. shifts the onus to something else for his critics to concentrate on and in any case, the UK did its bit last year in Glasgow.
Our reputation as a competent country took something of jolt recently, we would probably do more harm than good at the moment, whatever recommendations we might attempt to make, trying to play a 'world leader' just now after our economic actions have been referred to as resembling an 'emerging market economy', doesn't really endow us with much gravitas.
Blatant lies are endemic in the Tory party. And hopefully the country has wised up about them.
I thought David Lamey stole the show with his Angry comments.

I think from the Owen Patterson scandal onwards about a year ago, public opinion has turned irreversibly (well until they are out of office) against the Tories. Before then they were polling frustratingly well and Labour looked to have more problems than the Tories.

Their empty slogans and desperate attempts to drum up culture wars stopped being sufficient to keep enough people on side.

On the subject of Lammy, his speeches following the Windrush scandal and about Brexit (I think ahead the first vote on May's withdrawal agreement), were two of the best ones that I've heard in the Commons from any politician in recent years.
Their empty slogans and desperate attempts to drum up culture wars stopped being sufficient to keep enough people on side.

I think it's more to do with the 'Tories bumbling' in the area they pride themselves, in the economy. Through the madness of the Truss min-budget, they not only shot themselves in the foot (both feet) they alienated those aspirational working-class supporters by at a stroke, by doubling or in some cases trebling their mortgage repayments. At the same time put in jeopardy the continued government support for energy bills beyond six months... this is what will do for them, not Labour rhetoric... although there are signs Starmer is gaining ground in red wall areas once again. With Lib-Dems taking the leafy-suburbs, mainly because they are not Tories!!
:lol:.... Yes we all might mean the right thing, but it comes out wrong!

I actually think Sunak is being clever here, first of all it gets the media off his back about a return to Austerity etc. shifts the onus to something else for his critics to concentrate on and in any case, the UK did its bit last year in Glasgow.
Our reputation as a competent country took something of jolt recently, we would probably do more harm than good at the moment, whatever recommendations we might attempt to make, trying to play a 'world leader' just now after our economic actions have been referred to as resembling an 'emerging market economy', doesn't really endow us with much gravitas.

But in my opinion, climate change is not something you play games with.
Remember. Net Zero has been put into legislation to ensure that government departments must comply. Assuming of course that you actually believe in the methods used to validate it....

If the Tories still believe in Global Britain, we do need to show that on something as serious as climate change, we can be relied on to keep our promise.
There's a story about Rishi on the BBC about his education/life in California and it's just dawned on me that's exactly what he reminds me of - some preppy trust fund kiddo.
And Starmer was a real man of the people at his 20k a year school?
Exactly! Take that @Rado_N! And they say whataboutism doesn't work!

I mean, apart from Starmer going to the school when it was still state funded and that 20k a year only came into effect after he left it. But other than that your comeback was bang on.
Exactly! Take that @Rado_N! And they say whataboutism doesn't work!

I mean, apart from Starmer going to the school when it was still state funded and that 20k a year only came into effect after he left it. But other than that your comeback was bang on.

Wait, I always thought Conservatives said that these institutions were important because it gave us lowly types something to aspire to?

That's why we shouldn't try and rock the boat; because if we work with shit up to our knees really, really hard we might one day be able to join the elites! Unless we say something they don't like, in which case we'll be thrashed and insulted for having two holidays a year and a weekly shop at M&S.
Wait, I always thought Conservatives said that these institutions were important because it gave us lowly types something to aspire to?

That's why we shouldn't try and rock the boat; because if we work with shit up to our knees really, really hard we might one day be able to join the elites! Unless we say something they don't like, in which case we'll be thrashed and insulted for having two holidays a year and a weekly shop at M&S.

Wait, you shop at M&S?

Next you will be telling us you put the heating on in the winter and eat more than once every two days.
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Wait, you shop at M&S?

Next you will be telling us you put the heating on in the winter and eat more than once every two days.
Woah, I'm nowhere near that level yet. A healthy mixture of Sainbos and Aldi for me, thank you very much. I'm not Midas or @oates and @Penna.
Exactly! Take that @Rado_N! And they say whataboutism doesn't work!

