Paul the Wolf
Former Score Predictions Comp Organiser (now out)
a- Those who didn't have it weren't studying hard enough
b- Breathing and living is different. At age 70 (and that will the pensionable age for the likes of myself) you can barely enjoy life anymore. The younger generation will be lucky to have a pension at all
c- most low unemployment is down to zero hour contracts which are a notch above slavery work. Also wait until the last big thank you gift from the baby boomers kicks in (Brexit).
Its true that kids today can have their priorities wrong. There again who can blame them? Its one horrible life they live in were everything is going up to the roof, doors are closing down on them and the chance of true independence is getting worse as worse.
Since you're the generation who hate entitlement then maybe its time for the government to bring austerity to pensioners through savage cuts on the pensions and elderly care. Surely that won't hurt the 'tough as nails' generation (actually the generation before built the nation and won the war but hey, that's a detail right?)
a) There didn't exist the possibility for most to continue studying, most people left school at 16, some went to a polytechnic/college till they were 18. Most had to start earning a living as soon as possible, most people's parents couldn't afford for their children to continue their education even if it was available.
b) Agree but not only does the life expectancy increase but the health of those people have also increased. A man of 60 years old was an old man fifty years ago and in poorer health than a 60 year old man now, it's all relative. Even I had sort of given up ever having a state pension so got a private pension in the 80s and also opted out serps, it's not something new.
c) Employment - but what was it like back then, I changed jobs all the time when I was younger just to earn and extra £1 a week. You know what I think of Brexit but the people who are being blamed for this is the same generation that were longing for the EU/EEC/CM in the 60s and were fighting the establishment they themselves hated at that time, as they get older their priorities change.
The first time I voted, I voted Labour (the only time) because I was fed up with studying by A-levels by candlelight , having petrol rationing and all the rest of the crap we had to put up with in the early 70s.
I've never had anything from the government other than a tiny child allowance for my kids, no family credit no social security no unemployment benefit but at the same time paid a fortune in income tax over the years, am I complaining about that.
Whatever I have achieved in life is down to me, and what good or bad things have happened is down to me, not previous generations or different governments or anyone
The difference I see today between the generations from back then and now is always trying to find someone to blame but doing nothing about it.
This also leads me to your last point, if people want to have good pensions and good social care, good infrastructure etc, it has to be paid for and the only way it can really be paid for is for the general public to pay for it through their taxes but no-one wants to, so whether the Tories or Labour are in government no-one wants to pay more taxes. You may get people saying I might consider paying a penny in the pound more tax, it's not a penny that's needed , it's much more than that, but no political party will get voted in with that in their manifesto.