Westminster Politics

I love that Corbyn video. I am in no way a communist but these rags have really been having a laugh for a while now. The scary thing is that they can portray this video as a Trump-like attack on free speech while it is somewhat of the opposite - it is the establishment of crooks and shady newspaper owners running scared.
The Mail's inevitable take:

Jeremy Corbyn’s response to spy row: No answers and a chilling threat to Britain’s free Press
All of the current leading bunch of politicians are so unimpressive. Even setting aside the awful leaders; Davis, Johnson, Thornberry, Gardiner. All absolutely fecking terrible. I don't think it's in a 'things used to be better' misguided nostalgia either. There's nobody there with gravitas or anyone who's a serious person. Where are the front bench version of Ken Clarke or Robin Cook or Gordon Brown. I know we're supposed to dislike our politicians but I just feel sad, mainly. It's the Grease 2 of politics right now
Lads, could anyone explain something to me? In the 1997 general election, Labour are said to have gotten a majority of 179, the highest they have ever had. How is it 179?

The Commons had 659 seats back then. So 330 was needed for a majority. Labour won 418 seats, 88 more than 330 which was needed for a simple majority. How is it a majority of 179 then? Cheers.
Lads, could anyone explain something to me? In the 1997 general election, Labour are said to have gotten a majority of 179, the highest they have ever had. How is it 179?

The Commons had 659 seats back then. So 330 was needed for a majority. Labour won 418 seats, 88 more than 330 which was needed for a simple majority. How is it a majority of 179 then? Cheers.
the majority is how many more votes you have than the opposition, not n-1/2

if it was 331 votes against 228 votes (taking republicans out of the equation for ease) it's a majority of 3 not 1
There were 240 non Labour seats then, excluding the Speaker.
republicans who refuse their seats, speaker + deputies and anyone who doesn't vote for whatever reason (there's usually a counter from the government and one from the opposition) get removed, idk, it just worked out as + 179 votes overall, i'm too lazy to work it out
Lads, could anyone explain something to me? In the 1997 general election, Labour are said to have gotten a majority of 179, the highest they have ever had. How is it 179?

The Commons had 659 seats back then. So 330 was needed for a majority. Labour won 418 seats, 88 more than 330 which was needed for a simple majority. How is it a majority of 179 then? Cheers.
Double 88, add a few more for the non-voting Speaker and Sinn Fein.
Stormzy called our Theresa May regarding the slow response to Grenfell at the Brits last night.

Immiediately no.10 responds

Lads, could anyone explain something to me? In the 1997 general election, Labour are said to have gotten a majority of 179, the highest they have ever had. How is it 179?

The Commons had 659 seats back then. So 330 was needed for a majority. Labour won 418 seats, 88 more than 330 which was needed for a simple majority. How is it a majority of 179 then? Cheers.

The 179 refers to an overall majority.

Labour - 418

Conservatives - 165
Lib Dems - 48
SNP - 6
Plaid Cymru - 4
NI Parties - 18

418-239 = 179 majority. So even if all the other parties tried to vote against Labour they'd still be 179 votes short.

The 2 other seats that year were the Speaker (who cannot vote) and an independent.

The Tory answer to Momentum there, attempting to court the youth vote by insulting Stormzy, misunderstanding socialism, and implying that rich people caring about those worse off than them is worthy of ridicule.

The Tory answer to Momentum there, attempting to court the youth vote by insulting Stormzy, misunderstanding socialism, and implying that rich people caring about those worse off than them is worthy of ridicule.

That account is one of the sorriest things I've seen. A pinned "join now" tweet with 8 retweets. An pro-Brexit article with a picture of IDS. Invites to this event

ridiculous its that close, people suck
Just seems this country has loyal and fixed electorate as far as conservatives go as well as good chunk of people/racits switching off from vanishing UKIP doesn’t help either. Even Torries pissing (literally) on the heads of those people wouldn’t change a thing as they would take it as a warm rain instead.
Since politicians should go in politics for the greater good and not for the interests of the few then why the tory party exist in the first place?
ridiculous its that close, people suck

You have to remember, that the same poll from yougov put the tories 8 points ahead, and predicted a 100+ seat majority, on the eve of the election last year.

Internal polling for both tories and labour probably tells a very different story. We wouldn;t be seeing rubbish like the spy thing (and all the tories jumping in on it) otherwise. Nor would we see labour so confident in its rebuttal.
The belief in a smaller state and more individual autonomy / accountability?