I mean, apart from Starmer going to the school when it was still state funded and that 20k a year only came into effect after he left it. But other than that your comeback was bang on.

I know, I read the same Wikipedia article you did. The point is none of these people are coming from council estates and none of them, by the time they get close to high office, have any clue what the average citizen faces.
I know, I read the same Wikipedia article you did. The point is none of these people are coming from council estates and none of them, by the time they get close to high office, have any clue what the average citizen faces.
Oh totally. They practically had the same upbringing after all.

Sunak was raised in this house.


And Starmer was raised in a totally identical house that doesn't at all look like a council one.


Combine that with Starmer going to a state school and Sunak going private, plus their personal career progressions being nearly identical where Starmer had to succeed whilst Sunak coasted, and yeah I can see why they are completely the same.

And, of course, we all know that once we start making money we immediately forget everything from our past. Because of selective amnesia or something. I haven't quite figured out where we're going to move the goalposts next so hopefully you'll oblige
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I know, I read the same Wikipedia article you did. The point is none of these people are coming from council estates and none of them, by the time they get close to high office, have any clue what the average citizen faces.

John Major left school with 3 O-Levels at the age of 16, with his parents health and finances poor, and living out of a small flat in Brixton.

Ramsay Macdonald was born illegitimate in the mid 19th century, and left school at 15 to work on a farm, becoming a teacher and dragging himself up by his bootstraps. He became a trades unionist and worked with the poor in London and Bristol, trying to better their lives.

Clement Attlee attended public school then Oxford, and used his family connections to get a well-paid job as a lawyer.

Two were shite, and the other built a Britain whose structures and welfare state we still enjoy.

I don't care about where they come from, I care much more about whether they have the ideas to change the lives of the millions of people who are barely hanging on by their fingertips, in what is meant to be a highly developed country in 2022.

I remain underwhelmed by Starmer and his non-existent plans. That wouldn't change if he had the upbringing Sunk did, or even if he left school illiterate at 16 and had been working minimum wage jobs for the past thirty plus years.
John Major left school with 3 O-Levels at the age of 16, with his parents health and finances poor, and living out of a small flat in Brixton.

Ramsay Macdonald was born illegitimate in the mid 19th century, and left school at 15 to work on a farm, becoming a teacher and dragging himself up by his bootstraps. He became a trades unionist and worked with the poor in London and Bristol, trying to better their lives.

Clement Attlee attended public school then Oxford, and used his family connections to get a well-paid job as a lawyer.

Two were shite, and the other built a Britain whose structures and welfare state we still enjoy.

I don't care about where they come from, I care much more about whether they have the ideas to change the lives of the millions of people who are barely hanging on by their fingertips, in what is meant to be a highly developed country in 2022.

I remain underwhelmed by Starmer and his non-existent plans. That wouldn't change if he had the upbringing Sunk did, or even if he left school illiterate at 16 and had been working minimum wage jobs for the past thirty plus years.

I do.

If it is a very thin slice of people you get the govt from then you can bet its a very thin slice that will benefit from the policies of that govt.
John Major left school with 3 O-Levels at the age of 16, with his parents health and finances poor, and living out of a small flat in Brixton.

Ramsay Macdonald was born illegitimate in the mid 19th century, and left school at 15 to work on a farm, becoming a teacher and dragging himself up by his bootstraps. He became a trades unionist and worked with the poor in London and Bristol, trying to better their lives.

Clement Attlee attended public school then Oxford, and used his family connections to get a well-paid job as a lawyer.

Two were shite, and the other built a Britain whose structures and welfare state we still enjoy.

I don't care about where they come from, I care much more about whether they have the ideas to change the lives of the millions of people who are barely hanging on by their fingertips, in what is meant to be a highly developed country in 2022.

I remain underwhelmed by Starmer and his non-existent plans. That wouldn't change if he had the upbringing Sunk did, or even if he left school illiterate at 16 and had been working minimum wage jobs for the past thirty plus years.
So, you’re not fussed on whether they went to private school or not? Good, going to private school doesn’t default make you a cnut as this thread would seem to believe