Westminster Politics

It makes me giggle that some people think Sir Kier ‘knows’ what it’s like to be struggling. He is from a working class background this is true. He went to a Grammar School, Oxford University and Leeds University. He came from a Communist supporting family and he is now worth about £8 million according to Google. Yes, it’s bit short of the close to a billion Sunak has trousered, but they have both worked for it and paid taxes. A lot of the sniping from Labour MP’s is jealousy. Personally, I would rather have someone who understands economics and the markets than some career politician that just knows how to fill in their expenses. Richard Burgon the terror of the Tories is a millionaire, attended Cambridge and is as far Left as they can get. Champagne Socilaist like Gary Neville. They are all the same, either rampant ideologists or cruising through life getting paid for doing very little.

So basically you're either a champagne socialist if you have money yourself or you are envious if you don't have the money?

Most of Sunak's money is from his wife (or to be accurate, his wife's dad) and she very pointedly did not pay the appropriate tax on it.

Starmer also isn't a career politician, for all of his other faults.

Can't tell if I've been hooked like a kipper or you're just genuinely reeling off these soundbites.
It makes me giggle that some people think Sir Kier ‘knows’ what it’s like to be struggling. He is from a working class background this is true. He went to a Grammar School, Oxford University and Leeds University. He came from a Communist supporting family and he is now worth about £8 million according to Google. Yes, it’s bit short of the close to a billion Sunak has trousered, but they have both worked for it and paid taxes. A lot of the sniping from Labour MP’s is jealousy. Personally, I would rather have someone who understands economics and the markets than some career politician that just knows how to fill in their expenses. Richard Burgon the terror of the Tories is a millionaire, attended Cambridge and is as far Left as they can get. Champagne Socilaist like Gary Neville. They are all the same, either rampant ideologists or cruising through life getting paid for doing very little.

Are only poor people meant to be socialist?
It makes me giggle that some people think Sir Kier ‘knows’ what it’s like to be struggling. He is from a working class background this is true. He went to a Grammar School, Oxford University and Leeds University. He came from a Communist supporting family and he is now worth about £8 million according to Google. Yes, it’s bit short of the close to a billion Sunak has trousered, but they have both worked for it and paid taxes. A lot of the sniping from Labour MP’s is jealousy. Personally, I would rather have someone who understands economics and the markets than some career politician that just knows how to fill in their expenses. Richard Burgon the terror of the Tories is a millionaire, attended Cambridge and is as far Left as they can get. Champagne Socilaist like Gary Neville. They are all the same, either rampant ideologists or cruising through life getting paid for doing very little.
Terrible take all round.
It makes me giggle that some people think Sir Kier ‘knows’ what it’s like to be struggling. He is from a working class background this is true. He went to a Grammar School, Oxford University and Leeds University. He came from a Communist supporting family and he is now worth about £8 million according to Google. Yes, it’s bit short of the close to a billion Sunak has trousered, but they have both worked for it and paid taxes. A lot of the sniping from Labour MP’s is jealousy. Personally, I would rather have someone who understands economics and the markets than some career politician that just knows how to fill in their expenses. Richard Burgon the terror of the Tories is a millionaire, attended Cambridge and is as far Left as they can get. Champagne Socilaist like Gary Neville. They are all the same, either rampant ideologists or cruising through life getting paid for doing very little.

Starmer is still a better option than any Tory scum. End of.
Who are all these plebs answering 'dont know' in surveys all the time. It's asking you an opinion and you cant even figure one out.

My favourite are the 1% who do "not heard of" when asked about Trump.
With the Northern Ireland Assembly failing for ages now, could Westminster decide to revoke the devolved powers?
Working class kid that had nothing, excels at everything in a narrow space and becomes an asset millionaire, then tries To help everyone that had the same upbringing = How dare you

Upper class Cnut that had everything, achieves a passing grade at nonsensical shit nobody cares about, as they funnel themselves into power = deserved

This country deserves the Tories on so many fronts.
Yeah Tories are cnuts I know. We just had 12 years of Upper class cnuts
It's the secret "i'm ashamed to be a tory" answer.

I'm not convinced by that. I think a significant number of people in the UK are disillusioned with politics and completely disengaged from it. I think they distrust both parties and how the media portray the political landscape. They see both parties as equally bad so couldn't choose one or the other.
A lot of new names in here today. Love a good gammon me.
Not a lot more infuriating than the huge amount of people that continue to insist "they are all the same". This iteration of Tories are demonstrably many times worse than the alternatives on offer.
After fecking the country into a round hole both socially and economically they then don’t want to govern it? Kind of makes sense actually

Yep and then blame Labour for crashing the economy while in opposition.

The realisation that they've been in power and have royally messed up for more than 12 years appears to have finally dawned on many voters, and the 'time for a change sentiment' is intensifying.

