Westminster Politics

She literally the Rebecca Front character from the Thick Of It(Well lot more racist and bigoted)


In fairness even she must be bored of the endless repetition of the same phrases. We only have to listen to them whenever we decide to listen to her, she's been having to repeat them every 5 minutes for the last 20 months.
As shite and meaningless her message is the tories are still around 40% so it's clearly working for some fecking eejit out there
Boris Johnson in his full glory, ladies and gentlemen. Runs away before Heathrow vote. He's a special kind of coward.
Boris is in two-faced spineless action shocker.
'Boris Johnson vowed to lie...'
I'm just completely fed up with politics at the moment. An inept Government, an inept opposition, and fecking Brexit. Completely bored of it.
Sounds like a Space Jam line-up.
Shame then that both main parties shit on immigrants by laying down to the argument that freedom of movement is somehow a cause of many of society's ills.
Shame then that both main parties shit on immigrants by laying down to the argument that freedom of movement is somehow a cause of many of society's ills.

Yeah, I was just thinking to myself the other week, not long after I left university I got a job at an investment bank. But I was on really shite money to start with, I mean really bad (£13,750/yr working in central London as a junior analyst circa 2003... you try living in London on that!). Anyway, I was working with loads of people from overseas, Americans, Canadians, Scandinavians, French, Germans, Australians, South Africans, Chinese, you name it, probably around 50% of the company were from overseas. But never once did it even enter my mind that I was a getting terrible pay because of all the immigrants. I highly doubt that kind of thinking would have entered anyone's mind! The only thing that entered your mind, was "get more experience, do some exams, further yourself, and then you'll be on better money".

And that's how it should be for everyone, doesn't matter if you are a bricklayer, a scaffolder, a plumber or an office junior, if you want more money, or a better job, stop blaming immigrants and everyone else, and take a look at your own lazy arse in the bloody mirror and start furthering yourself, anyone can get qualifications in the evenings, or even start your own business, there are so many opportunities in this country there really is very little excuse. I'd like a PM to stand up and tell the public,"if you want a better life, get off your arse and make a better life, and stop blaming Nikolai the builder or Carlos the roadsweeper because you're not where you want to be! Losers do that, and that ain't you!"
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Yeah, I was just thinking to myself the other week, not long after I left university I got a job at an investment bank. But I was on really shite money to start with, I mean really bad (£13,750/yr working in central London as a junior analyst circa 2003... you try living in London on that!). Anyway, I was working with loads of people from overseas, Americans, Canadians, Scandinavians, French, Germans, Australians, South Africans, Chinese, you name it, probably around 50% of the company were from overseas. But never once did it even enter my mind that I was a getting terrible pay because of all the immigrants. I highly doubt that kind of thinking would have entered anyone's mind! The only thing that entered your mind, was "get more experience, do some exams, further yourself, and then you'll be on better money".

And that's how it should be for everyone, doesn't matter if you are a bricklayer, a scaffolder, a plumber or an office junior, if you want more money, or a better job, stop blaming immigrants and everyone else, and take a look at your own lazy arse in the bloody mirror and start furthering yourself, anyone can get qualifications in the evenings, or even start your own business, there are so many opportunities in this country there really is very little excuse. I'd like a PM to stand up and tell the public,"if you want a better life, get off your arse and make a better life, and stop blaming Nikolai the builder or Carlos the roadsweeper because you're not where you want to be! Losers do that, and that ain't you!"
There isn't a millimetre of difference between UKIP, Tories and Labour on anything substantive on the issue of Europe.

1) Against staying in customs union
2) Against single market
3) Blame immigrants for everything
4) Think Brexit must happen regardless of consequence.

....Tory and UKIP policy is eerily similar too.
What's to laugh about in that post? He's correct. Also, analysts at investment banks work more than 12-14 hours a day. It's a tough job.
He's not. The way to combat anti immigration views is not with shite some thatcherite ''pull yourself up by your boot straps'' nonsense. I'm sure he means well, though.
There isn't a millimetre of difference between UKIP, Tories and Labour on anything substantive on the issue of Europe.

1) Against staying in customs union
2) Against single market
3) Blame immigrants for everything
4) Think Brexit must happen regardless of consequence.

....Tory and UKIP policy is eerily similar too.

Not true if you listened to thornberry today. She was almost gagging to scream Norway option. The caf doesn’t like to admit it but it’s a genuine none rule taking option, starting immediately.

It’s a shame all the clowns starting shouting like it was a pantomime as per usual and drowned her out
You mean the 'Norway option' of freedom of movement and part of the Schengen agreement?

Or is there another Norway I'm missing?
Not true if you listened to thornberry today. She was almost gagging to scream Norway option. The caf doesn’t like to admit it but it’s a genuine none rule taking option, starting immediately.

It’s a shame all the clowns starting shouting like it was a pantomime as per usual and drowned her out
Thornberry and Corbyn are saying different things.
The Telegraph have signed Boris. Still, the fee will be covered by shirt sales.