Westminster Politics


"Welcome to England, Mr Trump."
Imagine having Boris as Pm and Mogg as Chancellor and telling the Scots no to vote for independence?
Imagine having Boris as Pm and Mogg as Chancellor and telling the Scots no to vote for independence?
I think they both wouldn't mind kicking the jocks out... Plus would do wonders for the odds of a a Conservative victory if there are no Scottish mps
Open the vote up to the whole of the UK and virtually guaranteed Scottish independence
Boris as PM would still do better than the current potus. Unreal that we live in a time that we can say that.
“Strong and stable” yet about to be outdone by Beaker and Dr Bunsen from the Muppets :lol:
That this shite is even a possibility shows have we've gone down the gutter.
An assortment of their initials almost spells 'BuGgeR Me'...which was my first reaction to this story, along with vomiting.
Labour pledges posthumous pardons for suffragettes
Jeremy Corbyn says ‘enormous contribution and sacrifice’ of campaigners must be honoured

Meanwhile, the women’s rights campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez, who led the lobbying of the Bank of England to ensure a women was on UK banknotes and campaigned for a suffragette statue in Parliament Square, tweeted: “The suffragettes were not unwitting victims. They deliberately broke the law to make a point. ‘No taxation without representation,’ for example.

“They were refusing to pay taxes while their voices could not be heard. That was a deliberate point and a deliberate choice. Pardoning them now whitewashes their radicalism – and that is wrong.”
Yeah, nice try.

The Appeaser had a chance to rule out NHS contracts being used as bargaining chips in trade negotiations with the US post-Brexit. You'll never guess her response.

But remember, people believing that is her intention are all conspiracy theorists.
Some might remember me railing against police cuts in my local area over the last couple of years, this is why:


Levels have actually fallen in two areas though, bicycle crime: well I can tell them this is now so common no one bothers to report it any more; and drugs: same, they've become accepted, no one cares.

Tory Britain.

I tend to refer to full fact with this kind of thing:


And then ignore everything else as they do a pretty good job of telling you whats utter bullshit and whats not.
I tend to refer to full fact with this kind of thing:


And then ignore everything else as they do a pretty good job of telling you whats utter bullshit and whats not.

Thanks for the obviously independent fullfact.org article, you seem to have missed a few things in it for some reason, such as:

And Professor Marian Fitzgerald of the University of Kent told the BBC recently that "any rises that we are seeing now are genuine. Improvements [to police recording practices] stabilised a long time ago".


The Crime Survey is best for long-term trends. It’s “less reliable for providing an indication of emerging trends” because of the time lag between when people are surveyed and the publication of the results. So if the police numbers are telling us about a genuine rise in criminality, that may not feed through to the Crime Survey for a little while.

Thanks for posting it though.

The truth is if you've lived in one area for years you don't need statistics, you know. Although as it happens I do get exact crime figures from the local police and crime committee, delivered through the letterbox every single month, with details of the serious ones and follow-ups, and explanations of the trends. I've been reading them since the introduction of local PCs and PCSOs, and then afterwards, when Cameron took them away again, and I've seen the difference.

As an aside, it really should be possible to discuss these things without the 'utter bullshit' stuff, don't you think?
When I saw the thread title I thought for a second that this coup actually happened before I read the last page that it's just a rumour.
Tbf May is in such a weak position that a coup could happen any moment but such a combination sounds (even for the Tories) too Hollywood for me. I mean Trump's USA and a Britain led by the triumvirate of Boris, Gove and Reese sounds like a modern Mordor and Isengard.
Slave owners would have been ruined otherwise. The UK government has a big heart after all.
Tories seem to be edging ahead in some of the recent polls.

Wrong of me, or anyone, to notice this and remark that it's strange that at a time of cabinet turmoil, government splits and an utterly shambolic Brexit that the opposition are still struggling to forge a commanding a lead in a mid-term poll as that would make me Blairite scum.

Instead let's pop over to the Corbyn thread and read a pro-Jezza Tweet posted by Dobba!

Is depressing just how bad Corbyn and Labour are at even being a voice in the whole Brexit mess. Maybe it's mainstream media bias and Jeremy is as unfairly maligned as Trump is, or maybe he's just shit at the job? Who knows. Seems almost ridiculous now. But again, only Blairite scum - sorry BLIARite scum - would even dare to mention such a thing.