An expected fresh wave of austerity will bring any honeymoon period that Sunak has to crashing halt. During the coalition years, they were able to get away with their programme of excessive austerity (though it was a big contributor to leave winning the EU referendum), by blaming it on the ‘mess they inherited from Labour’ (Ed Miliband failed to properly fight back there), and also being shielded as the Lib Dems (unfairly) suffered most of the flack. They will not have either of those ‘luxuries’ this time.
Just blatant fecking lies.

Did she seriously just say to David about getting angry about it? What the feck does she expect!? People to be thrilled about NHS waiting times and the state of social care?

Shows just how out of touch and heartless they all are.
I'm not convinced by that. I think a significant number of people in the UK are disillusioned with politics and completely disengaged from it. I think they distrust both parties and how the media portray the political landscape. They see both parties as equally bad so couldn't choose one or the other.

I think its more of a case of Tory voters finally realising their party is shafting them and they then using the line 'Oh it would be worse under Labour or no better' then saying there are disillusioned with politics to get them out of having to backtrack from their decisions. It's voters such as this who are responsible for the mess of this country.
Tories love hurting people with austerity and pretending that they had to do it.

Sadly they convince their susceptible voters quite easily. Suggesting the economy is perhaps more complex than a household budget is apparently not an option for Labour either so we end up with government policy and optics knowingly steered around a falsehood.
Sadly they convince their susceptible voters quite easily. Suggesting the economy is perhaps more complex than a household budget is apparently not an option for Labour either so we end up with government policy and optics knowingly steered around a falsehood.

If they want to simplify it for voters, they can start by pointing out that trickledown economics is a load of guff. Get a windfall tax on energy immediately, clamp down on companies not paying tax and explain in simple terms that to keep the economy moving that money needs to be in the hands of people that spend in it, not people that move it into offshore accounts. I don't see how that message doesn't sink in to even the thickest of skulls.
I think its more of a case of Tory voters finally realising their party is shafting them and they then using the line 'Oh it would be worse under Labour or no better' then saying there are disillusioned with politics to get them out of having to backtrack from their decisions. It's voters such as this who are responsible for the mess of this country.

There are around 53 million people over the age of 18 in the UK. Roughly 48 million of them are registered to vote. At the 2019 election approximately 32 million people actually cast a vote. I think there's quite a lot of political disillusionment in this country so the 'don't knows' are not a big surprise to me. It seems to me at least more convincing than the there's a Tory hiding behind every bush theory. My view is partly anecdotal as I know plenty of people that largely ignore politics and actually know next to nothing about it.

edit: I think political disillusionment plays into the hands of the Tories and that it's a situation they're very comfortable with. It means minority consent can continue to put them in power to carry out policies that enfranchise their backers and voters against actual majority opinion. Thatcher's mass privitisation of British public services would be an example of this.
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He knows what it’s like to come from a family that needed two parents to work, to pay for things.

£8m is as closer to pay check to pay check than £1billion

Sunak has not paid taxes.

Sunak doesn’t understand economics, he knows How to exploit the economy.

Starmer has been an MP for less time than Sunak.

If your post was a joke, fair go. Consider me on the hook. But good lord if it wasn’t you’ve managed to get absolutely everything wrong in pursuit of a point. Bravo.

So did Sunak. Both grew up in middle class households where both parents worked. There's not much difference in their upbringing until they go to University.

Sunak just did exceptionally well himself before marrying into extreme wealth. As usual in the UK this makes people jealous of him.
Watched the new environment secretary Therese Coffey this morning on BBC. And it was clear and obvious that she really does not give a sh1t about climate change. She was asked why neither the King, Sunak or her were not going to COP27 in Egypt and her only response was that they were "too busy".
Says it all about her priority.
There are around 53 million people over the age of 18 in the UK. Roughly 48 million of them are registered to vote. At the 2019 election approximately 32 million people actually cast a vote. I think there's quite a lot of political disillusionment in this country so the 'don't knows' are not a big surprise to me. It seems to me at least more convincing than the there's a Tory hiding behind every bush theory. My view is partly anecdotal as I know plenty of people that largely ignore politics and actually know next to nothing about it.

edit: I think political disillusionment plays into the hands of the Tories and that it's a situation they're very comfortable with. It means minority consent can continue to put them in power to carry out policies that enfranchise their backers and voters against actual majority opinion. Thatcher's mass privitisation of British public services would be an example of this.

I agree for some people. I used to manage elections and for general elections, we got a good 70%+ turnout where we were so people still vote at the general election.
I agree for some people. I used to manage elections and for general elections, we got a good 70%+ turnout where we were so people still vote at the general election.

Turnout is measured as a % of registered voters. The turnout at the last election was 67.3% so 70% would only equate to something like 35 million which would leave approx 18 million not casting a vote. Consider that Johnson was put into power with 14 million people voting for him.
Just blatant fecking lies.

"....calls for an inquiry into treasury minister Lucy Frazer and claims of an “untenable” potential conflict of interest involving a £15bn government contract with a firm headed by her husband."
Rishis at Croydon Hospital right now. My wife saw him tour round the wards.

Please dont be thinking to cut NHS further :nervous: