Westminster Politics

Can you go into more detail on this bit ?

The EU hasn't stopped the tories from pushing more austerity, what has stop them pushing more is the public now negative view of it.
I think hard brexit gives those cnuts perfect cover.
Can you go into more detail on this bit ?

The EU hasn't stopped the tories from pushing more austerity, what has stop them pushing more is the public now negative view of it.

Davis, Boris, Rees-Mogg and co will view it as an opportunity to turn the UK into a tax haven with the argument being we need to significantly reduce taxes in order to keep businesses here who otherwise might consider leaving. Obviously they're extremes but if the economy starts tanking post-Brexit and jobs are scarce then any politician arguing we should increase taxes on them is going to have a hard time succeeding. Even if the Tories originally caused a lot of the problems in the first place.
Davis, Boris, Rees-Mogg and co will view it as an opportunity to turn the UK into a tax haven with the argument being we need to significantly reduce taxes in order to keep businesses here who otherwise might consider leaving. Obviously they're extremes but if the economy starts tanking post-Brexit and jobs are scarce then any politician arguing we should increase taxes on them is going to have a hard time succeeding. Even if the Tories originally caused a lot of the problems in the first place.
Yeah I get what they will try but people talk about their ''plan'' as if it's a easy political message to get across, when 40% of voters just voted last year for a potential big state left wing government.

I'm not saying it can't happened but it's in no way a go to thing and certainly not a simple choice of second referendum/remaining or austerity.
I agree that lots of people think that way in regards to the economy but didn't the Tories try this argument in the last election ? One of the reasons why the Tories ended up just talking about Brexit was because it was the only thing in their campaign that hadn't been completely dismissed by the public.

I don’t think the public rejected their overall policies, I think May’s abysmal performance and the antics of various ministers tanked them. Along with craziness like the old people’s homes thing, which sounded at the time like manifesto suicide. Yet despite it all, they still won.
All kicking off at PMQs, SNP staging a walkout after Bercow threw out Ian Blackford for refusing to sit down.

All kicking off at PMQs, SNP staging a walkout after Bercow threw out Ian Blackford for refusing to sit down.

Labour, notably, fecked off and were absent for that particular vote apparently. Not giving a feck about Scotland as per.
Westminster is such a cancer. Unfortunately don't see 45% shifting very much.
The people of Chrishchurch should hang their heads in shame for sending this cnut to parliament.
Strikes me as very tenuous, could hypothetically argue it wasn't debated intensely because it's a fairly obvious law to implement.

Yeah possibly, but I think it's just the principle of not debating any piece of legislation the MP doesn't like.
Even the scratch cards are bent.
Morally bankrupt.

It's a shit show. It's just a bunch of rich wankers making their friends richer and fecking the idiotic poor who keep voting for them.

I don't blame other rich people voting in Tory given they know it's in their own interests. What gets me is when the middle and lower classes vote for them. It's like knee capping yourself.
The chancellor is to admit for the first time that taxes will have to rise to cover the costs of increased spending on the NHS.


No surprise that the “Brexit Dividend” was utter bullshit, and this goes against a Tory manifesto pledge from last year. It’ll be interesting to see what the threshold will be, no holding my breath though.


In fairness even she must be bored of the endless repetition of the same phrases. We only have to listen to them whenever we decide to listen to her, she's been having to repeat them every 5 minutes for the last 20 months.
What, in the name of Domestos, was that?!?