It's now the 8th year of a Tory/Tory-led government being in power. Putting aside the whole 'losing but not as bad as we thought we'd lose so that somehow counts as winning' thing - that's piss poor, isn't it? Is it safe to acknowledge that yet or is doing so still traitorous and a sign I want Iraqi babies to die?
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Tories seem to be edging ahead in some of the recent polls.

Wrong of me, or anyone, to notice this and remark that it's strange that at a time of cabinet turmoil, government splits and an utterly shambolic Brexit that the opposition are still struggling to forge a commanding a lead in a mid-term poll as that would make me Blairite scum.

Instead let's pop over to the Corbyn thread and read a pro-Jezza Tweet posted by Dobba!

Is depressing just how bad Corbyn and Labour are at even being a voice in the whole Brexit mess. Maybe it's mainstream media bias and Jeremy is as unfairly maligned as Trump is, or maybe he's just shit at the job? Who knows. Seems almost ridiculous now. But again, only Blairite scum - sorry BLIARite scum - would even dare to mention such a thing.

It's now the 8th year of a Tory/Tory-led government being in power. Putting aside the whole 'losing but not as bad as we thought we'd lose so that somehow counts as winning' thing - that's piss poor, isn't it? Is it safe to acknowledge that yet or is doing so still traitorous and a sign I want Iraqi babies to die?
Oh it's being a lot longer than that, the tory governments of the late 90's and earlier 2000's were awful and clearly a sign of things to come.
Oh it's being a lot longer than that, the tory governments of the late 90's and earlier 2000's were awful and clearly a sign of things to come.

See this is the problem. Mention how poor the Labour opposition is doing and the response is to yell "DARKSIDED!" at Labour politicians who aren't acolytes of St Jez.

"Why are Labour doing so poorly against a shambolic govt?"

Oh, that makes sense then. Silly me. It feels like the Labour party is full of that weird uncle who thinks the government was after him in the 60s. Try to have a conversation about where the party should go and we get nothing but citations of how the most important thing is how things in the past weren't entirely to his satisfaction.

Genuinely get the impression people don't really care how much damage the Tories are allowed to do to the country because that's secondly to making sure everyone hows how really dissatisfied they've been with the direction of the party for the last 20 years. Sure, we could talk about Brexit or we could focus on the important things and look at why Kinnock's reforms in the 1980s were egregious. We could talk about NHS closures but what does that have to do with discussing for the eleventy-billionth time how wrong the Iraq war was?

Honestly wouldn't be surprised if there's a snap election and the Labour party manifesto isn't just a 10 page guide of things we dislike about Tony Blair we'd like to get off our chest.
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Oh it's being a lot longer than that, the tory governments of the late 90's and earlier 2000's were awful and clearly a sign of things to come.

Who are you trying to win over here to vote Labour? former Labour voters, one-nation Tories, Liberals? Momentum has to reach out beyond it's core vote somehow or it's just a protest group.
See this is the problem. Mention how poor the Labour opposition is doing and the response is to yell "DARKSIDED!" at Labour politicians who aren't acolytes of St Jez.

"Why are Labour doing so poorly against a shambolic govt?"

Oh, that makes sense then. Silly me. It feels like the Labour party is full of that weird uncle who thinks the government was after him in the 60s. Try to have a conversation about where the party should go and we get nothing but citations of how the most important thing is how things in the past weren't entirely to his satisfaction.

Genuinely get the impression people don't really care how much damage the Tories are allowed to do to the country because that's secondly to making sure everyone hows how really dissatisfied they've been with the direction of the party for the last 20 years.

Who are you trying to win over here to vote Labour? former Labour voters, one-nation Tories, Liberals? Momentum has to reach out beyond it's core vote somehow or it's just a protest group.

I was joking(Sort of, I mean New Labour were fecking awful).

But anyway Stephen Bush as always is worth listening to

I was joking(Sort of, I mean New Labour were fecking awful).

But anyway Stephen Bush as always is worth listening to

So Mr Bush thinks it's positive that Corbyn intends to offer no leadership whatsoever on Brexit, just sit back, hope for a May failure, and reap the electoral benefits.