Seriously? Most had been sheltered in their lovely rich people/entitled world for all their lives, first at schools that barely anyone can afford, then in jobs for the boys and finally in politics which is the most sheltered jobs ever. You only have to listen to O'Brien to learn how protected bojo was in journalism and how protected he is now. I am sure that the mogg is pretty much the same. No wonder why they act and talk like 12 year olds and why they get owned by people with some knowledge of the streets. You should watch how the latter got ridiculed by ali g. Its hilarious

Most of those who vote the Tories are either from Bojo/Mogg similar backgrounds, or elderly people (I've never a country were the elderly people are so obsessed in not providing the opportunities they enjoyed to the younger generation then the UK) or people who are under the illusion that they might end up rich one day.
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I'm not a Tory lover but if you really struggle with why people have differing political views maybe a discussion on politics isn't for you?

The base point for any discussion shouldn't be 'if these people really weren't evil they'd agree with me on everything'. Accepting other people see the world differently and debating those difference is what politics is about. Not being utterly befuddled by the idea that people could possibly see the world differently in the first place. It's interesting that the politicians themselves often seem perfectly relaxed with that, amicable and even friendly with each other. It's the supporters that seem to really struggle with the idea someone could disagree with you and possibly not be evil.
I'm not a Tory lover but if you really struggle with why people have differing political views maybe a discussion on
politics isn't for you?

The base point for any discussion shouldn't be 'if these people really weren't evil they'd agree with me on everything'. Accepting other people see the world differently and debating those difference is what politics is about. Not being utterly befuddled by the idea that people could possibly see the world differently in the first place. It's interesting that the politicians themselves often seem perfectly relaxed with that, amicable and even friendly with each other. It's the supporters that seem to really struggle with the idea someone could disagree with you and possibly not be evil.

Oh i voted and militated in various parties both in the left and in the right. Its just the tory party that i dont get. I dont see them as evil either. They care for their own. What i dont understand is how they are able to be so popular considering their clear lack of interest towards the poor/low/mid middle class

Anyway my initial post was in reaction to what some tory prick wrote about stormzy
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The prat tweeted his apology at 10:30pm and then immediately went on a retweeting spree to push it down his timeline. :lol:
God what a sad little man. Anyway in case people found it hard to read the first time, Diane Abbott is here to help

Seriously? Most had been sheltered in their lovely rich people/entitled world for all their lives, first at schools that barely anyone can afford, then in jobs for the boys and finally in politics which is the most sheltered jobs ever. You only have to listen to O'Brien to learn how protected bojo was in journalism and how protected he is now. I am sure that the mogg is pretty much the same. No wonder why they act and talk like 12 year olds and why they get owned by people with some knowledge of the streets. You should watch how the latter got ridiculed by ali g. Its hilarious

Most of those who vote the Tories are either from Bojo/Mogg similar backgrounds, or elderly people (I've never a country were the elderly people are so obsessed in not providing the opportunities they enjoyed to the younger generation then the UK) or people who are under the illusion that they might end up rich one day.

So what opportunities are the older generation trying to deny you ?
So what opportunities are the older generation trying to deny you ?

Not to me really as I paid for my education and Im soon leaving. I'm referring to free tertiary education, more stable jobs and cheap housing.
So what opportunities are the older generation trying to deny you ?
. Any sort of housing

. A working healthcare system(especially when it comes to mental heath)

. A transport system that doesn't break down and cost a fortune to use.

. A working social care system for my disabled brother

And I'm one of the lucky one's as I live in a well off tory area.
Not to me really as I paid for my education and Im soon leaving. I'm referring to free tertiary education, more stable jobs and cheap housing.

So what makes you think that we oldies had it better at your age ? Even if my parents could have afforded it, I'd have never have gotten a university place for the simple fact that it was only the elite classes that were privileged enough to be able to send their children to such places. Despite being quite bright when I left school at 15, my early adult years consisted of a lot of low-paying, dead-end jobs, & quite a few periods of unemployment. It was only through hard work & endeavour did I eventually forge a career in media sales & marketing, followed by a position in finance. I've lived through various different governments, & tbh they've all been pretty much the same insofar that the governments themselves haven't really helped me achieve what I have, that's been down to my own individual efforts & commitment. I'd say that the older generation is probably more critical of the attitude of the younger people as opposed to wanting to see them not reach the high standard of living that a lot of us enjoy. Life is tough if you're not a multi-millionaire, as I expect most of us aren't. But it doesn't stop you from making a good life for yourself without blaming the rich, the establishment, & previous generations.