Westminster Politics

Imagine supporting a party with Give as popular choice? Brexit has broken this country.
Hammond doing so poorly is interesting. Seems to be seen as one of the few sensible heads by the general public but within the party he's got feck all hope of being the next leader.
The Alternative Popularity League.

It must be hard for Labour to do anything against a government so utterly united and together on the issue of Brexit on which there exists a single, credible and widely lauded negotiation strategy, whilst also making such a success of public services, and receiving unanimous priase for its treatment of the Windrush generation. Have to feel sorry for Corbyn, if only the government would put a foot wrong then he could capitalise.
It must be hard for Labour to do anything against a government so utterly united and together on the issue of Brexit on which there exists a single, credible and widely lauded negotiation strategy, whilst also making such a success of public services, and receiving unanimous priase for its treatment of the Windrush generation. Have to feel sorry for Corbyn, if only the government would put a foot wrong then he could capitalise.
And the Liberals are shite as well. It's hard to believe really, there's a serious discussion going on about whether May is the worst PM in living memory, which she probably is, and she's still ahead.

People would have blamed the press at one time, but that has nowhere near the influence it had, and is pretty much against her anyway. Times are changing I suppose, just nobody knows quite how.
And the Liberals are shite as well. It's hard to believe really, there's a serious discussion going on about whether May is the worst PM in living memory, which she probably is, and she's still ahead.

People would have blamed the press at one time, but that has nowhere near the influence it had, and is pretty much against her anyway. Times are changing I suppose, just nobody knows quite how.

I'd give Cameron the nod for 'worst', at least post-war, but May comes close. It's what happens when the main opposition resort to merely talking amongst themselves. The Labour party is effectively a hermit, locking itself up in a tower with everyone sat around listening to Owen Jones speeches that are interspersed with musical interludes from Billy Bragg. Anyone who knocks on the door, curious as to why it isn't engaging with the wider world is attacked.

From the very announcement of his candidacy for leadership, Corbynism was never about achieving a Labour government, it was about proving a point within the Labour party and 'winning back' the Labour movement. It's why Corbyn and followers are, to borrow a phrase from Mandelson, intensely relaxed about opposition. It's why the priority is never to take on the Tories on Brexit, but it is attacking comedians like Frankie Boyle and Tracy Ullman who satirise Dear Leader. Oh and David Baddiel. Not that he has but he's Jewish so, you know.
I'd give Cameron the nod for 'worst', at least post-war, but May comes close. It's what happens when the main opposition resort to merely talking amongst themselves. The Labour party is effectively a hermit, locking itself up in a tower with everyone sat around listening to Owen Jones speeches that are interspersed with musical interludes from Billy Bragg. Anyone who knows on the door, curious as to why it isn't engaging with the wider world is attacked.
This is going too far, don't you dare criticise Billy Bragg. Cameron does seem to get off strangely blame-free for the referendum and his cowardly disappearance thereafter though, I agree.
I'd give Cameron the nod for 'worst', at least post-war, but May comes close. It's what happens when the main opposition resort to merely talking amongst themselves. The Labour party is effectively a hermit, locking itself up in a tower with everyone sat around listening to Owen Jones speeches that are interspersed with musical interludes from Billy Bragg. Anyone who knocks on the door, curious as to why it isn't engaging with the wider world is attacked.

From the very announcement of his candidacy for leadership, Corbynism was never about achieving a Labour government, it was about proving a point within the Labour party and 'winning back' the Labour movement. It's why Corbyn and followers are, to borrow a phrase from Mandelson, intensely relaxed about opposition. It's why the priority is never to take on the Tories on Brexit, but it is attacking comedians like Frankie Boyle and Tracy Ullman who satirise Dear Leader. Oh and David Baddiel. Not that he has but he's Jewish so, you know.

Hey, look man, we shouldn’t be crtiticisng Labour or anything about Corbyn when there’s so much to criticise the Tories for. It’s counter productive and basically propagandist.

However, we should definitely be aggressively alienating and virtue shaming as many non hardline or semi-centrist lefties as humanly possible. Because that’s apparently super helpful.

Also stop talking about the Jews, you fecking Jew.
Hey, look man, we shouldn’t be crtiticisng Labour or anything about Corbyn when there’s so much to criticise the Tories for. It’s counter productive and basically propagandist.

However, we should definitely be aggressively alienating and virtue shaming as many non hardline or semi-centrist lefties as humanly possible. Because that’s apparently super helpful.

Also stop talking about the Jews, you fecking Jew.


Fair point.

It must be hard for Labour to do anything against a government so utterly united and together on the issue of Brexit on which there exists a single, credible and widely lauded negotiation strategy, whilst also making such a success of public services, and receiving unanimous priase for its treatment of the Windrush generation. Have to feel sorry for Corbyn, if only the government would put a foot wrong then he could capitalise.

The polls have been clear for a while. No one is coming out of the brexit shambles well.
However, we should definitely be aggressively alienating and virtue shaming as many non hardline or semi-centrist lefties as humanly possible. Because that’s apparently super helpful.
Well, what's good for the 'entryist Trots'...