Well he could be right, it might work. But I'm not inspired, and as Lennon said, am I the only one?
So Mr Bush thinks it's positive that Corbyn intends to offer no leadership whatsoever on Brexit, just sit back, hope for a May failure, and reap the electoral benefits.

Well he could be right, it might work. But I'm not inspired, and as Lennon said, am I the only one?

I talked about this in the Brexit thread but if there's anyone that can offer a great strategy that doesn't destroy Labour quite weak coalition of young and older voters then I'm all ears. But this gets to a bigger point, for all the grumbling by boring liberals about how Labour Party isn't doing enough, until they come up with answers to solve the problems this country faces(Problems caused by the failure of liberalism)then any critique they offer is hardly worth listening to.
I talked about this in the Brexit thread but if there's anyone that can offer a great strategy that doesn't destroy Labour quite weak coalition of young and older voters then I'm all ears. But this gets to a bigger point, for all the grumbling by boring liberals about how Labour Party isn't doing enough, until they come up with answers to solve the problems this country faces(Problems caused by the failure of liberalism)then any critique they offer is hardly worth listening to.

Well it could work. Don't be a boring liberal, vote for our weak coalition instead.
See this is the problem. Mention how poor the Labour opposition is doing and the response is to yell "DARKSIDED!" at Labour politicians who aren't acolytes of St Jez.

"Why are Labour doing so poorly against a shambolic govt?"

Oh, that makes sense then. Silly me. It feels like the Labour party is full of that weird uncle who thinks the government was after him in the 60s. Try to have a conversation about where the party should go and we get nothing but citations of how the most important thing is how things in the past weren't entirely to his satisfaction.

Genuinely get the impression people don't really care how much damage the Tories are allowed to do to the country because that's secondly to making sure everyone hows how really dissatisfied they've been with the direction of the party for the last 20 years. Sure, we could talk about Brexit or we could focus on the important things and look at why Kinnock's reforms in the 1980s were egregious. We could talk about NHS closures but what does that have to do with discussing for the eleventy-billionth time how wrong the Iraq war was?

Honestly wouldn't be surprised if there's a snap election and the Labour party manifesto isn't just a 10 page guide of things we dislike about Tony Blair we'd like to get off our chest.

It's almost as if the Iraq War was a disastrous decision which cost many British servicemen (and many more Iraqis) their lives, all in the name of a conflict which continues today and is nowhere closer to resolution. I'm all for a balanced discussion of this since I'm far from 100% on Corbyn myself, but you can't just dismiss the Iraq War because it doesn't suit your own narrative.
I talked about this in the Brexit thread but if there's anyone that can offer a great strategy that doesn't destroy Labour quite weak coalition of young and older voters then I'm all ears. But this gets to a bigger point, for all the grumbling by boring liberals about how Labour Party isn't doing enough, until they come up with answers to solve the problems this country faces(Problems caused by the failure of liberalism)then any critique they offer is hardly worth listening to.

I'd largely agree with what you're saying insofar as there's not really any viable path for Labour on this one and their current strategy is the least damaging politically, but a pedantic could kind of argue that Corbyn playing what is essentially party politics over the biggest issue the country has faced in decades runs contrary to the notion of him being an honest and decent politician who's in it for the genuine betterment of the country as opposed to himself.

Of course...again, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, because I don't want the Tories to run rampant over a divided opposition like they were threatening to do pre-May and pre-2017 election, but it's also equally frustrating to basically have no substantial policy on Brexit from the leading opposition party.

Saw this, can't say I agree with it at all. Should be emphasises that it's a 'Young Labour' conference right enough and not the main party itself.

Then you really need to think a bit harder:

1. You are saying that no straight white men are disabled.

2. You are saying that straight white trans men are not really men

3. It is a conference to vote on the representatives for said minority groups.

4. “It’s discrimination, no-one over 27 can attend this young labour event”
Sounds like a fun event.
Then you really need to think a bit harder:

1. You are saying that no straight white men are disabled.

2. You are saying that straight white trans men are not really men

3. It is a conference to vote on the representatives for said minority groups.

4. “It’s discrimination, no-one over 27 can attend this young labour event”

What? Are you talking about me here or the event?