Lush ends it's spygate campaign after staff are intimidated by the police.
Cheered on by people still scratching their heads about how they managed to cover up scandals for decades, no doubt.
Obviously a direct link there. No point talking about Labour doing badly in the polls as those who are annoyed by that fact likely support police intimidation of a shop that sells a soap. It's probably the Blairites that allowed Pat Phelan to get away with it for so long too.
Obviously a direct link there. No point talking about Labour doing badly in the polls as those who are annoyed by that fact likely support police intimidation of a shop that sells a soap.
Couldn't give a flying feck what the polls say, personally. There isn't an election coming up and we've already seen the clearly unrelated shifting of Labour's polling when the media is forced by law to give both sides an equal hearing. On the other hand I'm amazed you're putting so much weight in them when seemingly the Tories going up but Lib Dems going down suggests there isn't much call for a reversal on Brexit, which is the only other thing you go on about.
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Fair play she should be thrown in jail in my opinion. How dare this pleb think she deserves any kind of engagement
Tories are great.
"I will work hard to ensure her lack of loyalty to her party..."
"I sent the email to the local party because I wanted them to know that I was someone who had come back to the Conservatives under Theresa May..."
The article states, clearly, that the woman wanted to ensure that the MP's 'treachery' was well known. The snippet of the email in the article doesn't mention this word at all. Suspect we're not being presented with the full contents of the email.
Corbyn's media strategy the weekend that saw the American president kick the rest of the G7 in the balls, government chaos over Brexit and Russian links to a pro-Leave campaign being exposed seems to be to announce waiters will be allowed to keep their own tips. At what point do we start seeing those who refuse to see the legitimacy in any criticism of him as not being entirely genuine?

If Davis and other Brexiteers resign from the government this time next week I fully expect Labour's response to be an announcement condemning the wasting of imperfect fruit and vegetables by the major supermarkets, or a free Argos-sized pen for everyone under the age of 23
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So, Corbyn gives a speech about workers rights, from ending sexual harassment and abuse to fair wages, to tips being protected so managers don't nick em and this is apparently a problem? Do you know what the word labour means?
Much as I've not really been pleased with it I'd agree that his strategy on Brexit of essentially doing nothing at all until now has largely been working, in that he's not been alienating any sector of his party, but I do wonder if it's starting to backfire a little bit now. There's clearly significant cause for concern as to the direction we'll head as a country if we opt for a hard Brexit, and for as much as I agree with a lot of Corbyn's stances on key issues related to health/tax etc, it's a bit silly to pretend they're not going to be heavily impacted - directly or otherwise - by whatever happens with Brexit.

I'm wary to read too much into current polling, because as a politician Corbyn tends to excel during actual campaigns when he's got something direct and tangible to work towards, and Oscie's habit of criticising him every time he opens his mouth is tiresome as feck, but polling does show a small and steady shift back to the Tories from last year when Corbyn's Labour were consistently polling ahead of them. Quite how Labour can approach this I'm not entirely sure - and putting in some Blair clone who pretends Brexit isn't a thing isn't going to help - but at the same time we should really be expecting a left-wing, liberal leader to hold the government to account over something that's being implemented to appease hardline conservatives and the like, and something that'll threaten peace in Northern Ireland. Especially if Corbyn is a conviction politician as he claims to be and not someone just trying to obtain power for the sake of obtaining power.
Yeah... campaigning is his bread and butter, so I'm not to worried about polls.
However, you've got your head in the clouds if you think the Tories won't strife for much harsher austerity with hard brexit. I dread to see how far they will take it.
Yeah... campaigning is his bread and butter, so I'm not to worried about polls.
However, you've got your head in the clouds if you think the Tories won't strife for much harsher austerity with hard brexit. I dread to see how far they will take it.
Can you go into more detail on this bit ?

The EU hasn't stopped the tories from pushing more austerity, what has stop them pushing more is the public now negative view of it.
Can you go into more detail on this bit ?

The EU hasn't stopped the tories from pushing more austerity, what has stop them pushing more is the public now negative view of it.

It gives them the perfect excuse. If the economy tanks after Brexit they can claim they have no choice but to increase austerity, and divert blame by saying it was the public’s decision to leave. Enough people think about the national economy like they do their household budget, so the government will almost certainly get away with it.
It gives them the perfect excuse. If the economy tanks after Brexit they can claim they have no choice but to increase austerity, and divert blame by saying it was the public’s decision to leave. Enough people think about the national economy like they do their household budget, so the government will almost certainly get away with it.
I agree that lots of people think that way in regards to the economy but didn't the Tories try this argument in the last election ? One of the reasons why the Tories ended up just talking about Brexit was because it was the only thing in their campaign that hadn't been completely dismissed by the public.
"Brexit must happen"
- We completely agree

That's pretty much been the level of mainstream political debate on Brexit over the last 2 years. It isn't really a wonder why so many people have been convinced that having our cake and eating it is a viable plan. Especially when combined with attacks on anyone who disagrees as either 'traitors', 'enemies of the people', or worse e.g: 'Blairites' in an exercise that has seen the Corbyn left join hands with the Tory right in ensuring nobody opposes Tory Brexit without reprisals and threats.